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What is Moldavite? Video

Wondering what Moldavite is all about?

Click to watch the Moldavite video above and visit the article below to learn even more fun facts about this green treasure.

Your Moldavite Meanings 

It's time to learn all about Moldavite, its metaphysical meanings, facts, and personal experiences as told by Lisa and Sheila Satin. 

A sneak peek of this loaded article:

  • What is Moldavite? 

  • How was it formed? where is it found?

  • Is Moldavite a crystal? a gemstone? a mineral? a meteorite?

  • Is Libyan Desert Glass a Moldavite?

  • What is Moldavite Flush and can you get it?

  • How do you buy real Moldavite instead of being tricked by fakes?

  • What is Angel Chime Moldavite? Hint: An even rarer phenomenon of the already rare gemstone.


  • Lisa's experience and childhood dream about Moldavite

  • Sheila's personal jewelry journey with Moldavite

  • And most importantly... How Moldavite Benefits YOU!

Get to know the Real Moldavite

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Need Moldavite? Don't miss out on the cosmic powers of this rare green Tektite. Get yours now by visiting the Satin Crystals Moldavite collection or shopping right here:


Have questions?

We would love to hear your inquiries, comments, stories, and experiences with Moldavite. Post them here on the blog below and we'll get back to you! 

Previous article Rose Quartz Love Story Stone Showcase


Lisa Satin - March 26, 2021

Hi Neil,

You are right in that Tektite itself is found all over the world, a lot from Indochina.
However, Moldavite comes only from the Moldava area of Europe. Any other green tektite will not be named Moldavite, it would be called green tektite or a name that is given to that particular meteoric impact.

Neil - March 26, 2021
I’m sorry to correct you but moldavite comes from indochina aswell it was formed exactly the same way .
Lisa Satin - March 26, 2021

Hi Christine,

Thank you for sharing! Kids love crystals for their energy and beauty! My two-year-old son is definitely drawn to them.

Have a great day too.

Christine - March 26, 2021

Hey! Thank you much for the video. Nice meeting you! Your crystals are beautiful! My six year old daughyer loves learning about crystals. Have a great day! 😁

Sheila Satin - March 26, 2021

Hi Yvonne, We do not have phone service but you are welcome to email and we will answer!

Yvonne C - March 26, 2021

Do you have a phone number so I can call you

Sheila Satin - March 23, 2021

Hi Erin, you can read all about our Moldavite here:

Sheila Satin

erin - March 23, 2021

Is your Moldavite certified ?

Sheila Satin - March 9, 2021

Yes, many people are very sensitive to Moldavite’s powers, especially if you are an empath and open to energies in general. I would wait and see how you feel about the Moldavite and then if it’s too strong, you can order something that is balancing out the energy. Everyone is unique, so you may not feel Moldavite’s energy as powerfully as someone else.

On the other hand, Quartz is a wonderful stone in itself, known as the Master crystal, so as a beginner, it’s an excellent stone to work with in general!

Sheila Satin :)

Alaysia - March 9, 2021

I am just getting into spirituality. Many people say that this is very powerful. Should I order a quartz to balance it?

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