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Amazing Crystal Healing Powers

Amazing Power of Crystals - Satin Crystals Blog

Here is an article written by our good friend, Dr. Jyotika Chhibber, whom my sister and I had the pleasure of learning with during our time in the Hypnotherapy course in India many years ago. Together we opened our minds to the healing power of crystals - Sheila 

Amazing power of healing crystals

By Dr. Jyotika Chhibber, a practitioner in Alternate Medicine

One of my colleagues called me a cold winter evening of 2004 with a request to visit a hospital where one of her clients, Navdeep Gupta (name changed on request) was battling with death and struggling before leaving this physical world as I was told … “Could you please go and give him healing so that he could be helped to leave this world painlessly?” was all she said. The doctors had given up all hopes of his recovery while he was admitted in an ICU for weeks.

Dr. Asis Ganguli and I decided to leave for the hospital the next morning to pray to GOD asking HIM to channel healing to the ailing boy so that whatever was The Highest and Best for this teenager came his way.

While I was dressing up to leave, I sensed a pull within me to pick healing crystals for him but knew nothing about his illness and so couldn’t figure which ones to pick for him. Therefore, I decided to leave it all to the crystals and simply connected and conversed with them. Crystals have their own consciousness and one can tap into their frequency and receive Guidance. I spoke to all my crystals and asked only those crystals to draw my attention which were meant for Navdeep. I was intuitively led to pick a small Malachite cabochon, a Bloodstone terminator, Agate tumble and an Amethyst pendant. This Malachite cab had a natural OM formation over it and I hesitated to give it away. Thinking that perhaps he needed it more than me, I carried these along for Navdeep.

I had seen two young boys in my mind and had an inner knowing that I would be meeting them at the hospital. I had a vision of my handing over the pouch of crystals to one of them. He seemed like his brother to me. To my surprise, on reaching the hospital, I met the same two young boys. One was indeed his brother and the other, his friend. Navdeep’s brother informed me that he suffered from Kidney failure and was on dialysis (for which Malachite is recommended) and his liver was damaged too (Bloodstone fit in well for this condition). Agate is for long life (he was on the verge of leaving this world) and Amethyst for healing and positive transformation. He was in an unconscious state.

Psychically connecting with Navdeep helped me channel a message that he would go into coma the very evening and after 3 days he would begin a new, refreshed life. It would be like re-birthing for him and I could foresee him walk out of the hospital with the support of his brother and another boy, whose description had matched his friend’s appearance.

Dr. Ganguli and I carried out the process for Navdeep to receive Divine Universal healing and left him by giving positive suggestions to his mind.

Thus, he truly began his recovery after coming out of 2 and half days of coma and now leads a happy, healthy life as an adult looking after his father’s business.

This episode re-enforced my faith by several folds more in the magnificent power of crystals and I continue to use and sell them ever since.

GOD’s miracles are infinite. All we need are faith and an open mind in order to allow them to receive and continue to unfold in our daily lives. Every ray of sunlight is a miracle and so is the gift of every breath, every moment, every step we walk ahead on our journey on this plane and beyond...

Previous article Iolite Stone of Financial Freedom


Lisa Satin - March 28, 2022

Hi Jessica,

Thanks for reaching out. We’re happy to know that you are interested in Reiki, the world needs more healers like you. Although we don’t know a specific teacher at the moment, here is a reference on how to find one.

Within that article is a link to the Body Mind Spirit directory of healers that can help lead you to the right person.

Best wishes and keep in touch on your healing journey.


Lisa Satin

Jessica D. - March 28, 2022

I’m interested in learning reiki to add to my healing “bag of tricks”. Do you have a recommendation?

Sheila Satin - July 9, 2020

Dear Emmanuel, thank you for writing to us. I understand you are looking for abundance in your life. This is a long journey that begins with turning your thoughts to a positive state. You can’t attract what you want if your mind is in a poor state.

You will want to work on your chakras: so that your energy centers are open and balanced.

Meditation may also be beneficial for you:

I can recommend you some crystals to carry and work with in healing rituals from the Abundance Crystals article:

However, keep in mind, crystals are just tools in your journey. They can not make you rich. It all starts with your state of mind. As long as you are willing to put in the work to align your mind to abundance, you will be well on your way to keeping financial richness in your life.

Sheila Satin

Emmanuel - July 9, 2020

Pls.thi is Emmanuel Vorleto, i am worried because in my life Money do not keep long on me, as soon as it gets into my hands why is it so

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