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Your Crystal Horoscope for July 2023

hands holding larimar sphere wearing larimar jewelry with word JULYIs this July about seaside retreats or major defeats? Some Zodiac signs succumb to Venus retrograde while others are empowered by mighty Mars. What is in YOUR stars?

All signs benefit from Larimar relaxation stones this month. You never know which way the  breeze will blow. But with calming Caribbean Larimar gemstones, you can control the tides. Navigate away from the cosmic dirt and into the Universe's spiritual abundance.

Read your horoscope now to find out what's in the stars for you. How can you keep up with your crystal horoscope every month? By joining the Satin Crystals VIP Club so it's automatically delivered to your email.

Crystal Horoscope by Zodiac Sign  

Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Monthly Horoscope

March 21 - April 19

Unleash your passions! Mars will activate your love life, making romance and physical pleasure the focus of your desires. Take advantage of this energy to go after what you want, no matter your relationship status. It's time to heat things up!

While things are getting hot in Aries, balance your body, mind, and soul with a cooling Larimar bangle. This gift from the Caribbean Sea helps you attract relaxed people and good conversations. Wearing a Larimar bracelet through July lets Aries be hot and cool at the same time.

Try to simplify your home life and romantic relationships this summer while Venus is in retrograde. From July 22 - September 3, Venus will remain in your House of Hearth, helping you to reconcile family dynamics with your partner and manage your budget better.

Walk the middle line to enjoy smooth sailing when it comes to your relationships and domestic affairs. As Aries has a knack for being hot-tempered, your Larimar bangle will serve to keep you calm and rational.

Recommended for Aries this Month: 

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

April 20 - May 20

Welcome July with open arms! This Full Moon on July 3rd will spotlight your professional success, giving you a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate your hard work resulting in tangible rewards or acknowledgments from the higher-ups.

Enjoy feeling on top of the world, but don't get complacent! Mars arrives in your House of Labor on July 10, meaning you'll be super busy. Thankfully, you'll have gallons of energy to help you power through any job.

A Larimar bracelet on your wrist gives Taurus the power to power through. Get busy and active in all the right ways with this inspirational Atlantis stone to guide your instincts and intuition. Stand out as a VIP in the workplace.

In late July, romance takes a turn. As Venus turns retrograde in your Passion Chart on July 22, a unique opportunity presents itself. Maybe you'll get a chance to reunite with a lover from a past life or it could be that you're ready to face up and heal your heartache to move on. Either way, you're in full control of this journey. Navigate the waves of love with the help of your Larimar bracelet. 

Recommended for Taurus this Month: 

 Gemini Zodiac Sign

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

May 21 - June 20

The Full Moon on July 3 can open your eyes and mind to your current financial situation, giving you the awareness and clarity to make necessary changes and get your finances back on track. It's time to unlock your long-term financial security. With Venus turning retrograde on July 22, think about revising key agreements to renegotiate your salary and bring a new income source your way. Get ready to make your money work for you.

To get the energy and cash flowing in the right direction, Gemini benefits from Larimar tumbled stones this month. The seaside energy of Larimar vibrates well with the beat of abundance. Work happily toward what you want and the Universe shall deliver. Plant these tumbled stones all over your home and office.

Welcome Venus retrograde and the potential for change within your love life. Get back on track and reset the course of your love life in a positive direction. Seize the moment and make lasting changes with the help of the retrograde. By carrying spiritual Larimar tumbles, you'll attract relaxed people and fine conversations to your realm.

Recommended for Gemini this Month:

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancer Monthly Horoscope

June 21 - July 22

This July is a big month for Cancer in money and romance. At the start of the month, you're blessed with a Full Moon that lands in your House of Partners. This signals a change in your relationship. If things aren't working, a separation could be in your stars. However, if your relationship is strong, it's likely to just be a small challenge.

The July 17 New Moon in your sign releases anxieties or problems from the past and makes way for the future. Your plans, desires, and motivations will become more evident, allowing you to communicate with clarity and purpose. It is a chance to make a fresh start! Do manifestations with an intention to make the most of this opportunity.

The refreshing gemstone for Cancer this month is Larimar. Larimar cleanses stale energy with Water Element, making way for bigger and better things in love and money. Wear beautiful Larimar necklaces at your Throat chakra so that your words and intentions flow out smooth as the blue sea. With Larimar on your team, you won't miss out on capturing the relationships and abundance you desire.

As Venus goes retrograde on July 22 in your Goods Sector, it's time for a financial check-in. Examine your budget and cut any luxuries that might hurt your finances. You know fully well what expenses can go!

Recommended for Cancer this Month: 

Leo Zodiac Sign

Leo Monthly Horoscope

July 23 - Aug. 22

Life can seem topsy-turvy during the month. Maybe you thought a job was secure, only to lose it and feel disheartened. Don't worry, you'll get another one. When Mars moves into steady Virgo on July 10, you might experience a rush of energy and determination to take charge of your finances. And the event that happened earlier in the month could have been the spark that lit your motivation.

As something major and new is happening in your professional life, Leo benefits most from a Larimar egg this month. Hatch new ideas and gain lucrative opportunities with the refreshing energies of eggs and Larimar stones. Place a prized piece in your work area. 

Everything in your life might suddenly seem uncertain come July 22, when Venus goes retrograde in your sign. You'll likely evaluate your finances, relationships, and even your sense of worth.

This is a crucial period for you, so stay kind to yourself. Prioritize radical self-love and self-acceptance before you take any other steps. Your high-vibrating Larimar egg serves as the best meditation tool for finding your spirit and your voice in this rocky world.

Recommended for Leo this Month: 

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Aug. 23 - Sept. 22

Your love life is off to a promising start! A Full Moon heralds in romantic potential on the 3rd of July, with the possibility of something more meaningful. A casual date might take on a more serious air, and couples in longer-term relationships could get the surprise news of expecting a child or begin talking about adding a member to the family. Wonderful!

Want to win the best in love? A Larimar heart for Virgo is the pick this month. Larimar is precious, premier, and rare. You'll attract the best partners and scenarios by keeping a heart in your pocket, purse, or at the bedside.

As Mars enters Virgo on July 10, you'll be fired up and ready to conquer anything. Whatever ambitions you have, private or public, are more likely than ever to be successful. When it comes to your goals, maintain a determined attitude and never be discouraged by the results. Keep pushing and don't stop until you get what you want!

You may still be feeling on top of the world despite Venus going retrograde on July 22. Even if an old flame tries to rekindle things, there's no need to entertain it if that's not what you want. Instead, keep the doors of the past slammed shut.

If you have doubts, follow your intuition and the guidance of your Larimar heart. It will lead you on the right road of love.

Recommended for Virgo this Month:

Libra Zodiac Sign

Libra Monthly Horoscope

Sept. 23 - Oct. 22

A family member might bring you excitement around the start of the month. On July 3, the Full Moon is in your Family Sector, stoking up feelings. This could also lead to news from a family member you'll need to navigate. Have no fear, though, you're able to handle the situation with a logical approach, making it less of a challenge.

Larimar earrings and jewelry keep your head and energy in line through difficult times. Soothing blue Larimar gemstones keep you calm. Adorn yourself with the best this month.

July 17 presents a fresh start in your career thanks to a New Moon. Feel the Universe's encouragement to take that new path you've been considering. Your creative goal at work could become something extraordinary too! Innovative Larimar jewels are perfect for fostering your ideas at the workplace.

Your social circle could become quite tangled starting July 22, especially if you've got an ex-lover-turned-friend of a friend you have a crush on. As Venus goes retrograde, you may find that your outlook on this person shifts unexpectedly. It's gonna be a wild ride!

Recommended for Libra this Month:

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Oct. 23 - Nov. 21

You may be pleasantly shocked to discover how social you'll feel in July! Even if you're usually a more solitary Scorpio, you might have the motivation to take part in group activities due to Mars entering your Friendship Chart on July 10th. This planetary shift could stimulate an urge to participate in events with colleagues or in a work context that you'd usually shy away from.

Does that sound daunting? A Larimar pendant near your Throat chakra is just the answer. Blue Larimar is the stone of good conversations, allowing you to easily connect with others at this opportune time. Wear it out and about to feel at ease.

Once Venus goes into retrograde on July 22, you'll be reflecting on how to fully utilize your strengths and capabilities to reach your professional objectives. You may also ponder if you are truly appreciated in your job, which could lead to uncovering the importance of your work in your field. Talking with colleagues about new career paths could be beneficial. The Larimar pendant will help you find the words that lead you to a fresh opportunity.

Regarding matters of attraction, you may be re-examining your partnership situation. This could range from affirming your commitment to judging that single life is the path for you.

Recommended for Scorpio this Month:

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Nov. 22 - Dec. 21

Changes are afoot in your financial and professional lives this month. While you may feel insecure at first, you'll likely be satisfied once things fall into place. A Full Moon on July 3 in your Financial Sector is the start of it all – use any unease as the impetus to plan and execute a strategy that will heighten your income. Plus, with Mars at the peak of your chart on July 10, you're primed to begin a new career or set ambitious achievements you'll easily reach.

A Larimar crystal ball helps you become a master of abundance. This orb allows you to see your finances from all perspectives so you don't miss out on a single opportunity. Like a gorgeous blue globe, it calls the Law of Attraction to your location.

Your romantic scenario becomes a spotlight when Venus goes backward on July 22 in your Ideology Sector. You may need to alter any beliefs you had about a partner, romantic interest, or love in general. Right when you thought you knew everything regarding love, you'll see you knew nothing.

Don't be concerned, you can gain understanding. Meditate with the spiritual blue Larimar sphere to have visions delivered from the lost civilization of Atlantis and beyond.

Recommended for Sagittarius this Month: 

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Dec. 22 - Jan. 19

You may be more pragmatic about your needs during this month, but either way, it's essential to communicate to someone close as to what they mean to you. The Full Moon in your sign on July 3 will give you an epiphany about this, with an emphasis on making your needs understood, and thus ensuring they're fulfilled. It might be you who must put in the effort for self-care.

A cleansing blue Larimar moon helps Capricorn communicate their needs and calms the energy. Work with this Caribbean Gemstone in July to take your soul on the tropical treat you deserve. You'll feel better about yourself and others.

On July 17, a New Moon in your House of Love indicates a possible fresh start in romance. You and a partner may express a higher level of commitment. You might even propose or tie the knot. Charge your Larimar under the New Moon to embrace the best of these new beginnings. You want to start off on the right food, after all.

When Venus goes into retrograde on July 22, a significant shift can be expected, particularly when it comes to the management of savings or other long-term resources. It may be time to seek professional financial help.

Recommended for Capricorn this Month:

 Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 

This month will be filled with many changes concerning your love and partnership endeavors. On July 22, Venus will go into retrograde in your Partners Sector, continuing until September 3. This period will be key in examining the inner workings of your relationships and determining the values that matter to you most.

You may find yourself questioning the worth of a professional relationship, and if you and your business partner don't share mutual respect, it's time to consider revisions.

In matters of the heart, a committed relationship may need reviving through honest reflection. If the relationship is no longer serving you, it is okay to let it go. Alternatively, fully releasing the hurt of a former heartache can bring profound healing. It is possible to overcome any challenge.

During such a difficult month, Aquarius benefits most from Larimar gemstones. Larimar is calming, it will help you release the stress and go with the flow of the Universe. Use this Dolphin Stone to get in touch with your Dolphin guardian animal and make the right choices in business, relationships, and more. Place Larimar in your home and carry it anywhere you go.

Recommended for Aquarius this Month:

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Feb. 19 - March 20

On July 3, a Full Moon in your Social Sector could bring a shift in an existing friendship. It might be time to accept that the paths you and your friend are on have diverged, and it's okay to move forward separately. Detach with love and find solace in the fact that you can still hold fond memories of the relationship.

Mercury enters your Love Chart on July 17, providing an opportunity to build a strong emotional connection with someone if single. Additionally, Mars visiting on July 10 could bring some tension, but also the motivation to work through it. As a result, the physical attraction could be intense!

A Larimar ring is Pisces' best friend this month. This rare gemstone reminds you that people come and go but everyone and everything has a larger purpose in the story of your life. This Caribbean gemstone relaxes your vibrations so you attract good conversations. 

Venus retrograde is coming up on July 22 and it could be a sign of an opportunity to get back to a job you had in the past. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before saying yes! Gaze into the eternal energy of your Larimar ring any time you need guidance.

Recommended for Pisces this Month:

How's Your Year Going?

What kind of crystal healing rituals have you done this year? What kinds of successes have you experienced? How did you match healing stones with your astrological signs?

We love to hear about all of your experiences. Feel free to comment below on this blog.

Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

Previous article 8 Apatite Stones to Rock your Resolutions


Sheila Satin - July 4, 2022

Hi Cassie, thanks for your message. Yes, Bowenite and New Jade are referring to the same Serpentine-based stone.

Yes, Jasper is also a form of Quartz crystal. Both are composed of Silicon Dioxide. Learn more about Jasper at

cassie - July 4, 2022

Hi I have a crystal that was given to me by a crystal seller ( I suffer with anxiety and mental health so she gave me it free) she said its name is Bowenite New Jade. I know Bowenite & New Jade are a variety of Serpentine but are Bowenite and New Jade the same crystal or are they two different crystals? Can you clarify for me please. 2nd question: I know Tiger’s Eye is a variety of Quartz, is Jasper also a variety of Quartz? I know it’s made of micro Quartz so I was wondering. Thank you

Sheila Satin - July 9, 2020

Dear Kayemba, thank you for writing to us. You have asked a very popular question about money and unfortunately it is not an easy answer.

This is a long journey that begins with turning your thoughts to a positive state. You can’t attract what you want if your mind is in a poor state, focused on poverty.

You will want to work on your chakras: so that your energy centers are open and balanced.

Meditation may also be beneficial for you:

I can recommend you some crystals to carry and work with in healing rituals from the Abundance Crystals article:

However, keep in mind, crystals are just tools in your journey. They can not make you rich. It all starts with your state of mind. As long as you are willing to put in the work to align your mind to abundance, you will be well on your way to keeping financial richness in your life.

You may also want to look up “law of attraction” videos on and there are many spiritual teachers who speak just about abundance and changing your mindset.

Sheila Satin

Kayemba Jessy - July 9, 2020

I want to get one of those money stones I am really tired of poverty I can I do

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