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Back-to-School Crystals for Students, Parents, Teachers

two sisters and niece wearing matching crystal healing necklacesAs if back-to-school wasn't exciting and scary enough, 2020 brings a whole new dimension to our education system. Students, parents, and teachers are grappling with decisions about online learning, hybrid learning, and COVID-19 safety procedures with in-person learning.

Healing crystals can help you navigate these monumental challenges by keeping you optimistic and hopeful. This crystal guide highlights 15 gemstone ideas for students, parents, and teachers. 

Top Stones for Students

Students range from the age of 2 to 122. While young students should never use crystals without adult supervision, once they reach the maturity level of being able to handle stones safely, they will benefit from an array of energy.

Whether the student is your child, yourself, or your parent... these crystals stand out as stellar in making back-to-school a success.

purple fluorite sphere

Called the "Genius Stone," Fluorite is a must-have crystal healing treasure for all students of academia. Fluorite is the crystal that helps you focus and concentrate- a valuable and necessary skill for absorbing information.

Wear Fluorite jewelry at test-time to help you focus during the exam. Students can wear Fluorite as jewelry to school, tuck small tumbled pieces into pockets and backpacks, and place Fluorite crystals directly on study desks at home.

#1 Fluorite Bracelet for wearing to school or studies:

#2 Fluorite for carrying in a backpack or pocket:

# 3 Fluorite for the desk or study place at home:

rainbow obsidian sphere

Students who are learning in school are around a lot of people. They need protection from bad vibrations and bullies.

Obsidian helps transmute negative energy to positive, so your student can love school instead of worrying about outside influences. Even students who are doing online learning can fall into the dark pits of social media. Obsidian encourages the brighter side of students.

#4 Obsidian Anklets for wearing to school or studies:

#5 Obsidian Egg for the work desk or study space:

#6 Obsidian Chakra Bracelet for writing and online learning:


Top Stones for Parents

Parents often worry about their children who are students. Students spend several hours out of sight, and parents sometimes fear the worst of the worst. Are they safe? Are they happy? Are they learning? Are they thriving? With parental anxiety running high in today's world of learning, these crystals are meant to soothe the soul of nurturing guardians.

amethyst stone ball

This purple beauty is a calming crystal, helping to release you from stress and anxiety. Amethyst asks you to surrender trust unto the universe and the higher good. While worrying about kids may be natural, it actually serves very little purpose. Therefore, do all that you can do and then let go.

When you are feeling anxious about your child, wear Amethyst jewelry, and surround yourself in spiritually calming Amethyst stones.

#1 Amethyst Pendant for spiritual trust:

#2 Amethyst Pendulum for on-the-go anxiety relief:

#3 Amethyst Household Sphere for calming the family:

rose quartz sphere
Rose Quartz

Preparing kids for back-to-school can be a big task; getting everyone back on schedule, in the mood, shopping for clothes, school supplies, etc. However, the most important thing you can do to equip your student for success is to give them love and support. Rose Quartz, the ultimate crystal of love, is what will help you vibrate with positive energy that your kids will notice and pick up.

Keep Rose Quartz close to your heart and body, and surround your home with Rose Quartz so all can benefit from the unmatchable power of family love.

#4 Rose Quartz Necklace for a loving heart:

#5 Rose Quartz Raw Stones for pure love in the home:

#6 Rose & Quartz Worry Relief Set for holding, gridding, layout:

Crystals for Teachers

While you are shopping for students and parents, don't forget about the teachers. They are undergoing a major transformation on how to organize curriculums, online learning, in-person safety procedures, and more. 

Find a perfect gift for teachers in our Calming Crystal Collection. They will feel more appreciated and encouraged by your meaningful gesture. Here are three gift ideas that can keep your teacher feeling Zen through these chaotic times:

#1 Selenite Hearts for gratitude and high vibrations:

#2 Angelite Desktop Sphere for guidance and hope:

#3 Moonstone Bracelet for calm lunar healing:

Additional Crystal Links

Contact Us

Have questions about back to school crystals? Write to us below and either Sheila or Lisa Satin will get back to you.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

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Sheila Satin - August 12, 2022

Hi Chitra, thank you for writing. It sounds like Fluorite would be perfect for the energy you are seeking. You can start at Here you will find a video and information about Fluorite Stones. Best of luck with your studies,
Sheila Satin

Chitra - August 12, 2022

Hi! I was wondering if you could help me. I’m in nursing school . I need some help with clarity, focus and retention of materials presented. I have no idea if there is a stone that encompasses all that, but I’d there is I would like to know.
Thanks so much!!

Sheila Satin - December 24, 2020

Hi Jennifer, That is great that your son is getting into meditation. Yes, tumbled stones are great for beginners.

Beginners like to start out with the Quartz family as they are very versatile and easily accessible. So this includes rose quartz, smoky quartz, clear quartz, Tigers eye, aventurine, citrine. But, there’s a whole world of crystals out there so whatever he’s attracted to is great. There are no hard set rules!

Sheila Satin

p.s. you can sign up for our email list and see what specials we are promoting each week.

Jennifer - December 24, 2020

My son is a male college athlete who has mentioned wanting to get into meditation. I was thinking about getting him a “starter set” of stones. Knowing that I am on a tight budget what would you suggest I start with? Selenite bowl with some small stones? If so which small stones?

Sheila Satin - September 7, 2020

Here at Satin Crystals we use all kinds of combinations of crystals together without problems, so we don’t have a list of do’s and don’ts as far as combinations, but of course every person vibrates differently, so you will discover your own list as you experiment.

We are slowly making our way through all of the crystals as far as more information, videos and products. This week starts Aventurine the stone of abundance so you will learn a lot about Aventurine. To see which ones we have already expanded on you can visit: and click on the ones that have the full meanings pages.

That’s great that you have created an account, there are a lot of ways to earn rewards and keep an eye out in our emails for VIP only rewards along the way.

I look forward to helping you out in your future crystal questions.

Sheila Satin

Shanta - September 7, 2020
I love our mineral kigndom friends very much and cannot wait to shop with Satin. I carry crystals and wear them as jewelry all the time. I’m trying to learn more about which crystals energetically pair well with each other, and likewise which combinations to avoid too. So i’m sure i’ll be asking some questions in the future, if that’s ok. I have already created an account! Well, this experience so far has already been a pleasure so thank you again. Take care for now Sheila!
Sheila Satin - March 20, 2020

Dear Jay, thank you for your email. Many students have found Fluorite a powerful stone for studying. Fluorite is known for its energy of focus and concentration.

You can find the current Fluorite collection here:

And learn more about Fluorite here:

If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to ask,
Sheila Satin

Jay - March 20, 2020

Which stone is powerful of studying students?

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