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Throat Chakra Quiz

sheila of satin crystals dressed in blue holding blue flowers at her throat chakra

Do you speak up for yourself?

You've dealt with your lower chakras and now it's time to open up your communication center.

How do you want to connect with others in this world? Do you want to be articulate? affectionate? respected?

Your Throat chakra says all the things you want to say.

Do you know the way to freedom of expression?

Take the quiz and test your Throat chakra knowledge...

  • How do you open the Throat chakra with crystals?

  • What do you do with tuning forks at the Throat chakra?

  • How does music play a role in the Throat chakra?

  • What essential oils are good for the Throat chakra?

  • What food is good for the Throat chakra?

  • What kinds of communication is the Throat chakra related to?

  • What role does independence play in the Throat chakra?

  • What happens when your Throat chakra is blocked?

  • Why is an open Throat chakra crucial?

Find the answers and much more in:

Crystal Healing the Throat Chakra


blue calcite balls surrounded by blue massage wands

Your Path to Chakra Knowledge

Do you stumble for the right words? Spit out words you regret? You have a Throat chakra block.

Learn to open the imbalance with healing crystals and be as eloquent as you are in your mind.

Never miss out again. Make sure you are part of the Satin Crystals VIP Club to receive all the latest and greatest in the chakra healing world. 

Meanwhile, here are other related links to follow: 

Have questions? We would love to hear your inquiries, comments, stories, and experiences with the Throat Chakra. Post them here on the blog below and we'll get back to you! 

Free your Throat chakra with blue crystals


Previous article Chakra Pendulums Showcase


Lisa Satin - November 21, 2020

Hi Victoria,

Thanks for sharing your experience.

You’re right, Red Jasper isn’t the first stone that comes to mind when working on the throat chakra. However, your intuition is your best guide, and I’m glad you are following it.

To find the answer, try to meditate upon the stone and ask its purpose. Since you placed the Jasper under your pillow, you might also try to extract a meaning/purpose through your dream.

Good luck and let us know what happens.

Lisa Satin

Victoria - November 21, 2020

I found a piece of red Jasper that feels good to me. I felt motivated to put it under my pillow where my throat Chakra would be. I don’t understand why but I am going to go with it. Can you tell me how red Jasper could possibly work there?

Sheila Satin - October 5, 2020

Michelle, that’s great to hear! Have a wonderful journey and see you on the other side!

Sheila Satin :)

Michelle - October 5, 2020

I realize my communication center is blocked. I barely speak up for myself and when I do, feel uncomfortable doing so. I don’t do well at public speaking; feeling overwhelmed with fear when speaking in public. I bought some blue calcite to add to my collection, then when I came home and did an online chakra test it was revealed that my throat Chakra was weak, so I began to research how to open my Throat Chakra. I purchased the blue calcite for healing even though I had no idea of that at the time. Today, I begin my Throat Chakra healing journey.

Sheila Satin - September 7, 2020

Hi Megan, we only make slight customizations with beaded necklaces depending if we can get the gemstone beads you are seeking 😊 We don’t do any metalwork ourselves.

Please contact us through email and we can discuss.

Sheila Satin

Megan - September 7, 2020

Do you make custom necklaces? Would it be possible to make a necklace or bracelet with the tiniest of beads to represent the throat chakra for me? Thank you.

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