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Crystal Healing for Hunter Full Moon Lunar Eclipse October 2023

rainbow moonstone sphere on gray background

This Hunter Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of October 2023, will you be the hunter or the hunted?

The Hunter Full Moon is no laughing matter. This is one of the most competitive, vial lunar cycles of the calendar. It may sound brutal but those who come out ahead become leaders of the land, kings and queens of the castle, and rulers of the riches. Those who lag remain in the darkness of the dreary eclipse.

October's Hunter Full Moon stands for strength and success. Stay ahead by loading Obsidian Crystals into your life during this 30-day lunar cycle. Protective Obsidian fights off bad elements and evil enemies. Chase your manifestations to completion. 

Keep reading to find out what's in your fortune for abundance, spirituality, and love this lunary month. Stay up to date on important astrological events by joining the Satin Crystals VIP club

When is the Hunter Full Moon Lunar Eclipse?

The Hunter Full Moon peaks on October 28th-29th, 2023. Exact peak times and dates depend on where you are located in the world. The Hunter Full Moon lunar cycle goes from October 28th until November 27th.

This Full Moon is also a partial lunar eclipse. It is the second of only 2 lunar eclipses in 2023.

What is the spiritual meaning of the Hunter Moon?

Lunar Moons were named after colonial and Native American activities. In October, animals were fattest thanks to their bountiful eating in spring and summer. October was the best month to hunt animals and preserve the meat through winter.

Other names for the October Full Moon are Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon, and Sanguine Moon.

What is your Full Moon Fortune?

The 30-day Hunter Moon cycle is about capturing your dreams. While you are out hunting for happiness, beware of predators. Evil forces and ill-willed people want to harm you. Move about silently, smartly, and with protective Obsidian crystals by your side.

Here are your 3 forecasts for Abundance, Love, and Spirituality during the Hunter Full Moon cycle of October 28th to November 27th, 2023:

#1 Your Abundance Forecast: 

Hunting is about gathering victories and abundance. This month, you have an incredible opportunity to catch your biggest dreams. This holds especially true in money, business, and material wealth. 

Are you seeking financial flow and business ventures? It's time to draw contracts, visit banks, and initiate transactions. Rile up your customer base and see business success by being present.

If you are looking for a new job or promotion, don't be shy. Play yourself up and pounce on your goals. You want to make a big statement during the Hunter Moon. Weaklings will be weeded out of the competition swiftly.

Beware! As you climb up the career ladder, jealous bystanders may try to steal your wealth and sabotage your success. Watch your back for cunning coworkers and relatives standing by to snatch in your rewards.

You MUST have Obsidian stones to protect you from this month's predators. Here are the top 3 Obsidian crystals that you need to manifest big prizes without being stopped by evil forces:

  • Obsidian BraceletsOver the next 30 days, wear your Obsidian bracelet daily. Obsidian is a master manifestation stone that helps you get what you want. It is also the most protective crystal to prevent others from stealing your wealth.
  • Obsidian Eggs: Obsidian eggs help you build a booming financial nest egg. You want your projects and bank balances to grow. Business ventures can be fragile; Obsidian guards you against predators who want to crackle your cash flow.

  • Obsidian Mirrors: Obsidian is famous for being one of the best gazing stones. Look into the gemstone mirror and see what you need to do in the future to be rich and abundant. The mirror also reveals who is trying to stab you in the back while you get ahead in life.

#2 Your Love Forecast: 

The October Hunter Moon is ideal for securing a relationship. The stars want you to get out there and take action. This is not a month where you sit around and hope love falls into your lap. Put out positive vibes and capture the relationship you deserve.

Do love manifestations and Heart chakra healing practices. Wear crystals that attract positive love while filtering out users and abusers.

What would happen if you asked someone out on a date? The Hunter Full Moon is not a time to shrink in fear. It is a time to roar with confidence.

If you are already committed, show your partner that you are a prize catch. Dress your best and play your A-game.

These are the top 3 Obsidian crystals that help you manifest love. The good kind, without the dramatic:

  • Obsidian Hearts: These lovely crystals open you to true love while closing the door to posers and predators.

  • Obsidian NecklacesWearing an Obsidian necklace ensures you are attracting love no matter where you go because it lands near your Heart chakra. The necklace protects you from bad fortune and shady characters.
  • Obsidian Animals: When you invite Obsidian animals into your life, you are telling the Universe that you are ready for good company. Obsidian animal crystals show you signs and messages that lead you down the right romantic path.

#3 Your Spirituality Forecast

If you desire spiritual advancement, the time for philosophy is over. Philosophy has a place in spirituality but not during the October Hunter Moon. Take hold of your crystals and put them to work. Actively do your meditations, affirmations, healing sessions, and whatever you need to do to get the job done.

Obsidian keeps you protected from evil energy that can infiltrate your spiritual practices. Obsidian stones are a must this month: 

  • Obsidian Balls: Nostradamus, the master fortuneteller, used Obsidian for gazing into the future. If you want to gain vast spiritual abilities like Nostradamus, gaze into an Obsidian crystal ball. It will give you smart insights while keeping you protected.

  • Obsidian Tumbled Stones: Evil spirits and saboteurs are a dime a dozen during the October Full Moon. They are on the hunt. Grid your body and spaces with Obsidian tumbled stones to form a protective forcefield. Don't allow bad energy to penetrate your meditations and rituals. 

  • Obsidian Pyramids: To be the best of the best, you must climb to the top. With Obsidian pyramids, you can advance your spirituality quickly. Universal wisdom is funneled through the top, as is protective energy.


Full Moon Crystal Healing Set

With every lunar event, you want Moonstone, Selenite, and Labradorite on hand. These are the three mightiest Moon crystals. That is why the Astrology Sun and Moon Set is a must for you this Full Moon cycle.

The Astrology Crystal Set contains:

  • 1 Selenite Full Moon charging station: Named after Moon Goddess Selene, this moon crystal glows with a glorious silky white sheen. The charging station rejuvenates your stones and jewelry while infusing them with healing moonlight.
  • 3 Moonstone Crystals: This is the number one moon crystal. Moonstone is the staple crystal for all your lunar practices. Moonstone aligns strongest with the Full Moon. Moonstone holds the power of a million moons and delivers it to the palm of your hand.
  • 3 Labradorite Crystals: This dark beauty flashes with rainbows like the midnight sky flecked with celestial stars. Labradorite aligns with the New Moon, helping you find new beginnings in the darkness. Use Labradorite and feel like you are being guided by your spirit guides and angels.
  • 3 Sunstone Crystals: You cannot have moonlight without sunlight. Sunstone holds the power of the Sun God Apollo. It is an almighty crystal that nourishes and gives life to you and your other stones. 

Learn more about How to use the Astrology Set to capture the giving spirit of the Moon.

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Your Personal Full Moon Horoscope

Are you fascinated by the movement of the sky? Check out this month's Zodiac horoscope report

Do you want to know your zodiac fortune for next month? Subscribe to the free Satin Crystals VIP club and have it delivered to your email monthly.

What is a Full Moon?

If you're looking for more scientific facts and spiritual meanings of Full moons, visit the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moons article.

What is a Lunar Eclipse?

This April's Lunar Eclipse is called a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. See the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moons article for more scientific and spiritual information about Lunar Eclipses.

Lunar Connection

What questions do you have about the Full Moon? We are happy to answer any questions or hear your comments. Write them below and we will get back to you

Additional lunar links for you today:

Grow with Satin Crystals: 

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

Previous article Crystal Healing for Wolf Full Moon of January 25, 2024


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