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Sacral Chakra Quiz

sheila of satin crystals holding orange crystals at her sacral chakraHow's your Sacral chakra today?

Do you know about your Sacral Chakra?

Answer these...

  • What color is your Sacral Chakra?

  • How does this chakra affect your sexuality?

  • How does this chakra affect your creativity?

  • Where do you place crystals to open the Sacral chakra?

  • What are some Sacral chakra mantras?

  • What musical note is the Sacral chakra?

  • How do you know if your Sacral chakra is blocked?

  • What's the difference between an overactive and an underactive Sacral chakra?

  • Why can't you have healthy relationships with a blocked Sacral?

  • Which crystals do you need to open the Sacral Chakra?

Find the answers and much more in your Sacral Chakra Crystal Guide.

Your Path to Chakra Knowledge

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Meanwhile, here are other related links to follow: 

Have questions? We would love to hear your inquiries, comments, stories, and experiences with the Sacral Chakra. Post them here on the blog below and we'll get back to you! 

Save the Sacral Chakra with Crystals

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