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Crystal Healing for Worm Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of March 13, 2025

The March Worm Full Moon is special in so many ways. Spring is here. Your body desires energy. You want to flourish. You are a caterpillar on a transformational quest to become a beautiful butterfly.

That's not all! This Full Moon is also a Total Lunar Eclipse. The tides are turning, and a new cycle begins. Worms wiggle out of the dirt. Earth breaks free from an icy winter. Your spirit awake.

Capture the magical moments with Moldavite gemstones. This Worm Full Moon Lunar Eclipse makes the transformation that levels you up in life. Moldavite gems help you transcend man-made limits and reach the stars. This Tektite might be tiny but is mighty in powers, just like the little worm.

Find out what the Worm Full Moon means for your fortune. Stay informed on current and future astrological events by joining the Satin Crystals VIP.

rainbow moonstone sphere with worm outline

When is the Worm Full Moon Lunar Eclipse?

The Worm Full Moon appears on March 13, 2025. You benefit from this glorious energy for the entire 30-day lunar cycle from March 13 to April 12, 2025.

To know the peak times of the March Worm Full Moon according to your geographical location, visit the Lunar Time and Date site.

What is the spiritual meaning of the Worm Moon?

The name "Worm Moon" refers to the start of springtime in the Northern Hemisphere. As spring begins, the first earthworm digs its way through the soil. Life emerges all around. Another explanation comes from the 18th Century explorer, Captain Jonathan Carver. He wrote that the worms refer to the beetle larvae that appear from the thawing bark of trees.

The March Full Moon has more nicknames, all referring to the passage of winter to spring. Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Crow Comes Back Moon, Sugar Moon, Wind Strong Moon, and Sore Eyes Moon are among them. Sore Eye Moon was coined by the Native Americans because when the sunlight melted the snow, it created such a strong reflection that it was blinding.

What is your Full Moon fortune?

The March Worm Moon represents spiritual breakthroughs and awakenings. The worm pokes its head above the dirt to see the sun again. Winter ends and a new era begins. You are about to experience a milestone transformation.

It is a new chapter in love and abundance. The ice is melting. Fresh love is in the air. The sluggishness disappears and makes way for a sunnier, happier you.

How can you be better this season? The Worm Full Moon tells you that although you are a speck in the Universe, you matter. Take your mighty power and fly with it.

Here is your Worm Full Moon fortune in spirituality, love, and abundance. This covers the lunar cycle of March 13 to April 12, 2025.

#1 Your Spirituality Forecast

Spiritual breakthrough is your biggest goal for the Worm Full Moon. You're not seeking small changes, you're looking for shifts that shake your world. Challenges may be as heavy as the wet soil but you have the strength to break through them and find the glorious sunlight.

What has the cold winter taught you? Use the harsh lessons of the recent past to evolve your outlook. During the 30-day Worm Moon cycle, celebrate your accomplishments.

It's easy to dwell on shortcomings and forget about your strengths and skills. Use this time to reconnect with your inner self, bolster self-confidence, and cherish your spiritual worth. When you tap into your power, transformations effortlessly appear.

Do healing with Moldavite Worm Full Moon crystals to become mindful and conscious. You tune into both earth and spirit. You transcend from an earthbound worm to a butterfly in the sky.

Here are 3 Moldavites that specialize in spiritual transformation:

Moldavite in the Rough: Have you heard about the power of Moldavite? It's become the most popular gemstone for major transformations. Get yourself a real Moldavite specimen this month. Moldavite is small but precious and powerful like the worm. Program it with your deepest desires and truest intentions. Do meditations and manifestations with Moldavite. Your world will never be the same.

Moldavite Necklaces: Wearing a Moldavite necklace during the Worm Full Moon cycle of March 13- April 12 ensures you have the power of this meteoric gemstone wherever you go. Never forget your worth. Let your spirit blossom as Moldavite rockets your vibrations to a higher realm. Everyone notices that you're different this month. They love the new you.

Moldavite Earrings: It's easy to get caught up in the petty parts of life. During the Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse, think bigger. Go above and beyond worldly traps by stimulating your mind. Moldavite earrings keep you spiritually balanced. They lift your thoughts to a higher level. You transform from caterpillar to butterfly with ease.

#2 Your Love Forecast

While transformation is important, the tiny moments in your microcosm should be cherished too. The smell of fresh coffee, a conversation with friends, your favorite crystal in the home.

Life is precious and meant to be enjoyed. What is taken for granted one minute can be gone the next.

Love comes easily during the Worm Full Moon. The key is to practice gratitude. Don't drown in a dark winter vibe. Celebrate the light of the spring. Stop and smell the flowers. Listen to the songbirds. Watch the colors change.

When you light your aura with good energy, you attract lovers like a moth to a flame. Your relationships bloom. Icy tension and dramatic disputes transform into happy harmony.

Here are 3 Moldavites to stimulate your green Heart chakra:

Moldavite Pairs: When you work with Moldavite pairs, you're asking the Universe to deliver you true love from above. Why settle for plain love when your relationship can be cosmic? If you're single, program your pair under the Worm Full Moon to help attract a mate. If you're together, place the Moldavites in your bedroom to strengthen the partnership.

Moldavite Pendants: Love can happen anywhere. It's written in the stars and destiny must deliver. Wear a Moldavite pendant to feel love everywhere. It strengthens your Heart chakra. It improves the relationship of committed people and helps singles attract their soulmates.

Moldavite Tumbled Stone: These unique green treasures unleash the power of your hidden 8th Soul Star chakra. Never heard of it? You're missing out on a cosmic love experience. Find love and enlightenment that's out of this world by using the real Moldavite tumble in your crystal healing sessions.

#3 Your Abundance Forecast

Go for green! The worm emerges from the earth to toil. It's a small but hard-working creature clear on its goals. There's soil to dig, organic matter to eat, and plants to fertilize.

Ironically, you should strive to be the biggest version of yourself during the Worm Full Moon. Get your goals straight and start the season with a purpose. Stay on track and you'll find fruits blooming in your garden.

You're not supposed to be lazy this lunar cycle; it's not the Sloth Full Moon. You are in control of your output. What a perfect time to grow something new.

Start a fund for whatever you want to manifest. Put your ideas into motion with an online business, a fresh project, or a new portfolio. Don't like what you see? Work smarter.

Here are 3 Moldavites that grow your garden of wealth:

Moldavite 7-Star Set: This Moldavite set looks like 7 little worms working in unison. During the Full Moon cycle, you want to work smart with your team to achieve your dreams. Not even the sky is the limit. Place this Tektite set on your desk and experience your mindset rocket from rags to riches.

Moldavite Rings: There's energy in your hands, lots of it. Feel your power tingle when you wear a Moldavite gemstone ring. It's as though you're holding the stars in your hand. The Moldavite ring stimulates smart and savvy actions that have you succeeding this Full Moon cycle.

Moldavite Green Tektites: Green Tektites draw in wealth, abundance, and flourishing energy. The Worm Full Moon loves Moldavite. Real Moldavite has worm-like inclusions: When seen under a strong microscope up to 10x magnification, you should natural wavy worm-life inclusions.

Full Moon Crystal Healing Set

With every lunar event, you want Moonstone, Selenite, and Labradorite on hand. These are the three mightiest Moon Crystals. That is why the Astrology Sun and Moon Set is a must for you this Full Moon cycle.

The Astrology Crystal Set contains:

  • 1 Selenite Full Moon charging station: Named after Moon Goddess Selene, this moon crystal glows with a glorious silky white sheen. The charging station rejuvenates your stones and jewelry while infusing them with healing moonlight.
  • 3 Moonstone Crystals: This is the number one moon crystal. Moonstone is the staple crystal for all your lunar practices. Moonstone aligns strongest with the Full Moon. Moonstone holds the power of a million moons and delivers it to the palm of your hand.
  • 3 Labradorite Crystals: This dark beauty flashes with rainbows like the midnight sky flecked with celestial stars. Labradorite aligns with the New Moon, helping you find new beginnings in the darkness. Use Labradorite and feel like you are being guided by your spirit guides and angels.
  • 3 Sunstone Crystals: You cannot have moonlight without sunlight. Sunstone holds the power of the Sun God Apollo. It is an almighty crystal that nourishes and gives life to you and your other stones.

Learn more about How to use the Astrology Set to capture the giving spirit of the Moon.

Shop Moon Crystals

Here are some Moon Crystals you should have in your collection if you work with lunar energy:

What is a Full Moon?

If you're looking for more scientific facts and spiritual meanings of a full moon, visit the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moons article.

What is a Total Lunar Eclipse?

About once every 2.5 years, a Total Eclipse occurs when the Earth travels between the moon and the sun. The entire moon is blocked and the sky becomes dark for a moment. See the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moons article for additional scientific and spiritual information.

Your Lunar Connection

Are you ready for the action that is coming with the Full Moon? Have you used healing crystals that correspond with the lunar cycle before? Are you fascinated by the movement of the sky?

We are happy to answer any questions or hear your crystal comments, jot them down below and we will get back to you.

Additional Lunar links for you today:

Grow with Satin Crystals:

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.
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rakhmat - March 26, 2021

Thank you very much for your suggested, i am very appreciate it😊🙏

Ann Satin - March 26, 2021

Dear Rakhmat,

Thank you for your email. For clearing negative thoughts, I would recommend Rainbow Obsidian. Rainbow Obsidian is an excellent crystal to help absorb negativity from ourselves and from others.

Please follow this link for Obsidian selections:

As per birthstone and zodiac signs please check:

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need any further assistance. Thank you for your interest.

Best regards,
Ann Satin

Rakhmat - March 26, 2021

Hi, my my name is Rakhmat. 38 years old. i want to asking about how to remove negatif thinking in my mind, what stone is most powerful for gemini zodiac.
Thank you

Sheila Satin - March 26, 2021

Hi Maria, Those are all great suggestions. Fortunately I do not suffer from allergies, but from what I have heard yes, Fluorite and Tourmaline are used to alleviate allergies.

Maria - March 26, 2021

What are the best gemstones for calming allergies? I’m thinking fluorite, lepidolite or tourmaline but not sure.

Sheila Satin - March 23, 2021

Hi Jessica, visit our Protection Crystals page if you haven’t yet:

Jessica S - March 23, 2021

So, I think there might be some form of projection or something. There has been a lot of unexplainable and just flat out weird things happening in just the past several years. And honestly I’m just recently opening myself up to some new things, for example crystals and such. I’m looking for something to ward of potential curses or projection of negative energies/vibes. Thanks in advance.

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