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Free shipping for US orders $55+

Feedback Week Winners

Did you Win? 

Watch the video and find out if you were one of the Feedback Week winners. The first prize will be sent a Carnelian Ganesh and $100 gift code to the Satin Crystals Farewell collection. Two runner ups will be sent $40 gift codes each. 

You are all Winners

If you did not win one of the big prizes this round, don't worry, we are sending everyone who entered a $10 gift code to the Farewell Collection. So, pick out your treasures and come join us again in the next giveaway! 

Forgot to Enter? 

If you got distracted and forgot to enter, don't worry, make sure you're part of the Satin Crystals VIP and you'll be the first to know when the next giveaway, contest, and promotion is. Plus, VIP always gets special treatment.  

Entering Satin Crystals giveaways is super easy, always fair and beneficial to all. 

Previous article Crystal Healing for Beaver Full Moon November 2024


Aaron - October 5, 2022

As a repeat customer to Satin Crystals I am constantly impressed by their sincere outreach and customer service. An actual hand-written follow up. The other factor as to why I have returned is their stones all are genuine and no bogus items. There are a lot of vendors in this industry and some not legit. Very grateful.

Sheila Satin - February 25, 2020

Thank you, Robin, your positive feedback and participation means a lot to us! Sheila :)

Robin - February 25, 2020

Hi Sheila,
Thank you so much for the opportunity to be in the giveaway, it was alot of fun to watch and hope that my name was drawn. Though i didn’t win the Ganesh, the $10 gift is also wonderful and greatly appreciated. This truly is one of my favorite sites to go to for my stones and have never been disappointed in any of the stones or bracelets that I’ve ordered from you.
Many Blessings,

Sheila Satin - February 24, 2020

Hi Emma! It is our pleasure to have positive customers like you! Join us again for next giveaway and stay tuned for other exciting promotions only for VIP members! – Sheila Satin :)

Emma Smith - February 24, 2020

Thank you so much! This is so incredible! This has made my day/week/month/year! You are the best!

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