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Meet the Pretty Faces of Rose Quartz

hands holding three rose quartz spheres Are you familiar with the different faces of Rose Quartz? It's not just your average pink crystal!

What is Rose Quartz?

Rose Quartz is one of the most known and beloved crystals. It comes from various places in the world, yielding tones from pale to deep pink.

In crystal healing, Rose Quartz is best known for exuding and attracting love energy. It is the stone of relationships, helping to enhance current connections and/or attract new love interests.

The Pretty Faces of Rose Quartz

When I first began working with Rose Quartz over 20 years ago, it wasn't one of my favorite stones. I thought it was a little dull. Yet the more of these pink gems I encountered, the more I learned to appreciate the many faces of Rose Quartz, and now you can too. 

Star Madagascar Rose Quartz

My love for Rose Quartz began when I discovered the Star Madagascar variety. 

Star Rose shows asterism when illuminated by a point-like light source, like the incredible piece above. It is only found in a few locations such as Madagascar. 

The star is caused by light reflected from needle-like inclusions of rutile and the pink color is caused by a mineral similar to Dumortierite. 

Another thing I love about Madagascar Rose Quartz is that it has a semi-transparent quality. The piece above has nice semi-clear layers that reveal dazzling rainbows and inclusions that will win your heart.

Here I came across Madagascar Rose spheres that you would hardly recognize as Rose Quartz. They are so pale that they are almost white.

Although you may mistake it for Snow Quartz, look closely and you'll discover a hint of pink tint in the beautiful orb above. This natural sphere stirs up the passion and romance of Rose Quartz with its flames of golden iron.

Brazilian Rose Quartz

Aside from Madagascar Rose, Brazilian Rose Quartz is another beloved gemstone. I especially like the ones that boast a bolder pink like this large collectible piece above.

Strawberry 'n Cream Rose Quartz

Most Rose Quartz crystals show shades of sweet, traditional pink that we have all come to know and love. I especially like seeking out the ones that have amazing patterns, like this swirly strawberry 'n cream beauty with a heart formation in the center.  

Cupid's Watcher Rose Quartz

Lots of Rose Quartz is riddled with lines, crackles, veins, and minerals. That's just a part of nature and a prominent part of gemstones in general. They often add additional healing powers due to the presence of other minerals. Sometimes you get interesting shapes like this ominous white eye. I call it Cupid's Watcher. 

Wounded Warrior Rose Quartz

Sometimes you come across a crystal that has been wounded in its battle against the darkness. These are the ones we call Wounded Warriors. These Rose Quartz stones have emerged from their journeys with scrapes and scars, making them all the stronger for their future healing endeavors. 

Your Rose Quartz Journey

As my love and knowledge of crystals has expanded over the past decades, so has my love and knowledge of Rose Quartz. Now it's your turn to encounter some breathtaking Rose Quartz along your lovely gemstone journey.

Shop the Rose Quartz Collection or get your new crystals instantly right here on the blog: 


Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you, whether you have personal stories to share or questions about Rose Quartz's faces. You can comment on the blog below. 

Disclaimer: Metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

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Patricia - February 4, 2021

I absolutely love your site and spent two days going through it before deciding which sphere would be the best for me at this time. Your videos and descriptions are very helpful in deciding. I still am very drawn to the Sandstone and will most likely purchase next month if you still have one available then. I hope you, Lisa, and your mom are having a good week and thank you again!!!

Sheila Satin - February 4, 2021

Hi Marilyn, welcome and thank you for your question. While crystals can’t make you become pregnant, they can put your mind, intentions, and focus your goals on achieving your desires. Here’s a video my sister did about the crystals she used during pregnancy:

Top Pregnancy Stones Recommendations – Satin Crystals

Sheila Satin

Marilyn C - February 4, 2021

Hello Friend! Looking for something to help me to become prenant. Husband did have a low spream count! Thank you for you time! Marilyn

Alma Richardson - June 24, 2019

I love the sweet soft pink hue of the rose quartz. thanks for the post!

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