Are you wondering what Citrine is all about? You've come to the right place to learn all about Citrine crystals, from geological facts to metaphysical healing properties.
Citrine teaches you that wealth is not just money, but a comprehensive package to include health, family, friends, freedom, and high self-esteem.
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Can you benefit from Citrine crystals?
You may benefit from Citrine crystals if you can relate to any of the following:
You are seeking a sunny disposition
You want to open your Solar Plexus chakra
You wish to manifest money and abundance
You are attracted to the color yellow
You want to vibrate with prosperity
You need to unblock your creative flow
What is Citrine?
Citrine is a semi-precious gemstone. It is a translucent yellow Quartz that gets its color from irradiation, aluminum, or iron inclusions. Almost all of the Citrine you will find on the market today is heat-treated Amethyst or Smoky Quartz. These heat-treated versions are now accepted as Citrine.
Citrine is pronounced SIH-treen.
Citrine comes from the French word Citron meaning lemon.
What is Citrine crystal good for?
Citrine is a crystal that is most popular for its energy of prosperity. It is known as the Merchant’s Stone because it flows with the frequency of cash in the Universe.
Besides aligning your vibrations to the vibrations of wealth and abundance, here are some other healing powers associated with Citrine:
Citrine carries the power of the sun and brings warmth and strength.
Increases self-confidence and personal power at your Solar Plexus chakra.
Heat-treated by man or nature, Citrine is an altered form of Quartz. It gives off positive, expansive energy like Quartz.
Lifts your emotions and nurtures optimism.
Inspires creativity.
How do you use Citrine for healing?
Here are some ideas on how you can use your Citrine stones for both energy healing and practical matters:
Place small pieces in your wallet or wherever you keep cash for an even in-and-out flow of money.
Hold Citrine during money manifestations.
Keep Citrine in your money corner or cash register for increased financial wealth.
Pair it with Aventurine the abundance stone to call in an abundance of all types.
Wear Citrine bracelets or a long necklace to balance your Solar Plexus chakra.
Rub Citrine tumbled stones as worry stones to relieve stress and worries.
Grid your space with Citrine points pointing inward to call in prosperous energies into your space.
- Decorate your space with Citrine clusters to lighten the mood.
Sheila's personal experience with Citrine
Selling crystals, I have heard countless stories of how Citrine has helped keep a good cash flow in peoples’ lives. Even the most skeptical people will come and pick out a tiny piece of Citrine, clean, charge, and program it and come back for Citrine gifts when they are shocked that it worked!
When we had a physical storefront, we always had a Citrine point on our cash register and tumbled Citrine crystals inside for cash flow and steady business!
I have always gravitated towards Aventurine rather than Citrine for abundance purposes, but I like to use Citrine for the Solar Plexus Chakra. It has a wonderful warming energy, I can feel my power and confidence strengthen when wearing Citrine or placing it on my stomach.
Lisa's personal experience with Citrine
I love Citrine because I love money. Unique coins and bills have fascinated me since childhood. I still have several mint condition and unusual bills in my money box as a personal collection. I feel good every time I see them. Inside my cash box is also a Citrine Stone. Citrine for money, money, money.
Citrine was one of the first crystals I learned about. It came with fabulous stories of real experiences from the students in my metaphysical classes. Some would suddenly encounter unexpected money or success right after acquiring Citrine.
As a business owner, I appreciate Citrine because it is the "Merchant Stone." It brings cash flow, revenue, and growth. These are needed to run a business.
I recommend Citrine to everyone. Place it in your money area, and let it flow. You can use Citrine for its other healing properties as well. But for me, it will always be known as the Money Stone.
What chakra is Citrine?
Citrine is most commonly associated with the Solar Plexus chakra because of its yellow color. Here it helps to open and balance your emotional center. Citrine brings confidence and optimism to your Solar Plexus chakra.
Darker or more orange tones of Citrine are also used at the Sacral chakra to inspire creativity and balance sexual energies.
To learn more about crystals and your 7 chakras, visit the Chakra Guide.
Magical Citrine Incantation
This is a message from Citrine from Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski's book "Crystal Therapy":
"Magic wells of golden light within me reflect universal perfection, similar to the Christ light. I add to your realization of universal flow, and when I'm used with focused intent, your visualizations are fulfilled in glory. The miraculous abundance of the Universe manifests without hesitation when you recognize that your thoughts are currency. I facilitate this energy exchange, which is why I'm known as a merchant stone. You see, abundance isn't only money - it's also health, time, and relationships, all of which enrich the manifestation of your life-supporting purpose with passion and dedication."
How do you use Citrine for wealth?
Citrine can be used to attract and retain wealth by focusing your intention and using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires. You can meditate with your Citrine, follow along on our guided meditation, or simply recite Citrine mantras and align your thoughts to its energies of prosperity.
Keep the Citrine with you in your pocket, purse, or worn as jewelry to remind you of your prosperity goals. You could also place Citrine on top of your manifestation journal or keep it under your pillow for dreams of abundance. Place it on your bedstand so you remember what to dream of each night and what kind of day you should be having every morning!
Need help with your Citrine mantras? Here are 12 Citrine Affirmations to get you started.
And remember, wealth is not exclusive to money. It encompasses all the things that bring you joy. This joy must also be shared.
And don’t forget to share the wealth. Citrine teaches you to let go of money so that it can come back to you tenfold. You want the energy to be cyclical, so don’t hoard the abundance! Generosity will have your aura glowing with abundance.
Where should I put Citrine in my home?
In the home, Citrine is best kept in the family room or living area as it brings bright joy and a smile to the faces of everyone in the household.
For Feng Shui energy, place Citrine in your "Wealth and Prosperity" top right corner of your home. For more on placing crystals, visit How to Clear & Fill the Home with Crystals.
What does Citrine mean in divination?
Drawing Citrine in a gemstone divination session means: The light at the end of the tunnel is about to pour sunshine upon your situation.
Use your Citrine crystals to let go of negative thinking and power through to your resolution. It is time to look at the positive side of your situation. Instead of cowering in indecision, pick one path and forge ahead with confidence. Whatever you choose will be the right answer.
How is Citrine Formed?
Citrine is naturally formed when Amethyst or Smoky Quartz is heated within the earth. This intense heating occurs within our earth's mantle. The yellow color is produced by finely distributed iron inclusions or aluminum within the original Quartz crystal.
To mimic Mother Earth, humans have learned to heat Amethyst or Smoky Quartz into Citrine. Almost all of the Citrine you find in the gemstone market today is heat-treated Amethyst or Smoky Quartz, both of which turn yellow at high temperatures.
By gemologists' standards, it is okay to call a Quartz with finely distributed iron minerals, including heat-treated amethysts, Citrine.
How do you know when Citrine is heated?
Here are some tips to determine if your Citrine is heat-treated by humans rather than naturally within the earth:
If it is heat-treated, the yellow colors will be more intense at the tips and you will see the white Quartz at the bottom of the crystal while natural Citrine has a more uniform yellow color throughout the crystal.
If it is heat-treated, the color can be more orange or red than natural Citrine which is in the pale to dark yellow range.
If it is heat-treated, your raw Citrine may become more crumbly and weak by the heating process whereas natural Citrine is relatively stable.
Heat-Treated Citrine is often found in clusters because it is heated from Amethyst geodes. Natural Citrine is rarely found in cluster formation.
Heat-treated Citrine may be tooth-shaped. This is the shape they form when they are removed from an Amethyst geode. A natural Citrine will be a straighter 6-sided crystal.
Heated Amethyst will not show dichroism (this is when a crystal shows different colors depending on the angle of the light), but natural Citrine and heated Smoky Quartz Citrine will show slight dichroism.

Does heat-treated Citrine work?
Heat-treated Citrine is still considered Citrine when doing energy healing work. Whether it was heated by Mother Nature or humans, this yellow crystal vibrates with the Solar Plexus chakra and prosperity energy.
Just like any other crystal that has been altered, it is up to you as the healer to determine your preferences. If you are already working with polished stones, carved stones, or tumbled stones, you realize that they have been manipulated from their raw state.
However, if you are working specifically with the energy of raw, unaltered stones, you are a crystal purist and you will want to hunt down and pay the price for natural Citrine!
Just like a weed is not a weed unless it is in your way, a Citrine is not fake unless it doesn't vibrate with you. Think about it. We also heat our water, our tea, our coffee, does it make them fake?
Experiment and come to your own conclusions on heat-treated Citrine. If it works for you, that's the most important part of healing!
At what temperature does Amethyst become Citrine?
Amethyst needs to be heated over 300-400 degrees Celcius to become Citrine.
Why is my Citrine turning white?
Whereas Amethyst will turn yellow in high temperatures, natural Citrine will turn white in high temperatures. If it's heated over 200 degrees Celcius, natural Citrine will begin to fade. However, once it's irradiated, the yellow color will return.
If it is heat-treated Amethyst, your Citrine can also turn light in prolonged, direct sunlight. If you are worried about fading, keep your crystals in indirect light.
Is real Citrine rare?
Real Citrine is rare. This is why heat-treated Citrine is to abundance. There is a high demand and a low supply for natural Citrine. If you find real Citrine, expect to pay a premium price.
Natural Smoky Citrine is easier to find than Citrine Quartz without the smoky inclusions.
For a more scientific look and photos of natural Citrine formations, visit The Quartz Page.
How do you know if your Citrine is natural?
By now you know that there is natural Citrine heated in the earth and heat-treated by humans. However, the definitions of natural Citrine are highly debated, even in the gemological world. Some people say Citrine must be a certain yellow to qualify while others say that even the palest yellow Quartz can be a Citrine.
Keep in mind that even natural Citrine can be heated to bring out more of a deeper yellow color.
The only way to know for sure if your Citrine is naturally heated in the earth is if you skillfully mined it yourself or send it to a certified laboratory for testing. The next best thing? Find a reputable seller who knows what they are selling you.
Where does Citrine crystal come from?
Natural Citrines are found in Brazil, Madagascar, the USA, Argentina, Namibia, Congo, Russia, South Africa, Scotland, and Spain.
What are the mineral facts of Citrine?
Being from the Quartz family, Citrine is a relatively hard stone registering at 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. The chemical formula for Citrine is SiO₂ just like the rest of the Quartz family.
Surface Color: Light to Dark yellow, Gold-brown
Streak Color: (can vary from surface color, this is the color of the crystals’ powdered minerals): White
Group: Silicon dioxide (same as Quartz)
Cleavage (where the crystal breaks off naturally to form a new face, parallel to its structure. This is a clean break and can cleave over and over again along the same face, retaining the crystals structure): None
Fracture (where you break the crystal, not on a natural cleavage): Conchoidal – a clam-like fracture that looks like broken glass
Luster: Vitreous (glass-like)
Tenacity: Very Brittle (points can come apart easily, that why you will often see clusters wrapped with tissue paper around the edges)
Transparency: Transparent (can see through without obstructions)
Crystal System: Hexagonal (Trigonal) = 6 sided points
Crystal Habit: Prismatic (prism are faces that run parallel to the axis of the crystal rather than criss-cross)
Stability: Good
Can Citrine be green?
Citrine will never be outright green, but it can have green tints in its yellow. This is usually found in the Smoky Quartz variety of Citrine.
Watch the Citrine Video
Watch the Citrine Stone Video for an overview of this yellow Quartz crystal and go over your answers to your top 5 questions.
While you are there, watch the entire A-Z Satin Crystals Meanings video series. We answer your questions on all of the most popular crystals. You can also post your questions and stories directly to the Youtube comments.
How can you tell if a Citrine is real or glass?
It is one thing to simulate nature and turn Amethyst into Citrine, but it's a different thing altogether to be duped into buying yellow glass. Here are some tips on how to tell if your Citrine is a real gemstone or a glass:
Glass will show bubbles, whereas real Citrine will not
Glass will not show color banding where real gemstones will
Glass will feel cooler than real gemstones
When faceted, glass may show more rounded edges while real Citrine will have sharp edges
How do you clean Citrine crystals?
Citrine is one of the crystals that can be cleaned in water. Run it under water or soak it in a bowl of water overnight.
However, you should still be careful using the water method if your Citrine is in its raw form or has any natural fracture lines within its polished form. In this case, we recommend gently cleaning the crystal with a wet cloth.
If you are looking to metaphysically cleanse, charge, and program crystals, visit our Crystal Care guide.
For metaphysical cleansing, many healers believe that crystal clusters are self-cleansing, so you don't have to energetically cleanse Citrine clusters.
Can Citrine be in the sun?
Citrine is known to fade after prolonged sun exposure. If you are concerned with fading, keep it out of direct sunlight.
Can you wear Citrine jewelry every day?
Polished Citrine can be worn in jewelry every day. It is durable and colorful. If your jewelry features raw Citrine, wear it with care. It is more prone to flaking and chipping.
Natural Citrine rare and expensive, but heat-treated Citrine is abundant and can be worn in all jewelry forms.
Citrine is especially great worn as bracelets, rings, and long necklaces that will reach the Solar Plexus chakra.
Can Citrine be worn by anyone?
Citrine can be used and worn by anyone. Its yellow color is attractive to both men and women, young and old. Citrine does not discriminate and neither should you! Gift it to anyone who needs a pick-me-up.
What is Amethyst and Citrine combined?
The combination of Amethyst and Citrine is called Ametrine. Ametrine occurs when veins of Citrine form with Amethyst. This can occur naturally by the earth or heat-treated by humans. When you see both purple and yellow together in a Quartz crystal, you can call it Ametrine.
So far, only one mine in the world has significantly produced natural Ametrine. This is located in Bolivia, which is why Ametrine can also go by its trade name Bolivianite.
Of course, you can find random Ametrine pieces from other locations, but they are not being mined commercially like in Bolivia.
What is Ametrine good for?
Ametrine's combination of purple and yellow is ideal for strengthening the nerves, balancing anxiety, fear, and nervousness. It cuts through the irrelevant chatter in your head to reveal actionable solutions to your obstacles. Use Ametrine crystals to balance the Crown and Solar Plexus chakras.
Are Amethyst and Citrine a good combination?
Amethyst and Citrine are a good crystal combination for those who want to balance their spirituality with their abundance. Pleasing purple Amethyst opens the way for spiritual abundance and infinite wisdom through the subconscious mind. Sparkling yellow Citrine summons rich fortune to your physical life.
Is Topaz the same as Citrine?
Although Citrine has been used inaccurately as Golden Topaz in the jewelry trade, these two gemstones are not related. Citrine is a Quartz crystal while Topaz is a Silicate crystal.
Like Quartz, Citrine has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. Citrine is sometimes falsely marketed as Topaz but can be easily distinguished because Topaz is much harder at a hardness of 8.
Before modern gemology, all yellow, brown, and orange gemstones were considered Topaz. Some jewelers still cling to the old names because it makes their gemstones more attractive and commands a higher price as Golden Topaz vs Citrine.
Are Lemon Quartz and Citrine the same?
Lemon Quartz and Citrine are not the same. Lemon Quartz has a more vibrant yellow color, like a lemon or a highlighter whereas Real Citrine has a more smoky tint!
Lemon Quartz is heated in the presence of Iron to get its color. It could result from heated and irradiated Smoky Quartz or Quartz.
In other words, Lemon Quartz is not a crystal naturally found in the Earth.
Is Citrine a birthstone?
Citrine is a birthstone for November.
Find out what Zodiac signs Citrine is associated with in Birthstones by Month and Sign.
Ready to buy Citrine?
Citrine is a positive addition to your crystal healing collection. Shop the Citrine Collection at Satin Crystals or buy your favorite pieces right here:
Your Citrine Journeys
Continue on your Citrine journeys with the following guides:
Citrine Reference Guides
Citrine Shopping Guides
Grow with Satin Crystals
How Does Citrine make you feel?
Does Citrine brighten your day? Do you feel more confident with Citrine? Do you have any interesting healing stories to tell about Citrine?
We would love to hear your positive comments and questions. Feel free to write to us below and we will get back to you.
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