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Finding Happiness with Crystals

Finding Happiness with Crystals - Satin Crystals BlogWe need Happiness

You need happiness, why? Negativity is heavy, it is dark, it has no beginning and no end, it's surrounds, it smothers, it's always pulling you down and never up. Happiness is the opposite. Happiness is healthy, light, bright, consistent, free, and it represents the good inside of us and who we want to be. Happiness gives life meaning and purpose.

It's easy to get lost in a small negative comment that someone said or a bad thought in your mind and without happiness, that one small comment or thought destroys happiness. While happiness is something most people want to feel, it is also something that you constantly need to feed. If you lose your happiness, it's sometimes hard to get back.

So in your journey to find your happiness, you first need to find out what makes you happy. This list is different for everyone so don't compare notes with your family or friends. Instead, make your list of things that make you happy and focus on it.

Using Crystals to Find Happiness

To aid in your journey to find happiness, employ the aid of healing crystals. Because there are so many crystals, each with so many healing properties, make sure to find the ones you want to work within your quest for ultimate cheer. 

Here are some tips to help choose crystals:
  1. Look for a crystal that stands out for you. When shopping for crystals, you will find so many different shapes, colors, and sizes. You want to find the one that stands out, almost as if it is waving to you saying, "Pick Me! Pick Me!". This is a good indication that the crystal has a purpose in your life and you are naturally drawn to it.

  2. Once you bring the crystal home, cleanse it to wash the negative vibe left by others. Cleansing it prepares it to do its best for you from the beginning. Hold it under pure water to cleanse it and then allow it to set out in the sunlight to absorb the natural sun.

What to do with the crystals you've chosen:

  1. Carry it with you; in your pocket, in your purse, or simply keep it in your hands.
  2. Wear it as a jewelry piece.
  3. Program it with your intentions, so that whenever you see or feel the crystal, you are reminded of your goal: happiness. 

Your happiness is within, let the crystal help to awaken it and allow it to shine through. Spread a little every day and you will get it back in return.

Previous article Self-Hypnosis Meditation with Pendulum


Sheila Satin - November 25, 2021

Hi Audrey, this article will help you out:

Audrey - November 25, 2021

I’m having some trouble with identifying a crystal!! Is there anyway I can get some help?

Sheila Satin - March 26, 2021

Hi Ella, let us know if you had any crystal questions. I’m not sure what your message “Lost and found” means, but if you are looking for the meaning of lost crystals, we can direct you here:

Sheila Satin

Ella - March 26, 2021

Lost and found .

Lisa Satin - November 22, 2020

Hi Frances,

Thanks for the information, it has been updated. We appreciate you looking out for us.

Lisa Satin

Frances - November 22, 2020

Your horoscope for Virgo/November is incorrect. The last paragraph states The November 30th New Moon brings your career to the spotlight That is the full moon, not new moon which happens on 11/15 You may want to redo your article :) Regards, Frances

Sheila Satin - November 22, 2020

Hi Kelly, I know a lot of people feel the same way as you these days. If you need some positivity, that’s what we like to spread at Satin Crystals! Thanks for your comment and for being part of the community. I am glad we could bring a smile to your face.


Kelly - November 22, 2020

Ive been feeling really in the dumps lately and your message made me smile so thank you

Sheila Satin - June 7, 2020

Hi Monica, our most popular crystal that women use for fertility and pregnancy is Moonstone.

Here are the current Moonstone items we have in the collection:

And if you wanted to read up more about Moonstone:

Let me know if you have further questions!
Sheila Satin

Monica - June 7, 2020

I was looking to purchase crystals for fertility and pregnancy

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