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What is Pyrite? Video

It makes fires, it fools miners, it taps into abundance; what else does Pyrite do?

Click to watch the video above and then click below to find the answers to your pressing Pyrite questions:

  • How can you tell the difference between Gold and Fool's Gold?

  • How do you make fire with Pyrite?

  • What is Pyrite disease?

  • Can Pyrite disease harm you?
  • Does Lapis really contain Pyrite?

  • Who can wear Pyrite jewelry?

  • How do you clean tarnished Pyrite?

  • What chakra is Pyrite good for?

  • How do you use Pyrite in crystal healing?

Enlighten me on Pyrite now. 

Your Path to Crystal Knowledge...

Meanwhile, here are other links to Pyrite: 

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Have questions? We would love to hear your inquiries, comments, stories, and experiences with Pyrite. Post them here on the blog below and we'll get back to you! 

Previous article Iolite Stone of Financial Freedom


Sheila Satin - August 8, 2021

Hi Nadira, you can read all about malachite at and specifically about cleansing and programming at

Sheila Satin - August 8, 2021

Hi Nadira, you can read all about malachite at and specifically about cleansing and programming at

Nadira - August 8, 2021

Hi Sheila, thank you for this video, how awesome! Can you advise on how to activate the malachite…if that’s even a thing. Whats the best way to use it and make it work for me. Thanks, Nadira

Lisa Satin - March 26, 2021

Hi Sandra!

We look forward to helping you on your crystal journey!
If you have any crystal questions or stories to share, let us know.

Pyrite and Clear Quartz are definitely powerful stones, and a must-have for healers :)


Lisa Satin

Sandra - March 26, 2021

Thanks , really appreciated your video. I will be ordering some pyrite and clear crystal soon.👌💯

Sheila Satin - January 7, 2021

Yes, let’s make it a year of abundance and positivity! Sheila :)

Vikram - January 7, 2021

Thank you so much for the video message. I hope that 2021 is a year of abundance and positive manifestation for you and humanity as a collective. Cheers Sheila and I certainly will be in touch when i have a question worth your time!

Sheila Satin - January 7, 2021

Happy new year Cara! Thank you for joining the VIP – you will get a lot of useful crystal information in your inbox!

Sheila :)

Cara - January 7, 2021

Hi Sheila and Lisa, I’m very excited to have joined your VIP member and have been interested in all sorts of stones and crystals and what they offer in terms of health and guidance. Thank you for the video which is totally amazing, and the crystal calendar. Can’t wait to view more in the shop and purchase amazing products. Love, Cara

Sheila Satin - January 7, 2021

Welcome back Sharon! Thanks for sticking with us through all of the variations of Satin Crystals!

We are all doing well, I hope the same for you and your family. Happy New Year’s! Enjoy your shiny new Chalcopyrite egg; it is on its way.

Sheila :)

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