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Crystal Rituals for Buck Full Moon of July 3, 2023

white rainbow moonstone sphere against gray backgroundWhat is a Buck Full Moon? It is the stunning Full Moon of July.

The Buck Full Moon is not for the faint of heart. The lessons you learn over the next 30 days will determine if you shall prosper or perish. Uncover the secrets of this vibrant lunation. You must survive if you want to thrive.

Get your protective Tourmaline crystals now so you are prepared to take part in this volatile journey. Then, buckle up for the ride. 

What is a buck? A buck is an energetic and exploratory young male deer with lots to discover. It's a wild world out there! The buck is susceptible to the many dangers that lurk in every corner of planet Earth.

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When is the Buck Full Moon?

The Buck Full Moon happens on July 3, 2023. The exact times and dates depend on where you are located in the world. The start, peak, and end times of the Buck Moon are determined by your geographical location.

The entire Buck Full Moon lunar cycle lasts for 30 days. Wear and carry protective Tourmaline crystals faithfully from July 3 to August 1, 2023. They help you safely navigate the dangerous terrain.

What is the spiritual meaning of the Buck Moon?

The July Full Moon is called the Buck Full Moon. A buck is a male deer. Around this time of year, the antlers of the buck begin to emerge from his forehead. The buck sheds his antlers every year and new ones grow to replace them.

Other names for the July Full Moon are Thunder Moon, Hay Moon, and Wort Moon. They represent the thunderstorms of the month, the harvesting of hay, and the traditional gathering of Wort herbs.

What is your Full Moon Fortune?

The Buck Full Moon influences your destiny between July 3 and August 1, 2023.

See what's in store for you in abundance, spirituality, and love:

Your Abundance Forecast

Do you want to get ahead? Then you'll need to stay ahead. July 3 to August 1 is all about survival of the fittest.

What can you do to thrive in a dangerous, competitive world? What talents and skills do you have that will allow you to solve problems ahead? Can you turn up the charm and make friends out of foes? You'll need all the tools in your kit.

Over the next 30 days, you must think sharp and stay on your toes to succeed. Don't let your guard down because there's competition and betrayal in the air. Everyone wants to be top dog, or in this case, top deer. Keep your spirits high and your energy positive but in a smart way.

Prepare to battle the elements. Lots of hurdles will appear in your path. Can you cope? If you've got it in you, you'll grow to be a stronger soul. You'll reap great rewards this month if you do your very best; in both status and riches. On the other hand, mediocrity shall lead you nowhere.

3 Recommended Crystals for Abundance:

1. Black Tourmaline Crystals shall be your savior. When you are in trouble and full of doubts, they zap your destructive thoughts and infuse you with the strength to power through the rocky Buck Moon.

Are you going to surrender or are you going to stay strong? Black Tourmaline gemstones help you survive so that you can thrive. In this round, only winners prevail. 

2. Tourmaline Necklaces have the exact energy you need to endure the volatile Buck Full Moon of 2023. They serve as your defensive armor, combatting nasty people that are trying to hunt you down.

Wear Tourmaline jewelry everywhere you go during this rough time. It will keep you safeguarded from bad vibrations and elevate your status to the top. Only then can you keep your eye on the prize and catch your rewards. 

3. Tourmaline Eggs help you think smart and hatch strategic plans during the Buck Full Moon. Stay ahead of the competition with brilliant new ideas. While it's a rough lunation, it's full of opportunity for those who stay a cut above the rest. Place Tourmaline eggs in your work area or think station to become a successful leader and innovator.

Your Spiritual Forecast

Spiritually, this Full Moon represents challenges and new growth for your soul. Dangers lurk in every pocket of the Buck Full Moon period of July 3 to August 1. You must focus on safety this month if you want to thrive and prosper on a higher level.

Spirituality is not just about sitting in isolation and meditation. It's also about navigating the outside world. Nature is full of obstacles. Predators, violent weather, and fighting within the herd are just a few things the buck must face. You too must come to terms with daily challenges. Conquer the elements with grace and positivity. 

This month, you'll grow by learning how to navigate external challenges. Handle the gritty things like competitive coworkers, financial storms, and family feuds. Only when you can balance the rocky outside world with graceful inner peace shall you achieve enlightenment.

During this Buck Moon cycle, your challenges are going to be intense. You can expect the Universe to throw all kinds of dirt your way.

Will you falter or will you forge ahead like a mighty beast?

3 Recommended Crystals for Spirituality:

1. Moonstone Tourmaline Crystals combine the protection of Tourmaline and the Light of Moonstone. This powerful crystal sharpens your intuition and your instincts. You can already feel the violent energy on planet Earth. Dark elements show their ugly faces in every corner of politics, the economy, and even your personal life. Moonstone Tourmaline crystals help you cope with the bad while remaining serene and peaceful within.

2. Tourmaline Bracelets are your handy helpers. The next 30 days will not be easy. Don't attempt to navigate the Buck Full Moon empty-handed. Tourmaline safety stones help you slay unwanted forces. Keep your aura protected during this lunation. Wearing these gemstone bracelets also reminds you to keep active and involved in the real world.

Don't ignore your surroundings, be part of them, improve them, and excel. It's what a balanced soul can do!

3. Tourmaline Crystal Balls are your perfect spiritual tool for when you're feeling fearful. Do a quick meditation with a Tourmaline crystal ball. It will help you see the realities of the world.

During the Buck Full Moon, you want to be aware of your surroundings. These crystal spheres open your intuition to every perspective around the globe. 

Your Love Forecast

While the Buck Full Moon is truly a wild lunation, that could be in your favor when it comes to love. What's more virile than a handsome young buck?

There's a lot of primal energy in the air during this Full Moon cycle of July 3 to August 1. Seize the opportunity to catch your perfect mate or rekindle the passion with your current partner.

Many souls are out looking for love during the Buck Moon. It's an opportune time to find it. Just beware that there is high competition in your territory. Don't take anyone for granted or they may slip out of your hands and into the arms of another lover. Show your wild side but remain caring and compassionate. You are full of charm. 

3 Recommended Crystals for Love:

1. Red Tourmaline Crystals keep you tough yet loving during the wild Buck Full Moon period. These powerful gems help you attract romance and fun. Program your Red Tourmaline stones for passionate love under the Buck Full Moon or under the moonlight of any night during the lunar month. You won't be disappointed. 

2. Tourmaline Hearts are the stones to use to enhance your partnerships: romantic, business, and friendships. You want to build trustworthy connections and alliances during the Buck Full Moon. A deer in a herd is better protected and finds greater success than a solo one who is in danger of becoming the prey. Place Tourmaline hearts in the home and office to tighten your relationships.

3. Tourmaline Pendants lay near your Heart chakra helping you to heal during the Buck Full Moon. They protect your energy while encouraging you to explore the world of love. If you're looking to date, wear a Tourmaline pendant to attract good partners and repel the abusers. These shiny trinkets have you looking and feeling your best. 

Do you have tough Tourmaline safety stones ready for the wild Buck Full Moon? Check out the Tourmaline Crystal Collection to find your perfect pieces. 

Full Moon Crystal Healing Set

With every lunar event, you want Moonstone, Selenite, and Labradorite on hand. These are the three mightiest Moon Crystals. That is why the Astrology Sun and Moon Set is a must for you this Full Moon cycle.

The Astrology Crystal Set contains:

  • 1 Selenite Full Moon charging station: Named after Moon Goddess Selene, this moon crystal glows with a glorious silky white sheen. The charging station rejuvenates your stones and jewelry while infusing them with healing moonlight.
  • 3 Moonstone Crystals: This is the number one moon crystal. Moonstone is the staple crystal for all your lunar practices. Moonstone aligns strongest with the Full Moon. Moonstone holds the power of a million moons and delivers it to the palm of your hand.
  • 3 Labradorite Crystals: This dark beauty flashes with rainbows like the midnight sky flecked with celestial stars. Labradorite aligns with the New Moon, helping you find new beginnings in the darkness. Use Labradorite and feel like you are being guided by your spirit guides and angels.
  • 3 Sunstone Crystals: You cannot have moonlight without sunlight. Sunstone holds the power of the Sun God Apollo. It is an almighty crystal that nourishes and gives life to you and your other stones. 

Learn more about How to use the Astrology Set to capture the giving spirit of the Moon.

Your Personal Full Moon Horoscope

Are you fascinated by the movement of the sky? Your monthly horoscope is shaped by activities like the Full Moon, planetary activity, and Solar Eclipses. Check out your zodiac's customized horoscope report for the month of HERE

Do you want to know what's in store for October? Subscribe immediately to the free Satin Crystals VIP club and have your most updated horoscope report delivered to your inbox before the end of the month.

What is a Full Moon?

Every 29.5 days, the Moon shines as a full white circle in the sky. This is known as the Full Moon. It is a time that's revered by many. See the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moons article for more scientific and spiritual information about Full Moons.

Your Lunar Connection

What crystals do you have in your collection for Full Moon healing? What results have you achieved? 

We are happy to answer any questions or hear your crystal comments, jot them down below and we will get back to you

Additional Lunar-related links for you today:

Grow with Satin Crystals: 

Shop the Moon Crystal Collection

Add to your collection in the Moon Crystal Shop or select from treasures right here on the blog:

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

Previous article Rose Quartz Love Story Stone Showcase


Sheila Satin - July 11, 2020

Hi Donna! Thanks for writing back. I have some suggestions for you as far as protection crystals.

You could first start here at our Protection Crystals article:

Here are Protection Crystal jewelry we recommend based on popularity:

Here are Protection Crystal stones we recommend based on popularity:

It’s great that you are gridding your space and focusing on your own positivity.

Let me know if you have additional questions after you have visited the links.

Sheila Satin

Donna - July 11, 2020

I am looking for jewelry or something to put on my desk to ward off my boss’s overwhelming negative energy. She was out of the office last week and having her gone enabled my positive energy to remain untarnished. I’ve been going to therapy for years and have learned how to deal with her, but now I need something to keep her aura from interfering with mine. Would love any recommendations you have. Thank you! Donna

Sheila Satin - July 9, 2020

Hi Lisa, I am not sure which grids you are referring to, but if you are asking for tumbled stones that you can grid around your space, we have several different sets. Use this link to find the current selection:

If you are referring to chakra stones to grid on your chakras, you can try this set:

Sheila Satin

Lisa Scully - July 9, 2020

I am looking for a crystal grid. Thanks

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