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Top 10 Most Recommended Crystals

top 10 crystal recommendations

Are you maximizing your life potential with the help of crystals? Or have you become so far removed from nature, that perhaps you've forgotten the benefits of healing stones. Crystals can enhance any part of your life, from love and relationships to work and money, spirituality to emotional fulfillment.

Crystals have been the focal point of healing long before hospitals and formal doctors even existed. Think all the way back to the Egyptians, Romans, Vikings, Greeks, and pretty much any ancient culture on the planet. Holistic methods like crystal healing and energy work played a main role in societies. 

As we have slowly lost our connection with Mother Earth and her gemstones, we have forgotten about her healing powers. Let's reconnect with this great energy and surround ourselves with beauty and bounty. The benefits of healing crystals in your life can be tremendous.

Top 10 Crystal Recommendations

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced energy healer, here are the top 10 crystals we recommend at Satin Crystals. This list is based on the most popular and time-proven stones. 

rose quartz crystal

Rose Quartz

Anyone familiar with crystal healing knows that Rose Quartz is the first stone that comes to mind when you seek love. Love energy flows from this pretty-in-pink gemstone. Associated with opening the Heart Chakra, Rose Quartz is your gateway into the realm of romance, self-love, love for humanity, acceptance of others and the arduous task of forgiveness. 

Why Choose Rose Quartz?

  • You want to give and receive love in a healthier manner
  • You want to see the beauty in any situation, even tough ones
  • You want to let go of grudges

amethyst healing crystal

Where Rose Quartz is strongly associated with love energy, Amethyst is the first crystal that comes to mind when you seeking spiritual advancement. This is your connection with the higher realms, your intuition, your psychic abilities, and your spirit guides. This amazing purple gemstone is excellent to balance the upper chakras. It helps you see the big picture instead of dwell in the mundane drama of everyday life.

Why Choose Amethyst?

  • You want to enhance your meditations
  • You want to better hear and trust your intuition
  • You are looking to focus on spiritual practices and healing

quartz healing crystal

There is a reason Quartz is known as the Master Healer. It is the all-purpose stone, cleaning the cobwebs out of your aura and pumping it with refreshing positive energy. A power-player in crystal healing, Quartz is the very first stone healers collect. 

Why Choose Quartz?

  • You wish to strengthen your aura
  • You want a stone that balances all of the chakras
  • You are looking for a powerful, self-healing stone

lapis lazuli healing crystal
Lapis Lazuli

This deep blue stone is best known for bringing deep peace. Associated with the Third Eye Chakra, Lapis Lazuli takes you to a state of bliss that you can't find in the chaos of the world. It takes you back to a state of spiritual harmony, connecting you with your Higher Self and allowing you to thrive in a state of bliss. 

Why Choose Lapis?

  • You are seeking peace within the chaos
  • You want to trust in your own powers
  • You want to raise your vibrations 

    jasper healing crystal

    Jasper comes in many different colors, patterns, and varieties. This multi-faceted stone is best known for its nurturing energies, helping you through times of stress and illnesses. Jasper provides slow, earthy energy, great for healers who are working on a leisurely and deliberate pace. This is a stone associated with the Root chakra, helping to activate physical energies. 

    Why Choose Jasper?

    • You are feeling sick, vulnerable and stressed
    • You need some active energy to kick you out of lethargy
    • You want to slow down your hyperactive mind

    obsidian healing crystal

    When people ask us what the best protection stone is, we have always recommended Obsidian. This volcanic crystal comes flowing straight out of the depths of the Earth. It is the protective shield your aura needs. With Obsidian you are protected from unwanted energies, whether they are external forces or toxic people to whom you have formed an unhealthy attachment.

    Why Choose Obsidian?

    • You are ready to focus on the positive side of life
    • You want to cut ties with toxic relationships
    • You don't want to be affected by other people's negativity

    tourmaline crystal healing

    Another highly recommended protection stone, Tourmaline is the guardian of your vulnerabilities, with a mission to make sure no one exploits them. This stone helps you keep both feet on the ground so that you are stable, prepared, and ready for any obstacles. This is especially important for healers who are dealing with outside forces and unknown entities. Keep healthy and grounded with Tourmaline. 

    Why Choose Tourmaline?

    • You want to feel secure in your body
    • You need to boost up your healthy energies
    • You are practicing astral travel, spiritual hypnosis or channeling 

    bloodstone healing crystal

    Known as a sacrificial stone, Bloodstone follows the mantra of a healer. It sacrifices its energies to those in need. This powerful crystal brings strength and courage to your practice. Use Bloodstone to ground your Heart energies to Earth, so that you can focus on doing good in the here and now. 

    Why Choose Bloodstone?

    • You have a chronic healing case that needs attention
    • You need extra courage and stamina in your practice
    • You want to give back to humanity

    tigers eye stone healing
    Tigers Eye

    This fascinating stone is often showcased in rock collections due to its delightful, iridescent outward beauty. Its mysterious sheen hints at metaphysical magic powers. In crystal healing, Tigers Eye is known to bring you confidence, courage, and grounding. Related to the Solar Plexus and Root Chakras, Tigers Eye helps you be fully present here on Earth. This stone allows your personality to shine.

    Why Choose Tigers Eye?

    • You want to succeed in your life goals
    • You are feeling spacey and want to be grounded
    • You need to work on boosting your self-esteem

    moonstone healing stone

    Are you someone who is attracted to the Moon and its lunar magic? Then you will love Moonstone. Channeling the energy of the Moon, this gemstone provides a very feminine vibration. Moonstone's calming presence is like a loving mother, protective, soothing and comforting. It is one of the top picks for psychics, readers, and clairvoyants. 

    Why Choose Moonstone?

    • You need more calming, yin energy
    • You relate to Goddess strength and divinity
    • You want to calm your anxiety

    Honorable Mention Crystals

    Okay, here are a few more recommended stones, just because we could not resist...

      calcite stone meaning

      Calcite is a happy and shiny stone, ready to lift your spirits and twirl you around in joy. This stone comes in so many colors that you can match each of the seven chakras to its own Calcite stone. Calcite helps you gentle cut ties with toxic energies and guides you towards a positive future

      Why Choose Calcite?

      • You are seeking uplifting energies
      • You are feeling stagnant in your routine
      • You want to chill out and relax carefree

      malachite crystal

      Whereas Calcite provides a soft and gentle energy, Malachite has an assertive energy. Malachite has no time to waste; it's ready to go. For healers who are looking for an active stone, Malachite brings up emotional traumas and issues that need to be dealt with before you can move forward and find happiness. Active Malachite can be paired with soothing stones like Rose Quartz, Calcite, or Moonstone for balanced energy. 

      Why Choose Malachite?

      • You are ready to confront your emotional baggage
      • You need a jump start to your Heart chakra
      • You want to use the law of attraction to manifest your future

      Where to get Healing Crystals 

      These top recommended and many other healing crystals can be found here at the Satin Crystals Boutique. We have a fresh selection of crystal healing jewelry, polished stones and raw minerals for your energy healing practices. 

      You can reach out in the Contact box. We would love to hear your positive comments, questions and healing stories. 

      Previous article Your Crystal Horoscope for January 2024

      Comments - January 8, 2020

      It is a very informative knowledge about the crystals that you shared. Thanks for sharing.

      Sheila Satin - June 29, 2018

      Hi Clinton, Thanks for your message. Carnelian is a popular crystal used for career purposes. We are happy to point you in the right direction as far as what other people have found effective once we know what energy you seek! But, of course, each of us has different vibrations, so what may work for one person may not work as effectively for another. Therefore, I always suggest experimenting and starting with the stones you are naturally drawn to!

      Sheila Satin

      clinton smith - June 29, 2018
      It is very informative knowledge about the crystals that you shared. Thanks for sharing. I had purchased a crystal from Ayana Wellness and gifted it to my brother for a progressive career. Its effect is really amazing. I have become a fond of healing crystals and I will surely buy one Crystal from you as well. Kindly suggest which crystal will be best.

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