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Animal Meanings A-Z

cat walking among crystal bear figurines

What does it mean when you see animals in dreams, visions, and everyday life? What do they symbolize? Discover the spiritual purpose of popular animal guardians. Learn how to use crystal animal figurines and their meanings A-Z.

Dive deep into your psyche with the alligator, leap to luck with the rabbit, and connect with your favorite animal guardians via Crystal Animal Carving. These adorable figurines aid your meditations and crystal healing practices. 

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What are animal crystals?

Animal crystals are figurines crafted from genuine gemstones. Stored within each statue is the almighty energy of your animal spirit guardians.

You can find a variety of friendly animal figurines in the Satin Crystals Animal Collection.

How do animal crystals benefit me?

You may feel happy and peaceful simply gazing upon adorable crystal animals. These special stones are full of metaphysical meanings and benefits.

Tap into the power of crystal animals to become stronger, smarter, and savvier. These stones attune you to instincts and intuition in a manner that the human mind has forgotten. Your awareness awakens. What lies in hibernation shall rise once more.

What is the meaning of a Tiger in your dreams?

What is the meaning of an Elephant in your meditation?

What is the meaning of the Year of the Snake?

Each animal has a purpose on your spiritual journey. By working with crystal animals, you can discover the expansive powers of your animal guardians.

Animals for Spiritual Guidance

The Fox is the quintessential animal spiritual guardian for your shamanic journeys, walkabouts, and spiritual rituals. You have likely seen it featured in films. The guardian fox navigates an entranced person through a surreal experience, pointing out life lessons. 

It is not just the fox that plays a purpose. Each animal has an important meaning and a unique role. You may visualize an owl in your meditation. This "Messenger of God" has vital information to deliver. Listen carefully and use crystal owl figurines to decipher life-changing messages.

One day you dream of a dog in your sleep. This furry friend wants you to find loving connections and deep bonds. Pick your favorite Dog Crystal Figurines and place them in your home to create an inviting vibe. 

Next week, you may see several dragon symbols cross your path. Is it an urgent message from the Universe? Find out the meaning of this mystical occurrence by working with Septarian Dragon Stones and crystal dragon figurines.

Keep a collection of animal spirit guardians in your spaces to benefit from a variety of healing powers. As you journey along, you discover what each lovely creature has to offer.

Animals for Protection

Animals have been used as protective totems throughout civilization. In some cultures, they are carved into the totem poles to watch over the village.

If you have a pet, you understand that certain animals have a strong instinct to protect their owners in case of danger. Crystal animals do the same energetically. They warn you of looming threats through signs and messages. They safeguard your home and spaces with positive Feng Shui.

Some of your fiercest animal guardians include the tiger, dragon, bear, alligator, and bull. They alert you to immediate evil and watch over you with eyes open. Don't overlook the little guys! Crystal figurines such as the cat, frog, and turtle nudge you back on track should you stray from the path of light.

Surround yourself with animal guardians. They encourage light over darkness, wisdom over ignorance, and happiness over turmoil. Your friendly spiritual guides accompany you with loyalty and care.

Animal Symbolism & Meanings A-Z

Each animal has a metaphysical meaning. Use this A-Z reference guide to unlock the powerful animal kingdom. 

Alligators & Crocodiles

Alligators and crocodiles dive into your emotional world. These protective water guardians assist you in overcoming trauma and finding the strength to move forward. This hidden creature controls its environment, never wasting energy. Work with alligators and crocodiles for protection, deep healing, and self-control.


Armadillos are well known for their armored shells, reminding you to protect and guard your inner self. Armadillos display detachment and objectivity- a great attribute to have in a world full of different stances. These animals reveal the big picture so you can consider all sides of a situation with neutrality. Work with your armadillo spirit guardian for protection and impartiality. 


Bats symbolize the death of things that no longer serve your life's goals. They remind you to let go of the irrelevant and move forward, staying balanced in the present moment. Bats encourage spiritual growth by letting go of your ego and listening to your subconscious mind. Work with your bat guardian animals to trust your instincts and let go of emotional baggage. 


Bears symbolize thoughtfulness, independence, and reflection. When you are overwhelmed, the bear reminds you to take a break, relax, and regenerate. It teaches you to be self-sufficient rather than relying on or blaming others. Take responsibility and quickly learn from your lessons. Work with your bear guardian animal to be independent and overcome life hurdles. 


Birds symbolize inspiration, freedom, and spirituality. Flying close to the sky, they serve as messengers from heaven. In Feng Shui, birds bring new opportunities. Place bird figurines in your healing space or office to lighten heavy energy. Hold them during meditation and the metaphysical rituals to raise your vibration. 


The buffalo lives in harmony with the world around it, moving slowly and enjoying the path of life. Buffaloes help you to connect with Mother Earth and Father Sky. This spirit guide teaches you to be grateful for everything you have and to attract more of what you desire. Work with your buffalo guardian animals for gratitude and the law of attraction.


Bulls have been worshiped in many cultures because they are icons of virility, power, and regal presence. They are associated with a strong work ethic, teaching you that hard work and patience pay off. The bull unleashes your inner power to accomplish your dreams. Work with your bull guardian animals when you seek confidence and determination.


Butterflies are the ultimate symbol of transformation. These beautiful creatures remind you to keep improving yourself while keeping faith in the Universe. Through all of your struggles and lessons, the butterfly helps guide you through your transitions. Work with your butterfly guardian animals when you are going through change and desire successful new beginnings.

tigers eye and sodalite cat carvings and jade circle


Cats are said to be the secret keepers of the metaphysical world. Meditate with cat figurines to access mysterious knowledge with grace and serenity. The cat symbolizes independence, cleverness, and curiosity. The sometimes aloof nature of this feline guardian animal reminds you to step back from an emotionally engaging situation and look at the big picture.


When you wish to tone down your aggressive nature, the deer is a helpful guardian animal. Deers represent a kind and gentle energy. Embodying its energy will calm your emotions and channel your Higher Self. Work with your deer guardian animals to alleviate anger and anxiety.


Dinosaurs are symbolic of your youth, childhood, or even your past lives. They help you decipher the positive aspects of your past and let go of the outdated ideas that are holding you back. Work with your dinosaur guardian animals when you want to harness lessons of your past for a brighter future.


Dogs symbolize loyalty and friendship. They remind you to care for and listen to others. Strengthen your bonds with friends and family. These animals provide protective energy, constantly guarding loved ones and personal spaces. Work with your dog guardians to improve your everyday relationships.


Dolphins have evolved beyond some humans in terms of spirituality, brotherhood, and love. They remind you to focus on qualities like generosity, playfulness, harmony, intelligence, and friendship. Live a dual life as fish and mammal, dolphin crystals can help harmonize spirit and earth. Work with your dolphin guardian animals to heighten spirituality and appreciation.


The dragon symbolizes a strong male yang energy. Associated with the emperors, it represents power and majesty. In Feng Shui, dragon crystals can be placed in the Fame area of your space to connect with fame, reputation, and career. Work with your dragon guardian animals for protection, yang energy, and to rise to the top.

Animal Article - Satin Crystals Boutique

Dragon Turtles

The dragon turtle is a celestial being from Chinese legend. Dragon turtles represent prosperity, success, longevity, and good luck. The mythical creature taps into your imagination and opens your mind to a world of possibilities. Work with your dragon turtle guardian animals for long-term luck and prosperity.


Elephants are an ancient symbol of strength and majesty. This gentle giant is the largest land animal on earth today; its energy is kind and wise. Elephants with their trunks up are calling in good luck. Two elephants intertwining their trunks symbolize love and friendship. Elephants with their trunks down represent strength, pushing through obstacles, and warding off enemies. Work with this guardian animal for long-term luck and prosperity.


Fish represent abundance, going with the flow, and water elements. If you are drawn to water, fish animal guardians are for you. Instead of fighting the current, fish help you ease onto your life path. Work with your fish guardian animals for an easy-going mindset and a call of abundance.


The fox is a playful animal who loves to create mischief. It reminds you to be vigilant against tricksters and deceptive relationships. The fox teaches you awareness and how to use your wits in dealing with life obstacles, but not to take things too seriously. Work with your fox guardian animals to sharpen your wits and have some fun.

two green aventurine frogs


Frogs symbolize good fortune and potential. The frog can jump an incredible distance, helping you come out as a winner even through tough times. Instead of obsessing over other people's success, the frog focuses your energy on self-improvement. Work with this guardian animal when you need luck and opportunities.

Fu Dogs

The Fu Dog is a mythical lion-like creature used for protection. Place it facing doors and entrances to guard your property and ward off negativity. Similar to the lion and dog, this animal safeguards well-being. Use crystal Fu Dogs to protect your clan from intrusive forces.


Giraffes have an advantageous view from the top thanks to their long necks, symbolizing their ability to see the big picture. They remind you to overlook the mundane details of any situation. Giraffe animal figurines represent gracefulness in action. Work with this guardian animal to develop grace and patience.


Hedgehogs symbolize spring rejuvenation. The nocturnal creature represents intuition, psychic ability, prophetic dreams, and visions. A hedgehog's quills are soft when it is happy, reminding you to enjoy life and let go of stress. Its quills are needle-like when scared, telling you to keep guard when something doesn't feel right. Work with this guardian animal to hone intuition.


Hippos have a combination of intuitive water energies and practical earth energies. They help you keep grounded when dealing with emotional imbalances. These great creatures spend most of their time in the water, which links them to the spiritual, artistic, and healing aspects of life. Work with your hippopotamus guardian animals for emotional balance and creativity.


Horse free your spirit. They encourage you to break away from baggage and obstacles. Don't be corraled by the things that don't bring joy. The horse is a social being, adapting easily to different circles. Work with this guardian animal when you seek freedom and socialization.


Iguanas remind you that everything comes in due time. Relax and enjoy the journey of life. When unwanted energies present themselves, the iguana is quick to escape or camouflage into its surroundings, teaching you to adapt and survive. Iguanas reiterate the message: what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Work with this guardian animal to develop adaptability and faith.


Lions are the majestic leaders of the wild. They symbolize power and wisdom. The lion is an old soul, reminding you to forge into the future having overcome the lessons of the past. It harnesses your inner strength and instincts. Work with your lion guardian animal to move forward with confidence.


Lizards empower you with sun energies. They refresh your soul through grounding relaxation and physical regeneration. Work with your lizard guardian animal during solar healing rituals and in the daylight.


Monkeys represent intelligence, playfulness, and caring. This animal helps strengthen your social circles and makes time for entertainment. The monkey welcomes everyone to join in on the revelry and pulls in those who are feeling outcasts. Work with this guardian animal to feel loving bonds and playfulness.


The owl is associated with wisdom, foresight, and sacred knowledge. The owl teaches you to see beyond the superficial. It is the messenger of god and the announcer of death. This death may be symbolic, a call to release unnecessary aspects of your life and make room for change. Work with your owl guardian animal to see beyond deceit, illusions, and masks.


The penguin is a bird that does not fly or conform to the mainstream. You can follow your dreams without worrying about the norm. Penguins are very social creatures, encouraging teamwork and cultivating relationships for a fulfilling life. Work with your penguin guardian animal to adapt to your environment while remaining unique.


Pigs symbolize fertility and abundance, reminding you to celebrate life and share with others. If you are looking to produce more positivity in the world, pigs will help you manifest prosperity. Work with this guardian animal when you seek abundance and generosity.


Porcupines help you overcome grief, guilt, and depression to renew joy and imagination. Like the hedgehog, the porcupine's quills are soft when it is happy, reminding you to enjoy life and let go of stress. Its quills are needle-like when it is scared, teaching you to keep guarded when something doesn't feel right. Work with your porcupine guardian animal for joy and happiness.

porcupine crystal carving


Roosters are used to ward off evil, waking up early in the morning to disperse the darkness by crowing. It is king of the roost, courageous and confident. This bird shows you how to command your space and be proud of your accomplishments. Work with the rooster guardian animal for a sharp and efficient mindset.


Rabbits symbolize luck, happiness, and a positive outlook. They remind you of how fun life can be. Rabbits are always on guard- if they sense dangerous obstacles, they will hop away for greener grounds. Work with this guardian animal to lift your spirits and leap forward in life. 


The Rhino has a deep connection with the earth, roaming open expanses in contemplation. The large animal provides you with grounding energy, symbolizing confidence, steadiness, and solidity. Work with your rhino guardian animal when you feel empty, spacey, or need substantial power.


Salamanders can regenerate limbs and tails, thus symbolizing regrowth and renewal. The salamander reminds you to keep going despite the losses you may experience. They show you how to adapt and live with the decisions you have made. Work with this guardian animal to bounce back from tough situations.


Snakes are connected to primal energy, operating from pure instinct. They remind you to trust your intuition. Snakes shed their skin, representing your ability to let go of your inhibitions and focus on your subconscious and true self. Work with the serpent guardian animals to hear the messages of your inner self.


Spiders represent mystery, power, and growth. Thanks to their beautiful webbing, they are linked with yin energy and creation. Spiders harness creativity so that you weave the life you want to live. Work with your spider guardian animal for feminine energy and an imaginative spark.


Squirrels remind you to balance fun and work. They live practically, going about their business gathering winter fare. Yet embody playfulness as they chase each other up and down tall trees and telephone lines. These animals are energetic, taking full advantage of each moment of life. Work with your squirrel guardian animal for work-life balance and a playful attitude.


Tigers symbolize passion, power, and grace. The tiger is detail-oriented, seeing all the aspects of its surroundings before pouncing. This spirit guide reminds you to open your eyes, mind, and heart. Work with your tiger guardian animal to focus on priorities and manifest your desires.


Turtle figurines represent the ability to stay grounded even in chaos. They remind you to slow down, pace yourself, and follow your life's path in peace. Turtles are associated with yin energy, calm harmony, and longevity. Work with your turtle guardian animal to slow down and live in serenity.


Unicorns symbolize divine love and blessed energy. They say only a pure soul can see the mythical unicorn. Work with this guardian animal to live a life full of integrity and magic spark.


Whales symbolize your emotions.  What you show on the surface may not be the full depth of your feelings. This guardian animal reminds you to acknowledge all emotions and let your true soul shine. The magnificent creature is a sight to behold, representing good fortune and endless might. Work with your whale guardian animal to expand your aura and balance your emotions.


Wolves are a symbol of untamed freedom and unbridled energy. The mighty wolf represents your inner self. Although you may classify yourself as a civilized being, the wolf helps you get in touch with your primal nature. Work with your wolf guardian animal to break free of limiting expectations and tap into your inner self.

jadeite crystals and elephant carvings

How do you find your spirit animal?

Some people have one spirit animal or group throughout their lives. Others have various animals that come and go along the journey.  

A skilled shaman or reader may help you tap into your spirit animal guardian. The animal stays near your aura.

You can connect directly with your animal by summoning it during meditation or hypnosis. Do the Animal Spirit Guide Meditation to meet yours.

You can also do crystal ball gazing to reach the higher state of consciousness, where you can connect with your spirit animal and extract messages. Try 7 crystal balls that call in your spirit guardians. 

tigers eye tigers and sodalite dinosaurs

Your Animal kingdom

Ready to expand your animal kingdom? Shop for your favorite guardian animals right here:

Additional crystal resources for you

What are some of your favorite animal guardians? Do you have experiences to share? We'd love to hear from you. Whether you have personal stories or questions about crystal healing, you can comment below. 

Animal Shopping Guides


Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only.