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Bloodstone Stone Meaning

hands holding up a bloodstone slab wearing bloodstone stretch braceletsGet ready to learn all about Bloodstone, from geological facts to metaphysical healing properties. Watch the video, discover how to use it, and read personal experiences with the stone.

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Watch the Bloodstone Video

Click to watch the Bloodstone Stone video and get your top 5 questions on this popular crystal answered. You will also get to see examples of Bloodstone in its different polished and tumbled formations.

This is a part of our A-Z Satin Crystals Meanings video series, where we answer your questions on all of the most popular crystals. You can also add your own questions and stories directly on the Youtube comments. 

Who Needs Bloodstone Crystals?

You may benefit from Bloodstone crystals if you can relate to any of the following:

  • You are a serious energy healer

  • You seek courage

  • You need a second wind or a strong start to the day

  • You are feeling cranky and frustrated

  • You want to get back on the same wavelength as a friend or partner

  • You need support through your time of grief

  • You were born in the month or March or the Zodiac Pisces

Find your perfect pieces in the Satin Crystals Bloodstone collection.

What is Bloodstone?

Bloodstone is a green Chalcedony with red inclusions. Chalcedony is compact, microscopic Quartz. The Bloodstone’s green is from Chlorite, Amphibole, Pyroxene or Hornblende inclusions and the red inclusions are from red Jasper or Iron Oxide inclusions like Hematite.

Bloodstone forms in cavities and crevices when silica-rich groundwater evaporates at low temperatures. The microcrystalline Quartz forms in lumps. Add in the right mineral inclusions during the forming process and you have Bloodstone. 

Why is Bloodstone called Bloodstone?

The red spots in the stone resemble blood, which is why the stone was called Bloodstone. Sometimes you will find yellow in the Bloodstone and it is then also known as Plasma. You may also hear the stone called be Blood Jasper. 

What does Bloodstone represent?

Christians carved scenes of the crucifixion from Bloodstone because it was known as the Martyr’s Stone. The legend first formed when Jesus’ blood fell and stained the green Jasper crystals at the foot of his cross. It then became the protective stone for the crusaders.

The Ancient Greeks called Bloodstone Heliotrope meaning "turning the sun" because they believed it held the energy of the sun just like Sunstone.

hands wearing bloodstone stretch bracelets holding up a green and red tumbled stones

What Color is Bloodstone?

Because different mineral inclusions combine to form Bloodstone, they make each piece unique. There are two main types of Bloodstone varying in colors: 

African Bloodstone: Also known as Setonite, African Bloodstone is a translucent to opaque green Chalcedony with mottled red and green inclusions.

Indian Bloodstone: Also known as Heliotrope, Indian Bloodstone is a bluish green to a dark green stone. It may show white Chalcedony, yellow minerals and specks of highly-sought red inclusions. Sometimes Indian Bloodstone may contain fancy Jasper or Moss Agate.

Sheila's Personal Experience with Bloodstone

Bloodstone is a sacrificing stone. A few of my clients have reported back on the stone losing its color after working with it energetically!

I had a beautiful raw chunk of Bloodstone when I lived in Boston, which I reluctantly sold before I moved back to California. I still think about it. I would keep it in my wealth corner. Goes to show that you should always listen to your instincts!

Recently, another client told me that she gifted one of our Bloodstone stretch bracelets to her Buddhist monk and he reported that the red colors in the stone increased over time! Both of these changing color phenomenas are quite intriguing!

Lisa's experience with Bloodstone

I like Bloodstone for its dark forest green color. I have a Bloodstone worry stone with a thumb dip formation that I rub any time anxiety rises. Bloodstone is a stone of courage, and allows me to jump back on track despite any fears.

The coolest piece of Bloodstone I have had was a raw glassy chunk that I found in a rock shop in Portland. It was about 4 inches long with a deep green color and red flecks. It has long since been sold to a lucky someone. 

sheila of satin crystals holding up a bloodstone tumbled stone

What are the metaphysical properties of Bloodstone?

In crystal healing, Bloodstone is all about sacrifice. Like Jesus on the cross, Bloodstone is known to sacrifice its own energies for those in need. As related in the stories above, you will sometimes find the colors fading. Whether you wish to believe that it's metaphysical or a physical phenomena is up to you! 

Besides being a generous and giving stone, Bloodstone is known for the following metaphysical healing properties: 

  • Bloodstone grounds the heart energy to reduce irritability, aggression and impatience.

  • Bloodstone helps circulate the energy through your meridians, which are like the veins of your aura. 

  • Bloodstone is a stone of courage. 

sheila of satin crystals holding a hand full of green and red bloodstone tumbled stones`

What is Bloodstone Used for?

  • Red and Green being opposite on the color wheel, Bloodstone may harmonize two people who are opposites – carry similar pieces programmed for the same purpose.

  • Bloodstone strengthens the heart, wear or place over the Heart Chakra.

  • Meditate or lie on Bloodstone to help raise the kundalini energy (dormant energy that lies at the base of our spines until we awaken it to reach enlightenment).

  • Keep Bloodstone in your wealth corner to retain the wealth in your life.

  • Wear and hold Bloodstone to cope with the loss of family, friends and pets. Through the releasing of grief, Bloodstone lets you move past the pain. 

What chakra is Bloodstone good for?

Bloodstone is excellent for the Heart Chakra, pumping fresh energies to your love center. If it has the red hematite inclusions, you can also use the stone for the Root Chakra for grounding and physical energy. 

hand holding a bloodstone oval cabochon stone

Is my Birthstone Aquamarine or Bloodstone?

If you were born in the month of March, your birthstone shows up as both Aquamarine and Bloodstone. Aquamarine is on the traditional Birthstone List and Bloodstone is an alternative. You can use either or both. It's always great to have options! 

Bloodstone is also known as the birthstone for the zodiac sign of Aries (March 21-April19).

What are the mineral facts of Bloodstone?

Bloodstone is a relatively hard stone at a 6.5 – 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness.

Surface Color: Dark Green, Red, Yellow

Streak Color: (can vary from surface color, this is the color of the crystals’ powdered minerals): White

Group: Silicate (one Silicon surrounded by 2 Oxygen atoms)

Cleavage (where the crystal breaks off naturally to form a new face, parallel to its structure. This is a clean break and can cleave over and over again along the same face, retaining the crystals structure): None

Fracture (where you break the crystal not on a natural cleavage): Conchoidal (clam-like fracture which looks like broken glass)

Luster: Vitreous (glassy)

Transparency: Translucent (light flows through crystal but with obstructions) to Opaque (no light flows through crystal)

Crystal System: Hexagonal (6 sided)

Crystal Habit: Cryptocrystalline (stones composed of crystals too small to be seen by a mineral microscope)

Where is Bloodstone Found?

Bloodstone is found all over the world with large deposits in India, Brazil, China, Australia and the USA.

hand holding a bloodstone gunmetal chain necklace

Bloodstone Jewelry, Stones & Powders

Bloodstone is an attractive and durable stone, so it's easy to polish into beads. It is a relatively inexpensive crystal, but “Indian Bloodstone” which is dark green with pronounced red flecks is the most sought after. Our Bloodstone jewelry pieces are some of the best sellers at Satin Crystals. We offer Bloodstone earrings, necklaces, pendants, anklets, rings and sometimes even cufflinks.

Larger chunks of Indian Bloodstone are harder to find, but we do get in polished balls, slabs and figurines from time to time. Some will show more of the red and others will be a lighter green, so if you do see one with a rich green with the red speckles, I'd jump on the opportunity! 

Bloodstone has long been crushed into a powder for its magical, medicinal and aphrodisiac properties. Today, you can buy crushed Bloodstone to inlay in woodworking, jewelry design and artwork. To create the best powders, the best Bloodstones are used, so this makes the best pieces more limited in the gem market. 

Bloodstone is a porous crystal, so it will reject its polish in water. Keep it out of prolonged water if it is polished.

Bloodstone Divination

If you choose a Bloodstone in your crystal divination practices, you will be lead to issues of the heart. Depending on the question you had for your session, you will be asked to think about the wellbeing of your heart vs the emotional health of others around you. You don't want to get taken advantage of, but you also don't want to be cold-hearted.

With these thoughts in mind, working with Bloodstone energies will help you to trust your own heart and let in only those who enhance its energies. 

If your Bloodstone is more red than green, you may be dealing with issues of anger and resentment. Dwell on the core reason for your anger. Is it really someone else's fault? Once you get over the blame game, you can come to terms with your own emotions and control your own reactions to the situation. Use Bloodstone to alleviate this burning flame. 

Your Bloodstone Journeys

Continue on your Bloodstone journeys with the following guides:

Bloodstone Shopping Guides

Bloodstone Reference Guides

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Contact Satin Crystals 

How have you used Bloodstone in your healing work? Have you placed it in your wealth corner? Do you wear Bloodstone jewelry? Feel free to write to us below and we will get back to you. 

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.