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Count Down! 12 Bestseller Stones of 2023

bestseller stonesWhat crystals do you love? What healing gems do others adore? What is the best-selling stone at Satin Crystals? Here we feature your 12 most popular crystals of 2023!

See what healing stone attract others and gain inspiration for yourself. They also make amazing gift ideas for the holidays and other celebrations.

Although Moldavite is still one of our hottest sellers, it is not included in this list because you can view them in the Top 10 Moldavites of 2023 feature.

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Count Down! Top 12 Stones of 2023 

A whole medley of healing stones has won the heart of Satin Crystals customers this year. Here is the list of the top 12. Let's count down, with the #1 best seller being at the bottom of the showcase!  

#12 Moonstone Tourmaline Psychic Luna Sphere

Captivating Moonstone with Black Tourmaline leaves you in awe. Radiating a mysterious glow, this potent white Full Moon orb bestows psychic insight and safeguards. True healers, readers, and clairvoyants know that Moonstone is the most magical lunar crystal of all time. 

#11 Libyan Desert Glass Pleasing Yellow Tektite

Your exceptional Libyan Desert Glass is astounding. You've explored tirelessly for an organic, plump, and delightful Tektite like this. Grasp the vibrant, yellow gem in your palm and experience the exhilaration of traversing the cosmos with pure elation.

#10 Selenite Charger Station Healing Energy Refresher

Your healing crystals and jewelry also need recharging. Use this large Selenite charger to give them new life energy. The square slab is perfect for placing your gems and jewelry on. Enjoy the benefits of renewed vitality from your crystals.

#9 Shungite Shotgun Silver Protector Crystal Ball

Your shotgun silver Shungite sphere is a stone of protection with a sleek black surface and the occasional gold Pyrite vein. It watches over you during worldly travels and spiritual journeys, ready to eliminate enemy forces that try to obstruct your path. 

#8 Copper Secrets of Alchemy Sphere

Discover your inner alchemist with Copper, the Metal of Antiquity. Unprecedented experiences await when you embrace this exquisite Copper sphere. Accelerate your journey towards a prosperous, thriving, and blissful mindset. Its conductive energy stimulates the Law of Attraction in your favor.

#7 Hematite Ring Set 5 Stands for your Stones

Maintain the elegance, cleanliness, and value of your crystal balls with this set of 5 Hematine stands. Say goodbye to fumbling and rolling stones as you securely display your favorite spheres, eggs, clusters, and polished stones.

#6 Chakra Tuning Fork Set Healer's Delight

Ignite the energy within and awaken your chakras. This remarkable crystal healing set effortlessly activates all of your major chakras. With an included tuning fork, immerse your being in the captivating realm of natural gemstones.

#5 Black Obsidian Volcanic Protection Crystal Ball

This Black Obsidian sphere is your fearless guardian. Defend against energy vampires and ill-willed interlopers. Let this volcanic orb be your gatekeeper, warding off negativity and evil forces that threaten your success. Gaze upon its reflective black surface and find inspiration.

#4 Citrine Point Totally Natural Abundance Stone

Uncover prosperity with authentic, untreated Citrine points. These natural gems hold the power to fulfill your destiny. As you embrace the chipper yellow glow, abundance flows and your desires are drawn near. Believe, manifest, and receive with these Citrine points!

#3 Labradorite Crystal Ball Power of Zeus Sphere

Feel the awe-inspiring power of Zeus with this vibrant Rainbow Labradorite sphere. Immerse yourself in the vivid colors, thunderous flashes, and crackling lightning. Tap into the secrets of this sphere to unlock the omnipotent energy of higher beings. This intense sphere protects you during metaphysical and mystical endeavors, such as New Moon magical rituals.

#2 Rainbow Obsidian Third Eye Protection Crystal Ball

Get ready to be amazed by the stunning appearance and powerful aura emanating from this Rainbow Obsidian sphere. The vigilant sorcerer possesses a vibrant eye adorned with elevated Chakra shades of green, yellow, and/or purple (sometimes blue in certain spheres). The gemstone orb provides exceptional protection for your well-being. Safeguard your soul from adverse experiences during meditation and divination practices.

And your #1 Bestseller of 2023 is...

#1 Moqui Marble Male & Female Shaman Stone Set

Experience the ancient wisdom of indigenous shamans with these rare Moqui Marbles. Feel the powerful connection to the Earth as you hold these dark chocolate stones in your hands. Let the grainy textures transport you on a sacred desert journey to meet your spirit guides and animal totems. Playing with Shaman Stones sets your soul a flight.

Manifesting More...

Have you used any of these crystals? We'd love to hear about your experiences. Post them below. 

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. 

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