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15 Free Jasper Affirmations for You

female holding a gray and orange polychrome jasper heart stone in front of her face Your Jolly Jasper affirmations are here to bring you strength, resolve, and happiness.

One of the most colorful crystals in the kingdom, you'll find a Jasper that meets your needs no matter what the challenge in life.

Gather up your Jasper gems and let's affirm!

If you don't have this crystal yet, shop the Jasper Collection to find your perfect pieces.

Do Jasper Affirmations benefit you?

Yes, all souls benefit from Jasper affirmations. Jasper affirmations are fun, easy, and right for you.

Jasper stone is so versatile that it can be found all over the world in so many different colors and forms. Whatever life hands you at the moment, there is a Jasper ready to jump in and help.

Is your aura in a red, green, brown, or in a colorful mood? Pick you Jasper crystal and feel your joy instantly elevate. 

Your 15 Jasper Affirmations

Here are 15 Jasper crystal affirmations to recite while you hold your Jasper Stones. Chant them any time of the day or night, as often as you desire.

Red Jasper for Harnessing Solar Power:

  • I harness the sun's energy through my Red Jasper crystal and become ignited with drive and motivation.

  • My Red Jasper crystal radiate solar energy, illuminating my aura so that dark thoughts no longer control me.

  • I rise up every day with the power of the sun, ready to achieve my life's missions and desires.

Green Crocodile Jasper for Protection and Insight:

  • My Crocodile Jasper is my guardian and my watchful protector, keeping me out of harm's way.

  • Through the eyes of my Crocodile Jasper, I receive messages and visions through my Third Eye.

  • With Crocodile Jasper, I am connected to the earth, the animals, and the plants. 

    Brown Jasper for Worldly Pursuits:

    • My Root Chakra is activated by my Brown Jasper stone, allowing me to walk confidently through each and every day.

    • I am a success story who achieves important things in health and career.

    • Whenever I feel stressed or anxious, I hold my Brown Jasper stone and I am lavished with vibes of peace and relaxation.

    Ocean Jasper for Expansive Spirituality:

    • Every time I pick up my Ocean Jasper gemstone, my mind is as open and expansive as the great big sea.

    • I follow the tides of change, facing each challenge calmly and consciously.

    • My Ocean Jasper crystal cleanses my body, mind, and spirit with the renewing forces of Water Element.

    Picture Jasper for Creative Expression:

    • I am the artist of my own life, creating a picture canvas with each step I take and each memory I make.

    • My soul is as unique and beautiful as my Picture Jasper stone.

    • I am an artistic soul who has come to earth not only to do, but also to be.

    Customize your Jasper Affirmations

    Do you want to personalize your positive affirmations to align with your specific goals?  Check out this simple guide on How to Properly Write Affirmations.

    Your Turn to Affirm

    Do you have any questions, stories, or comments about affirmations? We are happy to hear from you anytime, comment on the blog below.  

    Get your Jasper Now

    Shop for your new stones in the Jasper Collection or find your perfect piece instantly: 

    Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

    Previous article Iolite Stone of Financial Freedom


    Sheila Satin - December 24, 2020

    Hi Sri, we will be covering these two crystals next year and will be providing free affirmations for both in the coming months. You can stay tuned in the email club:

    Meanwhile, here are the affirmations we have so far that you may adapt to your Citrine and Clear Quartz:

    Sheila Satin

    Sri - December 24, 2020

    Can you help with citrine and clear quartz affirmations?

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