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12 Free Ruby Affirmations

four women lying with ruby crystals in a layoutReciting Ruby's positive affirmations should only be done by those who are ready to enter the next echelon of existence. Are you prepared to elevate your thinking, your status, and your life?

To get started with these mantras, you need to acquire real Ruby gemstones. Check out the Ruby gem and jewelry collection before you proceed.

Ruby is a gemstone for royal souls. It has been one of the most beloved crystals throughout the history of humanity. With its attractive red, pink, and purple hues, it's not a surprise that Ruby moves people to great heights.

When you recite Ruby affirmations, you transform your spirituality, your heart, and your relationship with wealth. All for the better, of course.

Don't miss out on upcoming crystal affirmations by joining the Satin Crystals VIP. It's fast, easy, and free.

Do Ruby affirmations benefit you?

If you can relate to one or more of these personality traits, Ruby affirmations can benefit you:

  • I respect myself 

  • I am open to self-improvement

  • I desire relationships based on true love

  • I want the abundance and prosperity of a royal

  • I like crystal healing rituals that are fast, easy, and fun

Your 12 Ruby Affirmations

Here are 12 Ruby mantras to recite while you wear and hold Ruby crystals and jewelry. These affirmations can be spoken aloud or read quietly, any time you desire.

Ruby for my Royal Soul

  • Royal wisdom and wellness reach me through my Ruby gemstones

  • Ruby is the most precious stone of God that brings me closer to nirvana

  • Every day in every way, I am a royal and respectable soul

  • As my Ruby nourishes, my spirituality flourishes

    Ruby for Intense Love

    • My love is as bright and red as Ruby 

    • When I treat myself to Ruby crystals, I treat myself to true love

    • I am attractive, precious, and cherished

    • With the healing power of Ruby, my heart is complete and I'm open to love

      Ruby for Noble Abundance

      • Through my royal Ruby, I attract noble abundance

      • Nobility is a state of mind and I deserve the best in life
      • Ruby is for the rich. I am rich.

      • My shiny brilliant energy draws wealth my way

        Personalize your Ruby Affirmations

        Do you want to customize your positive affirmations to focus on specific goals? Check out this simple guide on How to Properly Write Affirmations.

        Shop for Ruby

        Buy Ruby stones and be ready for your positive affirmations right here on the blog:


        Your Turn to Affirm

        Do you have any questions, stories, or comments about affirmations? We are happy to hear from you anytime, comment on the blog below.  

        Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

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