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HOLIDAY ALERT: All packages will be shipped January 21, 2025. Free shipping for US orders $55+

How to Use Abundance Crystals for Manifesting

three ladies wearing abundance crystals, one meditating with aventurine pyramids and the other two fanning cash Discover the world of Abundance Crystals and how you can use them to manifest your desires. 

Are you ready for more?

Are you sick of drowning in bills?

Are you done with dead-end relationships?

Are you tired of being passed up for promotions?

Are you frustrated by friends moving forward as you fall back?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Abundance Crystals can benefit you.

Join the Satin Crystals VIP and stay updated on Abundance Crystals and all of your favorite gemstones.

Watch the Abundance Crystal Video

Get an overview with tips and ideas on How to use Abundance Crystals in our video above. You can also also comment with your abunance crystal stories and find a plethora of crystal healing tutorials on our Youtube channel. 

three people holding citrine cluster and aventurine hearts

Why do I need Abundance Crystals?

You deserve prosperity. You are worthy of wealth and abundance. Perhaps you were taught that you didn't deserve a rich lifestyle. Was money associated with greed and sin? Even if your parents and teachers didn't say it outright, the concept of poverty and mediocrity is woven into our society. 

Now you have this unhealthy thought pattern stuck in your head... but you're ready for a change! That's why you need Abundance crystals. 

Abundance crystals are natural gemstone treasures that help you transform your poverty mindset into one of grand manifestations. The Universe provides you with the resources needed to achieve your dreams. Ask and you shall receive. Take action with crystals and you shall receive tenfold.

The Law of Attraction works for everyone. The problem is that most people don't know how to use it.

Abundance crystals are the perfect tools to tap into your dreams and manifest them into reality. Now is the time to finally break free of this poor mindset and let riches flow in.

Lisa's personal experience with Abundance Crystals

I love and adore money. Yet the poverty mentality that was ingrained in my psyche would cause me great stress. I constantly feared that my money wasn't enough and that something horrible would happen to wipe out my flow of cash.

Working with Abundance Crystals (and crystals in general) has helped me erase that destructive thinking. Crystals have brought me abundance year after year, rendering my old thoughts as an error. I use Citrine, Jade, Aventurine, and Pyrite to keep the finances flowing. These abundance crystals always bless and adorn my money box, my work desk, and my home.

Worrying about money is a major drain on life. I'm grateful that abundance stones taught me cash is everywhere- grab it as needed! Any time I write a manifestation list or balance a budget, I gaze into my Abundance Crystals and give gratitude. 

a pair of dark green ganesh elephant god aventurine figurines on a quartz wand.
Sheila's personal experience with Abundance Crystals

Growing up, I always struggled with attracting money. Some people have problems with their weight, relationships, or self-worth, but for me, it was always financial woes.

Learning about abundance and the Law of Attraction in my early 20s got me on the right path. Then, I completed a 30-day Money Manifestation using two Aventurine pyramids and I was able to change the course of my financial flow.

Most people are attracted to Citrine as a money stone, but for me, it was always the dark colors of Aventurine that vibrated with my aura. Today I have two little green Aventurine Ganesh figurines by my computer. One symbolizes me and the other symbolizes my Satin Crystals partner, Lisa.

Ganesh is the Hindu elephant god who removes obstacles and Aventurine is the stone of abundance: both powerful symbols in online business pursuits. 

So no matter which money stone you are attracted to, I would get right on it and start to reverse years of poor-man syndrome today.  

How do Abundance Crystals work? 

Crystals vibrate with the wealth of the Universe. Crystals are naturally structured to conduct energy. They bring back the wisdom and answers you need to complete your goals. Abundance Crystals operate at the frequency of success.

For the best results, infuse your abundance stones with your intentions. Cleanse, charge, and program your crystals before beginning your healing rituals and manifestations. 

What crystal is good for attracting money?

There are many crystals that are good for attracting money. We have listed the top 7 money stones here. They are in no special order, listed alphabetically. 

As with all energy healing, you will want to choose the crystals that you are most attracted to. These will be the crystals that are operating on your wavelength. This may be one special money stone or several.

Once you have found your money crystals, you can signal to the Universe your desire to attract the wealth you deserve. 

green aventurine stone sphere - crystal healing meanings at satin crystals

Aventurine is famous for its energy of wealth and prosperity. Program your crystal for the type of abundance that you would like to receive. This could be an abundance of money, health, friendships, and even spiritual experiences. Amplify your Aventurine's energy by complementing it with Citrine. Combining these two power manifestation stones yields great gifts!

natural indian bloodstone sphere - satin crystals meanings

Bloodstone is like a conservatory of money. Place Bloodstone in your money corner to help retain your current wealth. Don't let it slip away! Not only will it help you conserve your money, but Bloodstone also assists you in gaining more. After all, like attracts like.

natural yellow citrine stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsCitrine is known as the Merchant's Stone because it brings cash flow and financial success. Place it in your purse, wallet, or money box. We hear all kinds of success stories attributed to the purchase of Citrine crystals. The success is seen in both heated and untreated Citrine crystals. Try it today!  

natural light green jade stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsJade is the attractive sister of Aventurine. Jade has long been associated with money, luck, and prosperity. Jade is also a stone of good fortune. Its divine powers of manifestation are revered across generations and cultures. When you want to turn your luck around and look towards a positive money mindset, Jade is for you. 

natural pyrite cluster stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsPyrite is known as Fool's Gold for fooling many miners with its metallic color. However, when you harvest the abundance energy of Pyrite, you will not feel like a fool. Pyrite attracts riches, coins, treasure, and cash. Its sparkling exterior acts as a vortex of manifestation, summoning the Law of Attraction to bring you more and more and more.

natural green and black emerald stone sphere - satin crystals meaningsEmerald resonates with money and cash. Surprisingly, raw emerald doesn't cost a fortune. Emerald makes a great investment because it helps you summon your rightful fortune. Emerald fills you with thoughts of luxury and wealth. It is the stone of royalty, precious and valuable. 


iolite sphere

Iolite crystals are your beautiful financial helpers. When you need to balance your budget and reconcile those ledgers, turn to Iolite. This money stone is especially savvy in getting you to avoid and pay off debt. Iolite wants you to find freedom through financial abundance.

pile of abundance crystals

How can I use my crystals for manifesting abundance?

Once you have cleansed, charged, and programmed your favorite Abundance Crystals, here are a few ideas on how to use them in your healing practice: 

  • Meditate with Abundance Crystal spheres. Place one in each hand and imagine the money rolling all around your aura. If you have trouble meditating on your own, gather your Aventurine crystals and join our guided money meditation video! 

  • Keep your tumbled Abundance crystals in your wallet, pocket, purse, or anywhere you are constantly pulling out money to be reminded of your goals. 

  • If you are seeking an abundance in partnerships, gift the other person a matching abundance stone to keep your energies in sync. If you have a group of friends, give them all Abundance Crystals and stay connected. 

  • Create a crystal grid or mandala with your favorite Abundance Crystals. Activate the grid with a Clear Quartz wand and let the intention flow into the Universe.  

  • Use Abundance Crystals in egg formation to help ease your transition into your prosperous new mentality. Change is tough, but crystal eggs help you through. 

  • Use smooth Abundance Crystals for physical massage. Infuse the energy of the stone into your aura while releasing stress and tension. 

  • Place a Ganesh Hindu Elephant god figurine carved from an Abundance Crystal prominently in your space to remove obstacles and bring in wealth. 

  • Lie in a crystal layout surrounded by Abundance Crystals to relax and create a net of wealth. 

  • Drink a gem elixir created with your favorite Abundance Crystals to fill your body with prosperous energies. 

  • Gift Abundance Crystal hearts for every occasion. The more you give, the more you receive, as long as you are doing it without expecting anything in return.

man and woman picking citrine tumbled stones out of a glittery green eyeglass case

Where do you put crystals to attract money?

Get wise and wealthy by practicing financial Feng Shui. You want to put your Abundance crystals in the right place so they attract mountains of money.

Here are the 7 best places to keep your money crystals:

1. Wallet: Aventurine and Citrine polished stone assure your wallet is always bulging.

2. Purse: Carry Citrine and Bloodstone so you can shop 'til you drop.

3. Money Box: Chunks of Pyrite attract wads of cash.

4. Money Safe: Emerald keeps your treasures intact.

5. Work Desk: Aventurine balls keep the paychecks rolling in.

6. Feng Shui Wealth & Prosperity Corner: A golden Pyrite egg builds a financial nest egg.

7. Worn as Jewelry: Jade, Citrine, and Bloodstone jewelry not only bring in abundance but enliven your outfit.


woman meditating with pink aventurine spheres surrounded by three people holding green aventurine spheres as money falls around them

What are the 3 best spheres for wealth?

Do you need abundance now? Are you looking for the most powerful crystal balls for wealth? Then get yourself Iolite, Pyrite, and Aventurine orbs of abundance. 

Invest in yourself today, don't delay!

Clients have reported all kinds of success upon buying gemstones from our Abundance Collection. Some encountered hidden cash, others got promoted unexpectedly at work, and the stories keep coming. 

Want to be a part of the flow? Take a look and leap:


three women lying on the floor surrounded by  money holding abundance crystals
What crystal shapes should I choose for abundance?

You can use your favorite Abundance Crystals in whatever shape you prefer. We spoke about crystal balls, gemstone jewelry, and sacred pyramids. Here are additional shapes to consider when choosing your Abundance Crystals:

Crystal Clusters
Clusters are all about the power of multiples and will help you multiply your gains. The more crystals growing on your cluster, the greater the energy of abundance! Clusters promote unity in a thriving community. 

Crystal Wands
Wands help you channel the energies of the Universe to create your life's desires. Wands are an extension of your energies. Therefore, they extract your intentions and amplify them. This allows your manifestation goals to come to life faster. 

Crystal Eggs
Do you want to build a nest egg? When you're looking to start a new fund, or even expand on an existing one, use crystal eggs. They nurture your abundance so it thrives. Eggs are also great for new prospects and business ventures.

hand holding two green aventurine stone eggs

What are the 7 best bracelets for abundance?

You want abundance always. Whether you're sitting at home or you are on the go, bracelets are an easy way to draw in prosperity. Just wear these fan favorites and watch as the Law of Attraction turns in your favor. 

Crystals by Types of Abundance

Any Abundance Crystals can be programmed for any type of abundance, not just for money. For different types of abundance, we recommend pairing the following stones together.

Family Abundance: Green Aventurine & Rose Quartz

For strong and prosperous relationships with your family, we recommend you pair Aventurine with Rose Quartz. Aventurine brings in the abundance and Rose Quartz opens the flow of love. The powerful duo will attract the right people into your life. The right people bring meaning and fulfillment.

As a bonus, both of these stones correspond with the Heart Chakra. Green Aventurine matches the main Heart chakra and Pink Rose Quartz vibrates with the Upper Heart chakra. 


three ladies wearing ruby jewelry

Social Abundance: Rhodonite & Emerald

To increase popularity and your social life, we recommend pairing Emerald abundance crystal with Rhodonite. Emerald is the stone of Royalty. You are sure to be King of the Party or Queen Bee with this stone in hand.

Paired with Rhodonite for loyalty and friendships, you will attract the right type of people into your circle. Both of these stones also correspond with the Heart Chakra, the vortex of forming healthy relationships.

Health Abundance: Garnet & Bloodstone

We all love a clean bill of health, but how about going beyond just the minimum? Why not be at the top of your game? For prosperity and success in your health, we recommend you pair Bloodstone with Garnet.

Bloodstone is excellent for the Heart chakra and blood flow, two core physical functions. When used together with Garnet the stone of total health, you will find yourself more motivated to get fit and healthy.

Creative Abundance: Carnelian & Citrine

Artists make the world worth living in. Writers, painters, actors, and designers all need inspiration and an abundance of ideas. Creative empaths are those who connect to our feelings and glue humanity with their natural bonding tendencies.

To fuel your artistic side, we recommend pairing Citrine with Carnelian. Citrine works at the core of the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is your emotional center. When paired with Carnelian, the stone of creativity, the duo becomes an unstoppable muse.


woman meditaging with red aventurine pyramids

All Abundance: Medley of Aventurine

You've learned that abundance is not just about wealth. When you want to attract different types of success and prosperity, indulge in Aventurine Medleys. Our customer top picks include:

Spiritual Abundance: Amethyst & Citrine

All of this talk about money and wealth may seem contradictory to your spiritual beliefs. However, no one said you can't have both. With an abundance of physical success, you will have time and the mindset to practice spiritual abundance.

Whether you like to meditate, manifest, or practice mindfulness, Abundance Crystals can help you focus on your goals. Perhaps you want an atmosphere of endless peace or to attract positive healers in your life? All you have to do is program the stones for the type of abundance you desire. 

Our top recommendation for achieving spiritual abundance is combining Amethyst and Citrine. Use them as two individual stones, or in the stunning natural combination known as Ametrine.

Whichever stones you choose for your spiritual abundance rituals, the most important aspect is to take a deep breath, relax, and release your tension and ego. This is the only way that you can fully connect with the Universe and allow your mind to expand. Once you are plugged into the spiritual world, you can call in all of the dreams you previously thought impossible. 

Are you ready to step to the next level in your spiritual development? We've paired attractive Citrine with hypnotic Amethyst in these spiritual abundance sets to amplify your results quickly.


two people and a greyhound dog with aventurine hearts and abundance candle

Love Abundance: Jewelry & Crystal Hearts

You can attract an abundance of anything in life. Perhaps you are seeking an abundance of love? Love always begins with self-love. If you have not mastered this yet, we recommend you focus on Love Crystals

Once you have achieved self-love, you are ready for more love energy. That's where Abundance Crystals come into play. Program the stones for a flow of love. You can choose friendships, family ties, sexual or romantic relationships, or a general love of humanity. 

We recommend you also wear love Abundance Crystals in jewelry form. Like a magnet, the crystals help you attract love prospects throughout your day. 

Heart-shaped crystals are key if you seek abundance in love. Place them directly on the Heart chakra as you call upon an abundance of love into your life.


black greyhound dog with citrine cluster

Shop Abundance Stones

Now that you know about the power of abundance crystals, you're all hyped up to take part in this prosperous journey. Shop the Satin Crystals Abundance Collection, which is thriving with tools and treasures to help you out. Better yet, shop right here: 

Continue your Abundance Journey

Continue on your abundance journeys with the following guides:

Abundance Shopping Guides

Abundance Reference Guides

Grow with Satin Crystals

woman cheering wine with two others wearing abundance crystals

Do you experience success?

Did you use abundance crystals to change your life's path? Do you have a favorite abundance stone? Do you use crystal healing shapes for wealth?

We would love to hear about your experiences. Contact us through the form below. 

Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.