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Top 5 Crystals for Meditation

5 Crystals to Improve Meditation

How can Crystals Improve your Meditation Journey?

Using crystals can enhance your meditation in so many ways. Whether you are focusing on a specific energy or just want to deepen your meditative state, healing stones are the way to go.

You can discover in-depth information in our How to Use Meditation Crystals guide where there are over 40 stones to use on specific types of meditation.

The Top 5 Meditation Crystals

Here we have the top 5 crystals associated with the meditative energy. Find out the meanings of each and start your meditation collection for a burst of spiritual energy. 

purple amethyst sphere - crystal healing meanings

Amethyst is the first crystal that comes to mind when you are seeking a meditation stone. It is known specifically for its connections with spiritual energies. Because of its connection with the Higher Realms, this purple beauty can be used to ascend your thoughts to a higher frequency. As an anti-anxiety stone, Amethyst has a calming affect; it clears your mind and allows you to focus on your meditation goals. 

angelite crystal healing ball - satin crystals shopAngelite, as its name suggests, is all about the angelic realm. Whether you are seeking to contact your guardian angels or the advice of higher beings, use this heavenly blue stone in your meditations. It soothes you into a meditative state and lifts your mind into a cloud of spirituality. 

natural blue lapis lazuli stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsLapis Lazuli is all about taking you into a state of deep peace. This is the ideal state for a meditation. The dark blue tones of Lapis Lazuli mellow out your frayed nerves and melt you into an intoxicated pool of bliss. This is definitely the stone to use when your mind is fluttering at the surface but you want it to dive into the depths of spiritual tranquility. 

natural green moldavite raw stone meteorite - satin crystals meaningsMoldavite is an extraterrestrial stone coveted for its high vibrations. Whether you are looking to contact out-of-this-world beings or just raise your own energies, use Moldavite in your meditations. This gemmy green meteorite can help your spirit soar to great heights in a short period of time. Some people even start buzzing with positivity even before they shut their eyes. See how fast you can go into the spiritual state with Moldavite. 

natural clear quartz stone ball - satin crystals meaningsQuartz is the Master Crystal, ready to sweep away your pains and lift you to an enlightened state. For clarity of mind, use clear Quartz. Scrub your aura free of mundane worries and achieve great focus in your meditation with Quartz. This stone is for you if you are looking to bask in a powerful glow of positivity as you got into the meditative state. 

With these five stones, you can make the most out of your meditation. Whether you get fifteen minutes or one hour of quiet time, it is important to reach that meditation state whenever possible, to slow your overactive mind and sort through your racing thoughts.

The Importance of Meditation

Meditation is extremely important in the journey of life. Without that moment of meditation, it's easy to become weighed down with everyday life and the stresses that come with that day. It's like going to the grocery store and loading up on a months worth of groceries only to discover that you can't take your cart to the parking lot after you check out. Not only is that weight painful, it is also not good for your spiritual or mental journey.

To further your meditation and crystal healing practices, check out our free resources:

How to Use Meditation Crystals

Shop the Meditation Crystal Collection

Meditation with Crystals for Beginners

7 Crystals to Improve your Meditation

How to Lead Guided Group Meditation


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