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Merry Christmas! A surprise awaits you...

satin mother and daughters posing by a lakeYou are part of our crystal family!

Speaking of family... who are Sheila, Lisa, and Ann Satin?

A personal message and timeline await...

What a year!

We want to wish you and your loved one a very Merry Christmas (and any other holiday you wish to celebrate!)

We also want to take this opportunity to introduce to you the newest partner of Satin Crystals... Ann Satin. 

Who is Ann?

Satin Crystals Historical Timeline

  • 2001-2006: Sunny (our late father) and Ann Satin (our mother) officially start Satin Crystals. Sunny is a teacher and lecturer in crystals and alternative healing modalities, traveling across the world to reach many students. Ann assists. Sheila joins them soon after.

  • 2005- Lisa moves back from Thailand and joins the family business. She also kicks off her own online venture.

  • 2006- Sunny passes away and Ann becomes the head of the C.H.I. teaching institute.

  • 2007- Lisa takes over Satin Crystals and moves to San Francisco. Sheila kicks off her handmade jewelry line, I Dig Crystals.

  • 2009-2011- Lisa opens a storefront and healing center in downtown San Francisco. Sheila moves up to manage it. Ann flies back and forth from Orange County to teach master courses.

  • 2012- Lisa moves away from the Bay Area. Once again the two sisters branch off on their individual online ventures.

  • 2018- Sheila gets tired of doing accounting and other boring parts of her business, so she makes her way back to Satin Crystals. I Dig Crystals becomes the jewelry line.

  • 2020- Ann gets tired of doing accounting and other boring parts of her business, Sunny Crystals. She rejoins Satin Crystals.

  • 2021- Three Satins are reunited, and it feels so good. Another major migration will occur as Satin Crystals absorbs Sunny Crystals. Keep your eyes wide open, because it will be raining with new gems and jewels.

Thank you for being part of our crystal family, and we'd love to hear from your. 

What is your story?

Ann, Sheila, Lisa Satin

Contact Satin Crystals

If you have any crystal questions, post them here on the blog below and we'll get back to you. 

Previous article Iolite Jewelry Showcase for Money Visions


Ann Satin - February 5, 2021

Hi Cathy,

Good to hear from you. How are you and your family? Didn’t realize that you are one of our members. Welcome!

Sheila and Lisa has been joining hands for a couple of years now. They have been doing a marvelous job in spreading awareness of crystals. We’ve decided that it would be better to focus all our energy into Satin Crystals.

I moved from Yorda Linda to Anaheim in 2014.

Hope we can meet some day. Meanwhile Please keep in touch.

All the best and Happy New Year!

cwsaab - February 5, 2021

Its wonderful that the three of you are Barack together. There is power in the triumvirate 🥰🥰🥰 Anne, are you still in Yorba Linda?

Sheila Satin - January 7, 2021

Thank you, Linda. And Happy new Year!

Sheila :)

Linda H - January 7, 2021

awwww so nice that you are all together!

Happy New Year!

Sheila Satin - January 7, 2021

Thank you, Heli! We appreciate you and your family and your all of your positive energy.

Heli & Family - January 7, 2021

Dear Lisa, Sheila & Annie,

Thank you for keeping us on your email list.
Your site is so exceptionally “put together “, the articulation, photos, information, just exemplary!A pleasure.😍
I loved reading today’s historical timeline…
And the beautiful picture of the three of you together ❣️
Good Luck with all the endeavours!!

Heli & Family.

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