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The Sky is Dancing! Lunar and Solar Eclipses of June 2020

moon, sun and meteorite jewelry

Can you believe that in June we are blessed with both a Lunar and a Solar Eclipse? What's even more exciting is that the Solar Eclipse happens around the Summer Solstice, and also Father's Day! Let's start prepping our crystals now so that we don't miss out on these important moments.

The sky is dancing! You can be part of the fun, rituals, and spiritual benefits by dancing under the moon, sun, and stars.

When is the Lunar Eclipse?

The Lunar Eclipse will be here in a blink of an eye, don't miss out. June 5th is when the penumbral Lunar Eclipse takes place. Be sure to be ready with your Moonstone crystals so you can harness the power of the Strawberry Full Moon.

When is the Solar Eclipse?

You get to enjoy a powerful Solar Eclipse on June 21st. The New Moon overlaps the sun. What makes it extra special is that we celebrate Father's Day that same Sunday. 

The glorious spectacle happens immediately after the longest day of the year, Summer Solstice. The Solstice is Saturday, June 20, 2020.

Start preparing now by getting your Sunstone crystals in place. Have them on hand for this rare moment and harness the power of the summer sun.

Eclipse Crystals

Satin Crystals has come out with a line of Astrology Stones.

You're going to love our new moon and sun pendants, earrings, and necklaces. Get ready to see a number of fresh designs hand-made by Sheila Satin. Alongside the jewelry you can find Moonstone, Sunstone, and other sky gems. 

That's not all...our VIP is about to get some special deals from our new Astrology Collection. Keep a close eye on your inbox for the next two weeks. 

Not on the list yet? It's not too late, Join the Satin Crystals VIP

Meanwhile, take a sneak peek at the goods by visiting:

What's to Come

For the next two weeks, your inbox will be raining with valuable information and star-studded deals. In "The Sky is Dancing" series, you will discover:

  • What is the Strawberry Full Moon Eclipse and its Benefit?
  • The Ultimate Moon Guides
  • Moon Jewelry Showcase and VIP special
  • Your Astrological Crystal Horoscope for June 2020
  • What is the Solar Eclipse and How does it Benefit You?
  • What does the Summer Solstice mean?
  • Solar Eclipse Jewelry & Sunstone Showcases with VIP specials

Your Connection to the Sky

Why should the heavens have all the fun? We hope to get you dancing down here on Earth as the monumental powers of the sky bless us with extra energy.

We are happy to answer any questions or hear your crystal comments, jot them down below, or contact us directly anytime. 

Additional Lunar Related links for you today:

Previous article Self-Hypnosis Meditation with Pendulum


Lisa Satin - May 26, 2020

Hi Elma, yes it is and all the answers are coming up in the next two weeks in our eclipse series! Make sure you’re on the VIP list!


Elma - May 26, 2020

Sheila, is the solar eclipse time to work on our shadow?

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