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Buying your first Crystals

tumbled stones in hand

Why not visit the updated post? Choosing the Right Crystals

Tips for Buying your first Crystals

If you want to learn and understand more about crystals, the best way is to own them yourself. While you can look at crystals that belong to your friends or co-workers, crystals work differently for everyone. When you walk into a metaphysical store that is filled with hundreds of different crystals, many of them look alike. How do you know which one is right for you? Here are a few tips that will help you get started.

Don't Rush your Crystal Selection

The best way to find a crystal is just simply to look around. When you look at a container full of about fifty clear Quartz crystals, how do you know which one you should choose? You will automatically be drawn to it. Put your hands on them, hold them, and feel them. Narrow down your choices to two and then give them a few minutes in your hand to connect. You will know which one of the two you should take home. You may feel a slight pulse feeling, you may feel the stone heat up slightly or cool down, or you may feel suddenly calm and peaceful inside.

If by chance you don't feel anything, don't worry. Just pick out a couple of crystals that are pretty to you. When you get home with your crystals, you can take your time and hold them and see if you experience any feelings that are different. Try to visit the store often and eventually you will feel comfortable enough to feel the vibes from the crystals.

Start a Crystal Collection

You can't enjoy the benefits of crystals if you don't have them. There isn't just one crystal to carry around and have it do everything. For example, a Rose Quartz will promote love an give you a peaceful feeling within. Citrine is great for attracting money. Lapis is good for protection. When you go to the store, buy one crystal at a time. It could be a crystal that attracts your attention with its color or it could be a crystal that you hold and for some reason have a hard time putting it down. When you get home with your crystal, do research on it, and find out what its purpose is and how it can be used to help you. Over time, you will soon know your crystals and rely on them for many purposes.

Journal your Crystal Experience

keep a journal of what crystals you purchase and how it helps you. Keeping a journal will also be a good reference guide that you can reflect on when you have a need but not sure which crystal to reach for. Life's a journey, write it down for future generations.

Why not visit the updated post? Choosing Crystals


Previous article 11 Iolite Stones of Financial Freedom


Sheila Satin - May 11, 2020

Hi William, we may be able to give you a price range estimate, but without seeing it in person we can’t tell the quality of your jade.

We would suggest taking it to a local rock shop or mineralogist. Many states also have mineral societies that you could check in with.

Sheila Satin

William Matthews - May 11, 2020

I have a white jade Symbol of Eternity/Donut Eternity Circle in case The diameter is 10 1/2” and it’s weight is 5lb.8.2oz. Can you give me an estimate on it I have pictures if you need them I’m trying to find it’s true worth and a selling outlet for it

Deepika - May 11, 2020

Thank you Sheila for a quick response. I will follow up on the link for more details :)

Sheila Satin - May 11, 2020

Hi Deepika, thank you for your email. We have taken a look at the pictures you sent us.

Yes, the crystal ball picture is definitely a Jasper.

The egg we can not tell from the picture. It may be Quartz but it could also be Agate which vendors like to place in water to bring out the shine. Or, it could be something else totally. Sorry we can’t be certain from the picture! You may want to try to post on forum where there are many knowledgeable mineralogists!

Thanks for following along with our crystal healing videos and information. It keeps us going knowing there are interested readers and watchers like you!

Sheila Satin

Deepika - May 11, 2020

Hi Sheila and Lisa,
I came across your website during my search on crystals and and related topics.
I found your website to be very informative and your videos on crystals to be very useful. I was introduced to crystals about 2 years ago and since then I’ve only fallen more and more in love with them. I recently purchased some of the beautiful crystals/ clusters on my trip to the US.

I also purchased an egg along with a few things. I’d like to know from you the names of the egg(as I couldn’t find it on your website) and a crystal that was given to my mother by someone which cake with a wooden stand ( the crystal ball looks more like the Jasper red crystal as from your website).
The place that I purchased the egg had kept them in water. They looked very pretty. I’m not sure what exactly they are. I just got one.
If you could help me know the names il be very happy.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you so much 😊

Sheila Satin - April 20, 2020

Hi Zina, thanks for your interest in Satin Crystals Citrine. We do carry genuine Citrine jewelry at Please note, that like most of the Citrine you will find on the market today, these are heated to enhance their yellow colors.

Sheila Satin

Zina - April 20, 2020

Do you carry genuin citrin bracket or ring?

Lisa Satin - December 19, 2019

Thanks for reaching out to us. If the egg was purchased from Satin Crystals, we would be happy to identify it. If it was purchased elsewhere, we do not offer picture identification due to the possibility of inaccuracy and errors associated with photo identification. In this case, we recommend you contact the original seller or take it to the local gem shop so that someone can see it in person and give you a more accurate answer.

You mentioned that you’re looking for the best way to treat the egg. If you are referring to cleaning, charging, and programming it, we recommend our Crystal Care Article for some beneficial ideas:

T.P. - December 9, 2019

I need help identifying an egg plz.I have had it afew years didn’t know what it was until recently I became drawn to crystals and saw a picture of one similar.I just want to know what kind it is so I will know how to treat it

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