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Your New Moon Reading for September 6, 2021

moss agate new moon crystalDear Friends, 

Sometimes the world feels black and white. This September's New Moon reminds us that life is full of color. There's opportunity everywhere you look as long as you keep your eyes and your mind open.

Are you the type of person who enjoys life's little gifts, or do you better appreciate the big picture? Embrace your personality while respecting the differences in others. We are all unique and that's what makes this world rich with potential.

Find out what you can do over this next 30-day cycle to grow as a soul and be a kinder person to those around you. The rewards will pay off big.

Do you want to know more? I invite you to play the Crystal Divination game and let your intuition lead the way.

-Lisa Satin

New Moon Crystals for September 6, 2021


Mentally pick one of these three stones that call your attention:

colorful titanium aura quartz cluster circle
Aura Quartz
golden yellow quartz sphere
Golden Healer Quartz
phantom quartz sphere
Phantom Quartz

Got your #1 pick in mind?

Once you've picked your stone, scroll down to find your personal New Moon reading for today. 

sheila of satin crystals pointing down

New Moon Crystal Reading

Your intuition leads you to the stone that works in your favor this month. Read about your New Moon crystal pick below...

Aura Quartz

colorful titanium aura quartz cluster circle

These days, you've been so stuck in your own bubble that you forgot to appreciate the diversity of this big wide world. You are attracted to Aura Quartz for the September New Moon cycle because you are ready to expand your inner world.

For the next 30 days, beware of other people's opinions. It's easy to think and talk about what you're comfortable with. It's difficult to try to understand a different viewpoint. However, difficult doesn't mean impossible. As you listen mindfully, you'll notice that you can grow as a person and form better relationships with those around you when you understand their points of view.

Let's face it, with billions of people on the planet, we will never all think alike. What we can do is try to understand each other. Tap into the brilliant power of Aura Quartz to remind you that life is made of many colors, not just your own.

As you open your mind this month, you'll notice a new sense of freedom and power. Power doesn't mean getting your way, it means being able to connect with others in a meaningful way. Suddenly, people will want to be around you and listen to you. You become a shining example of positive energy to those surrounding your aura. 

Use Aura Quartz stones on this New Moon to get your aura glowing with the entire rainbow spectrum. Why pick just one color when you can have it all? 

Golden Healer Quartz

golden yellow quartz sphere

You are attracted to Golden Healer Quartz this 30-day lunar cycle because you crave divine energy. Maybe you feel lethargic each day, maybe you have a health issue to resolve, maybe you feel fine and need to keep that momentum going. Using Golden Healer Quartz crystals this month will amplify your success.

Golden Healer Quartz harnesses the light of the sun and bathes you in its lively rays. The solar life force can break apart the bad vibes that have been making you sluggish. Hold Golden Healer crystals and recite positive affirmations to break yourself out of the rut and embark on a fresh path. 

This September New Moon cycle is about reaching out to others. Don't just focus on healing yourself. Use your newfound energy to send healing light to those around you. Do crystal healing sessions for friends and loved ones using Golden Quartz. If distance is an issue, gift Golden Healer Quartz generously this September to those who need a helping hand.

Spread the good vibrations far and wide. Nothing lifts you higher in the spiritual evolution and worldly happiness than being of service to others. Golden Healer Quartz is with you on this important mission.

Phantom Quartz

phantom quartz sphere

Someone hidden is about to be revealed to you this September New Moon cycle. That's why you are drawn to mysterious Phantom Quartz.

Over the next 30 days, someone will come forward to shake up your everyday routine. It could be a brand new person or someone from the past that you haven't seen in a while. It could also be that someone you know very well has undergone a major transformation that you just cannot ignore. 

This sudden encounter or shift may be exciting, bringing you a fresh surge of adventure and an influx of new ideas. If this is the case, go with it and joyously grow with the change that is coming.

However, if you find that this mysterious new person is too daunting, you'll need to learn to adjust. When major changes happen, many of us tend to resist at first. Be sure to think clearly and analyze the situation before you make a decision on what you want to do. Don't let old habits and patterns hold you back from a new chapter.

You could greatly benefit from Phantom Quartz this lunar cycle. It will help you unravel the mystery that is to come. Phantom Quartz will help you feel safe and secure during a time of great change.  

Reading Onward...

Have you used any of the crystals for this month's New Moon? We'd love to hear about your experiences. Post them below. 

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

Previous article 11 Iolite Stones of Financial Freedom


Lisa Satin - September 28, 2021

Hello Angelica,

Crystals can help provide comfort and positive energy. To learn more, you can visit our tutorials:

However, it sounds like you could benefit from therapy due to your mental state. That’s why it’s recommended you contact your medical professional. Here is helpful information:

Angelica - September 28, 2021

I really need the support of learning crystals. My mental state is borderline right now & im praying and having 110% of faith that crystals can help me take away bad and being positivity. I’m really a fun loving person but I can feel me so close to breaking &having bad thoughts. I’m trying my hardest

RMM - October 5, 2020

Ok great! Thank you!! I need lots of protection along with abundance 💟

Sheila Satin - October 5, 2020

Hi, we say the more the merrier. I know some people like to concentrate on one energy at a time but it really depends on what your goal is. Personally I wear all kinds of crystals at once every single day!



RMM - October 5, 2020

Hi! I have a goofy question. Is it ok to wear/mix different crystal bracelets all at the same time? I just bought (3) from you that l wear for abundance but l need to wear Black Tourmaline for protection & l heard that its not good to mix them all up? I thought l would check with you! Thx

Lisa Satin - October 5, 2020

Hello Mukhtar,

Yes, it’s beneficial to wear real gemstone jewelry or use natural stones. Here is some information about Jade:

If you want more Jade items, here is our collection:

Lisa Satin

Mukhtar - October 5, 2020

I have a 3.5ct jadeite, would it be beneficial to wear?

Lisa Satin - September 20, 2020

Hi Kat,

We have instructions on how to clear your home:
Included on that page is a Feng Shui chart. Put your candle in the area that you feel needs to be cleaned most of the bad vibes.

If you can’t get rid of the haunted energy, you should contact a local exorcist or counselor to assist, as we don’t do that work ourselves.

Best of luck,
Lisa Satin

Kat - September 20, 2020

where in my room should I put my chakra candle to release bad energy? also how can I ride my home of bad energy (haunted energy?) It just started and I would like to help clear it

Lisa Satin - September 20, 2020

Hi Justine,

We wish you a quick and speedy recovery.

Rainbow Obsidian is the strongest protective stone that corresponds with your needs.
Here is a link to the bracelet and to information about Obsidian:

Other protective stones to consider are Black Tourmaline, Pyrite, Jet, and Labradorite. All are available in bracelets, and when you search the stone in our store the information is also available. Here’s a link to protection bracelets:

Lisa Satin

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