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2022 Crystal Horoscope: Chinese New Year of the Tiger

green aventurine, jade, and brown tigers eye tiger figurinesWelcome to 2022, year of the Water Tiger! What crystals will lead your Zodiac sign on the prosperous path?

The Tiger is the third sign of the Chinese zodiac wheel. The Water Tiger comes around once every 60 years. It is a high-profile year with ample opportunity for financial and social success. 

Get ready for action as the mighty Water Tiger replaces last year's cold and stubborn Metal Ox. Now is the time for you to leap, pounce, and fulfill your powerful potential. All that pent up energy needs an outlet. The Water Tiger will lead you to success.

Chinese New Year holidays go from February 1 - 15th, 2022. The Year of the Tiger runs from February 1st, 2022 until January 21st, 2023. Let's see what's in store for you.

VIP Tiger Specials

In honor of the Water Tiger, we are showering VIP members with a crystal special for good fortune, health, and wealth all year. Check your email inbox! 

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What is the meaning of 2022 Year of the Tiger?

Tiger animals and people born under the Tiger Zodiac are known to be confident, brave, spontaneous, and competitive. Tigers are well-liked by others. Although they are charming and admirable, the Tiger is subject to moodiness, strong-headedness, and overindulgence.

There are 5 types of Tigers: Wood Tiger, Fire Tiger, Earth Tiger, Gold Tiger, and Water Tiger. 2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger. What does that mean for you?

The Water Tiger is extremely confident and smart. Water Tigers pick up learning easily. Their minds are fluid and adaptable. When you add these positive traits to the general Tiger personality, you have the potential for great fortune this year- if you know what to do! 

Lucky Crystals for 2022

Tigers Eye is the champion crystal for the Year of the Tiger. Be empowered with strong confidence by using Tigers Eye stones. This beautiful gemstone glistens with the successful pride of the Tiger.

Golden brown Tigers Eye is the most popular variety of this winning stone. You further benefit from Red Tigers Eye, Tigers Iron, and Blue Tigers Eye (also known as Hawks Eye).

Use Tigers Eye throughout the Chinese Year of the Tiger that spans February 1st, 2022 until January 21st, 2023. Place stones in your home and work spaces to attract positive Feng Shui. Wear Tigers Eye jewelry to win love, success, and respect.

golden tigers eye figurines and stones

Top 7 Tigers Eye Stones for 2022

You can find the best Year of the Tiger pieces in our Tigers Eye Collection and Hawks Eye Collection.

Here are 7 of the top crystal recommendations for 2022:

 #1 Tigers Eye Tiger

Nothing represents the Year of the Tiger better than a Tigers Eye Tiger. This glistening animal figurine will be your guide and guardian throughout an intense year. It is portable, protective, powerful, and precious. LEARN MORE.

#2 Tigers Eye Triple Bracelet Set

Cover all your Tiger energy needs with this triple bracelet set. Traditional Golden Brown Tigers Eye symbolizes the color of a the jungle tiger. It also harnesses the power of the Wood, Gold, and Earth Tigers. Blue Tigers Eye brings in the Water Tiger spirit that is specific to 2022. Red Tigers Eye delivers you the passionate powers of the Fire Tiger. LEARN MORE.

#3 Tigers Eye Sphere

This Tigers Eye sphere represents the keen eye of the Tiger. You want to be sharp, cunning, and full of wit in 2022. The Tiger tolerates no nonsense. The Tigers Eye crystal ball will have you seeing thing that others overlook, giving you a cutting edge in business, work, and life. Be the winner you were meant to be with the Tigers Eye sphere. LEARN MORE.

 #4 Tigers Eye Ring

The Year of the Tiger is going to be a lucky one for people who are creative and into arts, entertainment, and business innovation. This big Tigers Eye ring funnels the creative juices of the wild tiger into your fingertips and out through your expressive works. It also makes you look like a big boss. LEARN MORE.

#5 Tigers Eye Pyramid

In the Year of the Tiger, it's easy to get caught up on material success and earthly goals. The Tiger is king of the jungle. This sacred pyramid helps you balance your spiritual development, reminding you of the Higher Realms. The Water Tiger has quite an open consciousness. This year is ideal for connecting to spiritual wisdom and new knowledge. LEARN MORE.

#6 Tigers Eye Cufflinks

The Year of the Tiger delivers great rewards to those who show leadership. If you want to be gifted with career prospects, heftier paychecks, and more respect, these Tigers Eye cufflinks are meant for you. Not only do they channel the energy of the royal Tiger, but they show others that you enjoy a high-class lifestyle. LEARN MORE.

#7 Tigers Eye Hearts

Are you looking for love in 2022? These two Tigers Eye hearts will help you find it. They help singles find new lovers. They help people in partnerships feel more bonded. Be on the prowl. You're wild and passionate by nature. These Tigers Eye hearts get you in touch with your inner animal magnetism. LEARN MORE.

2022 Horoscope for All Zodiacs

Career & Fortune:

In 2022, you can tap into the extremely powerful Tiger energy. All signs are influenced by the mighty feline's strength. Even if you are timid by nature, this year you are meant to be a bold leader.

Put away your squirming, indecisive tendencies; they have no place in the Tiger's world. Those who leap shall get ahead. Those who linger shall be demolished.

When you find your inner confidence, you will see great rewards in work and business. The Tiger is not a loser, and it doesn't wait around for anything or anyone. Similarly, you are meant to pounce on your goals. Those who play big shall reign over their domain. 


Due to the Tiger's independent nature, there may be obstacles in partnerships this year. The Tiger is very prideful and this becomes an issue in relationships. Be sure to keep your pride in check through the year. Don't allow a stubborn head to get in the way of compromise or teamwork. 

To combat the impulsive Tiger energy, you will need a lot of patience and understanding in your relationships through 2022. If you conquer this, you will find that the Year of the Tiger brings love and richness in unions.

If you are single and looking for love, it's a good year for you. The Tiger is beautiful, admirable, and fast. When you put your positive traits forward, you will attract a mate fast. However, the Water Tiger is a bit of a discreet creature. Don't come on too strong; maintain your elegance in the dance of love.


Tigers are known to be strong, healthy, and energetic. That's good news for you. Even if you put in small efforts to remain active, you'll find your energy levels high. Eat a balanced diet to feel confident and fit.

Tigers are not meant to sit around. They do not hibernate. If you are inactive through the Year of the Tiger, there is good chance of succumbing to illness. The Tiger also thrives on a healthy and natural diet, so should you.

Another risk in the Year of the Tiger is being overactive. Be sure to take care of your mental health and take breaks to refresh your physical and spiritual body.

What are the Lucky Charms for 2022?

When in the year of the Water Tiger, think and act like a Tiger to get in tune with its energy flow.

Here are your lucky charms:

Lucky Flowers: Yellow Lily, Cineraria, Anthurium

Lucky Objects: Money, Trees, Animal figurines

Lucky Industry: Business, Finance, Transportation, Art, Entertainment

Lucky Colors: Blue, Gray, Orange

Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 4, and any numbers containing these digits, such as 13 or 44

Lucky Jewelry: Free flowing natural gemstone jewelry

Lucky Crystal: Tigers Eye, Tigers Iron, Blue Tigers Eye (aka: Hawks Eye)

2022 Horoscope by Animal Zodiac

#1 Rat (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

  • Love: Rats are in for a tough 2022 when it comes to relationships. Rats have a tendency to be secretive and not consult their partners on decisions. If you keep on this track, you may see separation or divorce in your near future. Rats in relationships could benefit from slowing down and focusing more energy on their partners in 2022. For single rats, it's going to be an exciting year. The Tiger energy will help you feel attractive and win the admiration of lovers. Just be careful to choose wisely.

  • Money and Career: Lots of good prospects in business await the Rat. The Tiger year is lucky for careers. You can expect to work hard toward your dreams in the first half of the year, and bear results by the second half. Just so long as you are keen on opportunities and take the right reasonable steps, your fortune looks good in money and career this year.

  • Health: It's a tiring year for Rat. You must keep active in work and love, which can take a toll on your health. Be sure to upkeep your exercise. When it feels like you're too tired to work out, do it anyway and you'll feel much better after. If health issues come up, it's a good idea to get a second and even a third opinion before making decisions.

  • Crystal: Tigers Eye Squirrel

#2 Ox (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

  • Love: The Year of the Water Tiger is a dreamy one for Ox. Indulge in love and fantasy and get your lovers involved too. Single Ox may fall in love with someone far away. Long distance relationships can be difficult. But if it works out, your relationship can move forward quite fast. You may even experience a marriage proposal. Also, Ox can expect to be surrounded by many family and friends in 2022.

  • Money and Career: Whereas last year may have felt a bit stale, the Year of the Tiger brings a fast forward to your financial future. It's a good time for business investments. You'll see a payoff after summer. Doors of opportunity remain open throughout the entire Year of the Tiger. Even educational pursuits are in your favor.

  • Health: You'll be experiencing a lot of emotions this year, so be careful of your stomach and solar plexus. Ox's health can remain strong this year through a lot of crystal healing and alternative therapies. You want to keep your spiritual self satisfied.

  • Crystal: Amethyst Tiger 

#3 Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

  • Love: Tiger needs to get rid of or get over something that's holding it back in love. When you can face your obstacles, good things follow. Those in relationships need to rediscover their passion and the Year of the Tiger is the time to do it. Single Tigers will meet interesting mates without much effort.

  • Money and Career: As long as Tiger taps into its confident traits, this year is looking to be a great success. You can profit big in the month of March and keep the momentum going throughout your year. You'll find loans and contracts work out in your favor. Money matters stabilize and have the potential to grow.

  • Health: One of your biggest risk factors is stress. Tiger likes to keep busy and active so make sure you also schedule down time. Financial stress threatens your wellbeing if you overspend this year. It can cause headaches. You are prone to minor incidents and ailments.

  • Crystal: Tigers Eye Cat

#4 Rabbit (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

  • Love: Rabbit has a tendency to try too hard for love this year. You might be pushing for commitments and marriage, but that doesn't mean you'll get it. Singles should ease up on the flirting. You must be extra careful in your relationships because a mistake can be financially costly. Try to take it easy in the Year of the Tiger. Plan a fun trip with your love, friends, or even go alone.

  • Money: The Tiger wants you to work hard this year. Rabbits who put in the effort will reap good financial rewards by mid-year. Rabbits who stay the course will move up the ranks and take charge of others. There may be romantic temptations at the workplace. Don't stray from the moral way.

  • Health: Be careful of overspending and creating financial stress. Enjoy food and exercise in moderation. You like to be quick so make sure to slow down once in awhile. In the Year of the Tiger, your energy shall be rewarded when you follow this advice.

#5 Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

  • Love: Your main focus this year is yourself. You'll have time for introspection and self-improvement. If you feel something is lacking in love, ask yourself why and figure out how to fix it. Single Dragons may find new love in 2022.

  • Money: Dragon sees money flow in through the results of work you did in the past. Passive and ongoing income is a good sign for 2022. You are destined to meet a lot of new people in your career. Your profession can grow, and with newfound channels, you can even branch off on your own. The winter of 2022 is a fortunate time.

  • Health: You'll feel like you want to look your best this year. Upkeep your grooming habits, drink a lot of water, and try to remain stress-free.

  • Crystals: Tigers Eye Dragons

    #6 Snake (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

    • Love: You'll find that you want to be very close physically to your lover. Keep your sensual side alive, especially in April and May. There could be drama in your domestic life this year but things will work out in your favor. The charm of the snake will be felt by many.

    • Money: When you work with your hands, you'll see the best results. Be crafty and active in your profession. Maintain patience. The payoff is expected in the second half of the year. In 2022 you want to highlight your leadership skills and get promoted to manager positions. Remember to keep others in mind along with your own success.

    • Health: You could find it difficult to fall asleep during the Year of the Tiger. Make special effort to relax by reading or resting before bedtime. Sports such as walking and swimming keep Snakes healthy throughout the year.

    #7 Horse (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

    • Love: Horse has plenty of love coming its way in 2022. This is from partners, friends, family, and all around. Tap into this supply of love. Horses in marriage will find lovers spats. However, it's still a favorable year for you. Singles are chalk full of opportunity in meeting new mates. 

    • Money: After going through many recent failures, the Year of the Tiger finally brings you better possibilities. To get ahead, you must clear away old habits and people who were keeping you from success. Do this right away and you'll see favorable transactions from March to July.

    • Health: The year might start off with Horse succumbing to small aches and ailments. Center your diet around fruits and vegetables for quick recovery. A good attitude will have you healthy for the rest of the year. 

    • Crystals: Red Tigers Eye Sphere 

    #8 Goat (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

    • Love: You will gain more clarity in love this year. You'll figure out what you like and want. This will make Goat a better lover. Single Goats are in the mood to flirt. September is a month of high romance. 

    • Money & Finance: Goat will have a great business during the Year of the Tiger. You'll find yourself gravitating to smaller companies and more meaningful projects. Financially, the Water Tiger has your budget fluctuating. Make slow and mindful choices with your investments.

    • Health: Goat needs to watch their food intake this year to protect the colon and general health.
    • Crystals: Tigers Eye Sphere

    #9 Monkey (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

    • Love: You feel like being independent this year, prioritizing your needs and wants. You will have a desire to end a relationship if it's not working the way you want it to. Single Monkeys should define what traits they want in a partner before attempting to enter a relationship.

    • Money and Career: The Year of the Tiger is stable for you financially. There are no big gains or losses slated for the Monkey. You might find yourself wanting to mood-shop. Try to stick with a budget, and if you have a partner then do this together.

    • Health: The Monkey is so active it will become exhausted in the energetic Year of the Tiger. You need to pay special attention to your energy reserves so you don't collapse. Be sure to stop and avoid overdemanding situations. So long as you are aware of these tendencies, you will live an exciting life in 2022.

    • Crystals: Tigers Eye Bear Pendants

    #10 Rooster (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) 

    • Love: A lot of social hustle and bustle awaits Rooster during the Year of the Tiger. You'll enjoy gathering with friends and family. This makes way for a lot of new love interests and encounters. The prospects are good.

    • Money: The Water Tiger empowers Rooster this year in career. You must take bold steps to get to this success. Those who dare shall be those who win. Your strong suits are at work, including organizing other people and activities. You'll tackle financial matters with ease.

    • Health: You might suffer from health ailments that have the doctors baffled. Could it be caused by emotional turmoil of the past that are coming to haunt you now? Look to holistic methods to supplement medical care. 

    #11 Dog (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

    • Love: There's potential for sweet romance during the Year of the Tiger. Dog should keep things simple and clear when it comes to love, avoid those who are trying to manipulate you. You'll do well if you speak to people directly and honestly.

    • Money: Invest in yourself through education this year. If you want to change professions, the Year of the Tiger is a good time for Dog to do so. As the springtime comes, you'll see your finances flourish. This momentum continues as opportunities present themselves throughout 2022.

    • Health: Dogs who remain physically active shall fare well. You also need to get just the right amount of time in the sun. This will keep your vitamin levels intact and your mood chipper. Focus on nutrition and even get professional advice when needed.

    • Crystals: Tigers Eye Merkaba

       #12 Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

      • Love: It's an action packed year for Pigs in love. You'll have no shortage of fun and adventure, many ups and downs. This might muddle your thoughts as you try to figure out who and what is best for you. You might go through a big breakup in 2022.

      • Money: Pigs find their hard work pays off nicely during the Year of the Water Tiger. What you will come to realize is that you enjoy the people you work with. And if you do not, you'll want to find a better work environment. There's travel and new adventures in work for Pig. You are a team player.

      • Health: It's a good year of health for the Pig. You have good fortune that keeps your mental state happy. You also have a lot of friends and family to turn to. There could be issues in the past that creep up on you. Be sure to deal with them directly.

      • Crystals: Tigers Eye Polished Set

      What are your Zodiac Goals?

      Have you used any of the crystals in your horoscope predictions for this year? What kinds of successes have you experienced? 

      We love to hear about all of your experiences. Feel free to comment below on this blog and we will get back to you. 

      Join the Satin Crystals VIP Club and never miss out on your monthly crystal horoscope again. It will go conveniently to your email inbox!

      Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

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