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HOLIDAY ALERT: All packages will be shipped January 21, 2025. Free shipping for US orders $55+

Meteorite Guides

sheila of satin crystals holding a black tektite meteorite and green moldavite gemstoneFor our space lovers and meteorite collectors, Satin Crystals has compiled several reference guides to help expand your knowledge.

We noticed a lack of information explaining the metaphysical healing benefits of specific meteorites, tektites, and impactites. So we became pioneers of Metaphysical Meteorite Meanings A-Z and have made that information available.

These references cover both scientific and metaphysical properties of several types of meteorites. 

The Meteorite Guides

Meteorite Meanings A-Z: This popular guide covers an introduction to meteorites followed by a detailed reference guide of each type of meteorite in a A-Z dictionary style. It includes information about the meteorite classification, fall dates and locations, and composition of specific rocks. You also earn about the metaphysical property of different minerals, like Moldavite, Muonionalusta, Ilyenets Crater, and more. Pictures are included to help you with Meteorite identification. We also ask the age old question: "Do I need a certificate of authenticity with my Moldavite or meteorite?"

The Three Types of Meteorites: Do you have a Meteorite that you want to classify? Or perhaps you just want to know more about these fascinating space rocks. This guide explains the difference between Stony, Iron, and Stony-Iron Meteorites and helps you classify by individual meteorite type. There is a bonus section that explains Tektites and Impactites.

Meteorite vs Meteoroid vs Meteor, in Simple Terms: If you wish to learn more about the meaning and origin of Meteorites, this informational guide explains it in easy terms. The journey of the stars are at your fingertip, from Asteroid to Comet, Meteoroid to Meteor to Meteorite.

How to Buy Real Meteorites: Don't be fooled by the flood of imitation Moldavite and meteorites online and in stores. Learn how to identify and buy a real meteorite so that you truly own the power of the cosmos.

Moldavite Meanings & Uses: Moldavite has the power to draw people in with its beauty, healing abilities, and mysterious extraterrestrial origin. What is Moldavite, and why is it so alluring?

Meteorite Blogs & Videos

Below is the continually growing list of Meteorite related blogs and articles featured on Satin Crystals.

Shop Meteorites

Can't wait to get your hands on brilliant meteorites? Head to the Meteorite Collection or shop right here on the blog: 

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