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What is a Crystal Layout?

three people lying in a crystal layoutLying with crystals?

Yes. And it feels as good as it sounds. Is a layout the same as a grid? How do I do it? Why should I do it? 

Find the answers to these questions:

1. What is a crystal layout?

2. Can I benefit from a crystal layout?

3. How do I do layouts to enhance love? heal the earth? or reduce anxiety?  

4. What kind of crystals should I use in my layout?

5. How do I create a crystal layout?

6. Is a crystal layout the same as a crystal grid?

7. Can I do crystal layouts in a group?

Click to learn more in: 

How to do Crystal Layouts

Your Path to Crystal Knowledge...

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Have questions? We would love to hear your inquiries, comments, stories, and experiences with crystals. Post them here on the blog below and we'll get back to you! 

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