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Psychic Vampire Repellent

Sheila here from Satin Crystals.

I was wondering, do you ever feel completely drained around certain people? I know I definitely do.

Well, these people are called Psychic Vampires. Did you know that there are several types of Psychic Vampires? Whichever type they are, they definitely need to be stopped! 

Luckily, we have Carnelian crystals, which help repel these energy vampires. Carnelian is like garlic to these Psychic Vampires. 

So for a brief definition for what a Psychic vampire is, it's someone who hangs around you because they want something from you whether it is your status, your money, your energy. They may not even know they are doing it and you may not even know they are doing it! 

Visit our Carnelian the Vampire Slayer article and you can learn about all the different types of Psychic Vampires who may be in your life right now. Also, learn how you can use Carnelian crystals to defeat them. 

Thank you for your positive energy at Satin Crystals!

Previous article Self-Hypnosis Meditation with Pendulum


Lisa Satin - October 13, 2022

Hi Miami,

For psychic and intuitive energy, I would check out the Third Eye chakra collection and the Crown Chakra collection. You can find the links here:

Please let us know if we can assist you with an order or if you have further questions.


Lisa Satin

Miami K. - October 13, 2022

Don’t you have any crystal for psychic

Lisa Satin - September 27, 2020

Hi Corinna,

Thanks for sharing. We enjoy learning about different perspectives and experiences.

-Lisa Satin

Corinna L Gonzalez - September 26, 2020

Your definition of a psy vamp isn’t correct. I am one. I actually try to avoid people because there is too much extra energy and it fried my circuits. I like Carnelian and Garnet. I’m both drawn to and repulsed by Bloodstone. And I try not to feed off of people but rather I feed from the weather- storms being the best.

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