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Crystal Cleansing Video

Do you know how to cleanse your crystals?

Let's get down to basics and learn (or take a refresher on) how to cleanse, charge, and program your crystals for maximum healing benefits.

Click to watch the video and visit Crystal Care for additional ideas and instructions. 

This is knowledge to last you a holistic lifetime.

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If you have any questions, comments, or stories about your crystal cleansing experiences, post them below! 

Previous article What is Apatite? VIDEO


Mariya - August 29, 2020

Hi there !
I was looking to buy a crystal gluster for charging my crystals,but couldn’t find any on your web. Can you help me with this please
Thank you

Sheila Satin - August 1, 2020

Hi Dorothy,

Tigers Eye and Amethyst are in the Quartz family which are tougher stones. Jade is also a tougher stone. They can all be cleansed with any method including salt water. However, keep in mind that if the stones are polished the gloss may wear off after repeated use of salt water.

Pyrite is a little softer than the other three and it usually has a lot of natural holes, veins and craters that can be subject to damage with chemicals or water cleansing. Aragonite is a very soft stone. So for Pyrite and Aragonite, I would recommend any of the methods that are safe for ALL stones. You can find the methods in our Crystal Care Article here:

And if any of these crystals are in jewelry, here’s an article on jewelry care:

Sheila Satin

Dorothy Jeter - August 1, 2020

Hi, I purchased some stones yesterday and i want to cleanse them. I would like to know the best method for my type of stones. I purchased aragonite, jade, pyrite, amethyst, and tiger’s eye. Thank you.

Sheila Satin - August 1, 2020

Hi Zara, thank you for your email. Unakite tends to be a stone with more surface veins which could make it sensitive to chemicals or water, depending on the piece. You are right, if your crystal is polished, methods like cleansing with salt could dull the glossy surface.

Here are some methods that you can use safely to cleanse all crystals:

Sheila Satin

Zara - August 1, 2020


I have a Unakite crystal, and I have had it for about 1 month. I would like to cleanse the crystal, but I’m not sure what technique is best. it is polished, and I have read that some techniques can scratch it or even remove some of the colouring.

Thank you for your help,

Sheila Satin - July 15, 2020

Hi Kristen, we do not recommend salt water for your Moldavite or jewelry components as they may scratch the stones. A quick rinse in running water is okay, but preferably you would use a smoke/sage method or singing bowl or a crystal cluster method.

I will attach some helpful links for you:

Moldavite Guide (includes a section on cleansing):
Crystal Cleansing Guide:
Jewelry Care:
Let me know if you have any additional questions. We are standing by for you!

Sheila Satin

Kristen - July 15, 2020

I look forward to my new beautiful pendant. I do have a question about moldavite since im new to that stone. How do you clear that stone? Is it ok to submerge it in salt water?

Sheila Satin - July 11, 2020

Hi Rosy, thanks for your email.

It is not recommended to wear any natural stones in the pool because the water and the chlorine can both affect the stone and the jewelry components. If you are wearing an Obsidian stretch bracelet, the cord may wear down quicker in water. If you are wearing Obsidian in metal, the metal may be discolored or peel if it is plated.

Wearing it a few times in the pool may not have any ill-effects, but if you want to be on the careful side, I would take off your bracelet before swimming. Prolonged chemicals and water can be harmful to your stones, either discoloring, damaging, or dissolving them.

Here is more information for you on How to Care for your Crystal Jewelry:

Let me know if you have any other questions,
Sheila Satin

Rosy - July 11, 2020

Can i wear obsidian bracelet in a pool?

Sheila Satin - July 11, 2020

Hi Rebekah, welcome to the world of crystals!

In general, the harder stones are okay in salt water. However, if they are polished, I would still be careful because after a while the salt can wear off the polish and leave your stone dull and matte textured instead. Just eliminate the salt aspect and your harder polished stones will be just fine.

By harder stones I mean anything with a Mohs Scale of Hardness of 6 or above. To find out your Mohs Scale of your stone, you can search on google for “quartz mohs scale of hardness”, “opal mohs scale of hardness”, etc.

Quartz, Rose Quartz and Tigers Eye are all in the same family and have a hardness of 7.
Jade is a 6.5-7 on the scale, so this is up to your discretion, depending on the piece.
Opal ranges from 5.5-6.5 and is easily susceptible to scratches so I would avoid salt water with this stone.
Everything can be placed in sunlight for charging, but you don’t want prolonged direct sunlight if you are worried about fading. If you have clear Quartz, it obviously won’t fade, but if you have a deep pink Rose Quartz, it may. To reiterate, I am speaking specifically about prolonged sunlight. So, if the crystal sits in your windowsill a few days a month, you won’t see a difference in color. Or if it lives in a window that only gets indirect light, it will be fine as well.

Here are some good crystal books that we have in our personal collection:

Crystal Therapy – Doreeen Virtue
Crystal User’s Handbook – Judy Hall
Crystal Bible – Judy Hall
Love is in the Earth – Melody
Healing Crystals and Gemstones – Dr Flora Peschek-Bohmer
The Crystal Healer – Philip Permintt
Crystal, Colour and chakra healing – sue and simon lilly

Unfortunately, we have yet to come across a complete comprehensive guide on crystal healing. And, as you read each of these books, you’ll notice many discrepancies. Everyone has a different point of view and in the end you must make up your own mind. Each one of us vibrates at a different energy level, which is what makes you unique from everyone else in the world that ever was.

If you need help following your intuition, I recommend working on the Third Eye Chakra (and all the others as well):

I hope this leads you on the right path, Rebekah.

I am standing by if you need additional guidance.

Sheila Satin

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