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12 Free Smoky Quartz Affirmations

woman holding smoky quartz heart to her face wearing smoky quartz jewelryAre you looking to feel clear, confident, and safe? Then, Smoky Quartz positive affirmations are right for you.

In a dog-eat-dog world, you need a protective crystal forcefield. Smoky Quartz safety stones step up to the job. When you recite these mantras, you summon good vibrations to replace the bad energy attached to your aura.

To get started, you need a selection of Smoky Quartz crystals. Check out the Smoky Quartz stone and jewelry collection before you proceed.

Don't miss out on upcoming crystal affirmations by joining the Satin Crystals VIP. It's fast, easy, and free.

Do Smoky Quartz affirmations benefit you?

If you can relate to one or more of these statements, Smoky Quartz affirmations can benefit you:

  • I want to be safe and protected

  • I choose light over dark forces

  • I could use some clarity in my goals and visions

  • I want to have more positive thoughts

  • I like crystal healing rituals that are fast, easy, and fun

Your 12 Smoky Quartz Affirmations

Here are 12 Smoky Quartz mantras to recite while you wear and hold Smoky Quartz crystals and jewelry. These affirmations can be spoken aloud or read quietly, any time you desire.

Smoky Quartz for Safety

  • Smoky Quartz safety stones save me from bad elements

  • My aura is protected by my Smoky Quartz armor

  • When the world turns dark, I look to the light of Smoky Quartz

  • Smoky Quartz keeps my space safe

    Smoky Quartz for Positive Thoughts

    • My Smoky Quartz stones inspire me to be strong

    • I am confident, grounded, and capable

    • Smoky Quartz filters out bad thoughts

    • My good thoughts lead to good feelings and good actions

      Smoky Quartz for Clarity of Visions

      • When I need to make decisions, I gaze into my Smoky Quartz for visions

      • Clarity of mind is clarity in life
      • With Smoky Quartz crystals to guide me, I see the way

      • Even on the foggiest days, the sun shines brightly above

        Personalize your Smoky Quartz Affirmations

        Do you want to customize your positive affirmations to focus on specific goals? Check out this simple guide on How to Properly Write Affirmations.

        Shop Smoky Quartz

        Buy Smoky Quartz stones and be ready for your positive affirmations right here on the blog:

        Your Turn to Affirm

        Do you have any questions, stories, or comments about affirmations? We are happy to hear from you anytime, comment on the blog below.  

        Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

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