Are you ready to dive into the wealthy world of Jade? Get ready to learn all about Jade, from geological facts to metaphysical healing properties.
Jade stone has been popular since the beginning of mankind. Even if you don't know much about crystals, you have heard about this ubiquitous gemstone. It is connected with luck, prosperity, and dreams.
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Jade Stone Video
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Can you benefit from Jade crystals?
You may benefit from Jade crystals if you can relate to any of the following:
You want to turn your luck around
You are seeking prosperity
You want to better understand your dreams
You want to improve your energy flow
You were born in August and Jade is your birthstone
You want a stone more valuable than gold
You seek a crystal proven through the ages
What is Jade?
Jade refers to two different crystals: Nephrite and Jadeite. They both come in a variety of colors although the green versions are the most abundant.
Nephrite [Ca₂(Mg, Fe)₅Si₈O₂₂(OH)₂] is the more abundant stone, found worldwide and easily available. It is tougher than Jadeite although it is not as hard (6-6.5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness).
It consists of millions of interlocking crystals of different minerals like Actinolite, Epidote, Tremolite, etc.
Nephrite is usually found in green, yellow, and white.
Jadeite [NaAlSi2O6] is not as common and is therefore pricier. It is also denser and harder (6.5-7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness) but not as tough as Nephrite.
It consists of millions of interlocking crystals of one mineral, Jadeite.
Jadeite can be found in more colors than Nephrite. Imperial Jade is a vivid green Jadeite that is the most valuable type of Jade on the market.
Why does Jade include Nephrite and Jadeite?
Nephrite was the only stone known as Jade in China until the 18th century when they found Jadeite in Burma. Because they looked so similar and they did not have the gemological advancements of today, both stones were called Jade and continue to be called Jade to this day.
Scientists distinguished between the stones in 1863.
What are the metaphysical properties of Jade?
Jade is the stone of abundance, fortune, and luck. It helps you to achieve all that you desire. Feel lucky and relieve stress when you have Jade by your side. Jade brings excellent healing powers, especially for the heart chakra. It is a dream clarifier; placing Jade near your bed will help you remember and understand dreams better.
Jade is known as the King of Crystals for its vast power of abundance. It has proven itself time and again to be the luckiest of crystals.
How do you use Jade for healing?
Here are some ideas on how you can use your Jade stones for both energy healing and practical matters:
Hang Jade amulets in the window to catch the energy of abundance flowing in the Universe
Work with a Jade egg when you or someone you love are going through times of New Beginnings to ease the transition
Lie in a crystal layout with Jade stones when you want to create a web of abundance
Wear a Jade pendant at your Heart chakra to open and balance your love center
Place Jade smooth stones under your pillow to help with dream recall
Surround yourself with Jade animal figurines to protect your space with the animal's spirit energy
Wear Jade jewelry for a reminder of your positive, money-minded thoughts
Gift a Jade amulet to your friend or lover for healthy, long-lasting relationships
Place Jade crystals in your Wealth and Money corner of your Feng Shui chart and carry small pieces in your wallet, or keep them in your money box
Create a crystal mandala grid with Jade, Aventurine, and Citrine stones for advanced abundance rituals
Hold Jade stones during your past life regression sessions to contact with your ancestors
Use a Jade crystal ball for meditation
Use a Jade ring as a crystal ball or egg display stand when you aren't wearing it
Use a Jade stone to polish and sharpen your steel knives
Use a Jade circle for things that need to be kept cold (did you know that these circles are popular in the eyelash extension glue industry?!)
Use a Jade facial roller to soothe and de-puff your face

Lisa's personal experience with Jade
Jade has a special place in my heart and in my life story. I lived in the Thai-Burmese (now Myanmar) border city of Mae Sai doing volunteer work in my early 20's. While I fundraised for a grassroots children's NGO, I was also beginning my journey into the crystal world.
Mae Sai is rich with gorgeous genuine Burmese Jade. I loved going into town and picking out these precious pieces. Burmese Jade boasts various green tones, lavender, even orange and yellow. Buying and selling Burmese Jade was one of my first experiences in the crystal business... and a blessed business it be. I dealt Jade bangles, animal figurines, Buddha statues, and much more. It was a turning point for my career. Instead of working in the non-profit sector, I was enchanted by Jade and other healing gemstones. That was when I joined Satin Crystals and have not looked back since.
Jade is a tricky stone. There are many crystals labeled Jade that are not actually Jade. Although I'm drawn to deep greens like Canadian Jade, Burmese Jade remains my favorite.
Sheila's personal experience with Jade
Before I ever got into the wonderful world of crystals, I had heard about Jade. I mainly associated it with a popular Chinese trinket, but now that I am well educated in crystal facts and energies, I can fully appreciate its allure.
I have a Jadeite turtle sitting on my desk, looking up at me as I type. Its shiny surface glistens with hope and prosperity. I have programmed it for motivation and focus in writing this article for you. A lot of research and time goes into our crystal meanings articles, to make sure we weed out the misinformation and bring you the true definition of your stone. Having the genuine stone in front of me while I work helps the information come together, reinforces its healing properties, and finalizes another deep-dive into the world of gemstones.
I like having a little talisman cheering me on. Everyone should know about Jade beyond its Chinese lore. Jade is for all of us. Cool and patient, waiting to be activated with your intentions.
What are the mineral facts of Jade?
Both Jadeite and Nephrite Jades are metamorphic rocks made up of tiny interlocking mineral crystals. These interlocking crystals make both gems exceptionally tough.
Nephrite is even tougher than a diamond. While diamonds are the hardest stones on the Mohs Scale of Hardness, they can be fragile. Nephrite is not as hard as Diamond, but it is not as fragile.
Surface Color: Green, White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple, Blue, Gray, Black
Streak Color: (can vary from surface color, this is the color of the crystals’ powdered minerals): Colorless
Group: Silicate (Jadeite is pyroxene, Nephrite is amphibole)
Cleavage (where the crystal breaks off naturally to form a new face, parallel to its structure. This is a clean break and can cleave over and over again along the same face, retaining the crystals structure): Not usually seen because of small grains and splintery fractures
Fracture (where you break the crystal, not on a natural cleavage): splintery to granular
Luster: Vitreous (glass-like), greasy, silky, waxy, sugary
Tenacity: Exceptional, High Tenacity (not easily broken)
Transparency: Translucent to Opaque
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Crystal Habit: Grainy, Fibrous
What colors does Jade come in?
Jade comes in a variety of colors. Jadeite has a wider color spectrum including green, red, black, brown, white, and lavender. Nephrite comes in more limited colors including green, white, yellow, and red.
Here are the colors of Jade and their crystal healing properties:
Black Jade
This color of Jade is deep green to jet black. It is common to see inclusions in the dark stone.
In crystal healing, Black Jade is used as a protection crystal. It is especially used to protect yourself from your negative thoughts.
Blue Jade
This is the rarest color of Jade. They range from creamy to dark bluish-green to blue. Click for a case study by the GIT Gem Testing Laboratory.
In crystal healing, Blue Jade is used for coming to terms with your current situation. It brings peace of mind and allows you to see the big picture without tripping over the small obstacles.
Brown Jade
An earthy mottled mix of brown and yellow Jades.
In crystal healing, Brown Jade is used for connecting with Earth's bounty. Rather than just taking, it is a stone of giving and taking. By remaining balanced, you can better appreciate material wealth with a spiritual mind.
Green Jade
Varies from the intense green of Imperial Jade to the lighter speckled shades of Jade. The intense green of Imperial Jade is compared to an Emerald and is the most valuable.
In crystal healing, Green Jade is the ultimate stone of luck and prosperity.
Lavender Jade
This color of Jade varies from pale to deep purple.
In crystal healing, Lavender Jade alleviates emotional hurt and provides spiritual energy.
Red Jade
This color of Jade is usually a reddish to orangish brown. It is sometimes heated to brighten the color.
In crystal healing, Red Jade is used for bringing out the warrior spirit. It activates the Root chakra and gets you moving on your path towards prosperity.
White Jade
Fine White Jade is highly esteemed as "Pure Jade." It can be translucent to opaque off-white to snow white.
In crystal healing, White Jade is used for connecting to your Higher Self. It is the stone that connects earth and heaven.
Yellow Jade
This color of Jade varies from pale to brownish yellow. It is the most affordable of the Jades in its natural color.
In crystal healing, Yellow Jade is a cheerful and energetic stone of assimilation.
How do you clean Jade crystals?
Jade is one of the crystals that can be cleaned in water. Run it under water or soak it in a bowl of water overnight.
However, you should still be careful using the water method if your Jade is in its raw form or has any natural fracture lines within its polished form. In this case, we recommend gently cleaning the crystal with a wet cloth.
Never place Jade in a jewelry cleaner with chemicals.
If you are looking to metaphysically cleanse, charge, and program crystals, visit our Crystal Care guide.
How do you care for Jade?
Besides cleaning your Jade, you want to make sure that it is not scratched by any harder stones. Store it separately from your harder stones. Even your softer stones if you don't want Jade to scratch them!
If you spill something like red wine on your Jade, make sure to wipe it as soon as possible, otherwise, it may stain.
You may wish to wax your clean untreated Jade. Rub white wax or an unscented candle onto your stone. Use a towel to remove any excess wax. This will help your Jade retain its luster. Your treated Jade does not need wax because of the resin holding the stone together.
If your Jade has been treated, make sure to keep it out of prolonged direct sunlight. It is good practice to keep your gemstones away from chemicals like hair sprays, cleaners, and chlorine.
How do you tell real Jade from fake?
The best way to determine if your Jade stone is real is to find a reputable seller who knows what they are selling you. The only way to know for sure if your Jade is real is to send it in to a certified gemological laboratory.
If you do not have access to a reputable seller or you don't want to send it in to a lab, here are some tips to test Jade at home:
Real Jade is a 6-7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. This makes it harder than stainless steel. It will not be scratched by stainless steel (which is a 5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness). Use your steel keys, knife, or scissors to scratch the surface of the stone. It should not scratch. However, Quartz simulants won't scratch either and low grade Jade may scratch in weak spots.
Real Jade has inclusions but will never have air bubbles. Air bubbles are an indication of glass. Use a magnifying jeweler's loupe to help you see into the stone.
Real Jade is always cold to the touch. It will take a while to heat up in your hands and once you put it down, it will quickly turn cold again. Some vendors will show that wrapping a strand of hair around Jade and taking a lighter to it won't burn the hair because Jade is so cold. However, many other real gemstones are cold to the touch and won't burn the hair either.
Real Jade has a high-pitched tone that sings like a sweet bell when it's clinked with another piece of real Jade. You want the Jade to be hanging from a string when striking it, you don't want your hand to dull the sound and it usually only works with Jade bangles as seen in videos on Youtube. Fake Jade will have a low dull sound with no lingering reverberation. Plastic will sound hollow. Quartz may sing also.
Real Jade is heavier than other stones because of its density. It should not feel lightweight when compared to other stones of the same size.
Real Jade should be priced accordingly. Fake Jade can be sold for half the price of Real Jade.
Real Jade has a steadfast natural color. It won't fade over time or in the light like dyed versions will.
Real Jadeite has a refractive index of 1.652-1.688 while Nephrite is 1.6 – 1.67. If you have a refractometer, the stone should fall into this range.
Real Jadeite has a density of 3.3 and Nephrite has a density of 2.95. If you get a Certificate of Authenticity, the Refractive Index and Density should match Jade.
- Real Jade will test as Nephrite or Jadeite on the Gem Tester machine.
None of these tests are conclusive in themselves, but they may help you on your path to Jade identification. Learn more in Is your Jade Fake or Real?
How do I use a Gem Tester on my Jade?
The Gem Tester is a machine that can verify several popular gemstones like Jade. While it does not identify your stones for you, if you already have a good theory on what stone you have, it can be an excellent tool for verification.
Watch the video and find out how we test all of our Jade gemstones and jewelry here at Satin Crystals before putting them up for sale.
What are the black and white marks in my Jade?
The black inclusions in your Jade are spots of Chromite, a mix of chromium and iron. The white patches are parallel Tremolite crystals. They are also known as "waterlines" running through the Jade.
The main mineral in Jade is Tremolite. The bright green color is caused by chromium and iron ions.
What determines the quality of my Jade?
In the gem market, the quality of Jade is determined after accounting for translucency, inclusions, texture, and color. The more translucent, fewer inclusions, finer texture, and richer the color, the more valuable the Jade.
In crystal healing, value is in the eye of the beholder. As long as you are attracted to the Jade, that is the piece for you. Many healers prefer stones with many inclusions as it makes it easier to transcend to the metaphysical realm.
What are the grades of Jade?
There is not universal standard for grading Nephrite Jade, but Jadeite is broken down into three grades:
A Jade is natural, untreated with a long-lasting stable color. It could be waxed.
B Jade is treated with acid and bleached to remove oxidation stains, impurities, and lighten the color. It is then impregnated with resin or wax to fill the pores. It is brittle, unstable, changes colors, and has a 5-10% value of "A Jade"
C Jade is treated like "B Jade" plus it is dyed. It has very little value.
B and C Jades will still test as real Jade on a refractometer. They are still considered real Jade, they have just been treated. You will need advanced gemological testing to determine their grade.
You may find Nephrite Jade graded by individual mines and companies, but there is no standard grade yet.
Is New Jade real Jade?
New Jade is a tradename given to Serpentine stone. Although it may look like Jade, it is not related to Jade. Other names for New Jade are Bowenite, Antigorite, Chinese Serpentine, Tangiwaim, or Maori Greenstone.
You can easily distinguish New Jade from Serpentine because Serpentine is much softer on the Mohs Scale of Hardness, registering a 2-5.5 compared to Real Jade's 6-7. Real Jade will scratch Serpentine but Serpentine can not scratch Real Jade.
Another way to distinguish the two stones is that Serpentine may have a yellowish tinge to its green whereas Jade has a sage, or gray tone, to its green.
If you are aware of what you are buying, there's nothing wrong with buying New Jade. The vendor should disclose this information. Serpentine is a wonderful stone in its own rights.
What is fake Jade?
Besides New Jade, there is a whole list of stones being falsely marketed as Real Jade. These faux Jades can take up a whole blog on their own.
Here are just a few natural stones that have been misnamed Jade:
Serpentine: New Jade, Afghanistan Jade, Bowenite Jade, Tangiwaite or Tangawaite Jade, Teton Jade, Styrian Jade, Olive Jade, Korean Jade
Dolomite: Mountain Jade
Calcite: Mexican Jade (dyed green Calcite)
Aventurine: Indian Jade
Amazonite: Amazon Jade
Chrysoprase: Australian Jade
Garnet: Transvaal Jade, African Jade, South African Jade
Quartz: Guizhou Jade, Malaysia Jade, Soochow Jade, Honan Jade
Vesuvianite: California Jade (Californite), American Jade
Talc: Manchurian Jade, Shanghai Jade, Fujian Jade, Honan Jade
Soapstone: Korean Jade, Manchurian Jade
Besides stone substitutes, deceptive or clueless sellers could also be selling you glass, resin, or plastic as Jade.
What are some other names for Real Jade?
Here are some tradenames of Jades that are genuine Nephrite or Jadeite.
Hetian or Hotan Jade is the name for the best creamy white "mutton-fat" Nephrite Jade in China. The Chinese national standard now allows all green Nephrite Jade to be named Hetian. Be careful though, some sellers will claim you are getting Hetian Jade when it may be from other countries because Hetian has the historical significance attached to its name. Actual high-quality Hetian Jade is rare and expensive.
Manasi Green Jade is the tradename for a green Nephrite from Northwest China.
Maw Sit Sit is a natural find in Burma 1963 but consists of Jadeite, Albite, and Kosmochler stones. So it does contain Jadeite, but is not pure Jade.
Greenstone is the name for real Nephrite Jade found in New Zealand.
Polar Jade is high quality Nephrite Jade from Canada's Polar Mine. It has been marketed as Jade from the Arctic Circle.
Siberian Nephrite is valued for its vivid green color. It has less black dots and is known for its well distributed coloring.
Can I use a fake Jade roller?
Jade rollers are all the rage in the beauty department these days. Unfortunately, so are fake Jade rollers. These are usually created with substitutes like Serpentine, Quartz, or Aventurine to lower the price point.
Whether you are looking for authentic Jade or just a crystal face roller, you will want to know upfront what you are paying for. Make sure you are buying from a trusted vendor. If the price matches what you would pay for fake Jade, that is probably what you are getting.
There is nothing wrong with using a "fake" Jade roller. These are usually created with natural gemstones, just not the ones you were expecting! Other crystals are just as powerful and will do the job just as well when it comes to your facial.
How do you use Jade for luck?
Jade can be used in good luck rituals by focusing your intentions on positive energies.
You can meditate with your Jade stones, follow along on our Jade guided meditation, or simply recite Jade mantras and align your thoughts to its energies of prosperity.
Keep the Jade with you in your pocket, purse, or worn as jewelry to remind you of your prosperity goals. You could also place Jade on top of your manifestation journal or keep it under your pillow for dreams of abundance. Place it on your bedstand so you remember what to dream of each night and what kind of day you should be having every morning!
Need help with your Jade mantras? Here are 15 Jade Affirmations to get you started.
What chakra is Jade?
Jade is most commonly associated with the Heart chakra because of its green color. It is a stone of long-lasting love, loyalty, and friendship. Opening the Heart chakra with Jade connects your energy to these desirable traits.
However, other shades of Jade can be used at other chakras. For example, you can use White Jade at the Crown chakra, Yellow Jade at the Solar Plexus chakra, and Red Jade at the Root chakra.
To learn more about crystals and your seven chakras, visit the Chakra Guide.
Magical Jade Incantation
This is a message from Jade from Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski's book "Crystal Therapy":
"I offer the gifts of serenity, tranquility, wisdom, prosperity, and a feeling of soothing calmness. You may wear me close to your skin as a reminder of the blessings from Spirit. I act as a conduit of transition from this plane to the next, creating a space of loving peace, so hold me in your hand or rest me against your forehead to initiate conversations with those who have gone before. Place me with those entering the corridors of new beginnings in order to ease the feeling of separation. I've been the adornment of royalty and a weapon of war, yet always my purpose is to heal, stimulating inspiration and growth white reminding you all of the abundant and loving Universe."
What stones go well with Jade?
If you are looking to pair your Jade with other crystals in healing, here are some good crystal combinations:
Carnelian and Jade activate the passion for prosperity. This combination has you motivated to achieve your goals.
Red Garnet and Jade paired together are all about the good life. Whereas Garnet has you sipping from the wine of life, Jade has you lavishing in the abundance of the Universe.
Citrine, Aventurine, and Jade are the power trio to use when you are solely focused on bringing in that luck and abundance.
Moonstone and Jade work well together when you are deciphering your dreams. This dreamy pair has your head in the clouds: exactly where you want it to be.
Jet, Turquoise, and Jade are excellent choices when you are on the road. These three gemstones have your back when it comes to protection during travels.
Sardonyx and Jade are a friendly pair. Work with this crystal combination to strengthen your own resolve in maintaining friendships. Gift them to your best friends and show them that you are with them for life.
What birthstone is Jade?
Jade is a birthstone for August. It is associated with the Zodiac sign of Virgo.
Jade is gifted on the 12th or 35th wedding anniversary as a symbol of lasting love.
Jade is associated with Archangels Raphael and Raziel.
Find out what Zodiac signs Jade is associated with in Birthstones by Month and Sign.
What does Jade mean in divination?
Drawing Jade in a gemstone divination session means: Instead of a problem, it's time to see your situation in the light of luck and abundance.
Use Jade to come up with the solution to your current obstacle. Once you overcome our issue, you will look back and laugh. What seemed like a big problem before was simply a menial cog on your path to prosperity. Instead of dwelling on the negative, Jade is always focused on how you can live in greatness. Let go of fear, worries, and doubt. With Jade crystals by your side, your path to abundance has already been laid out. Do your positive mindset work and let luck do the rest.
Can Jade be worn every day?
If you have real, untreated Jade, it can be worn every day. Real Jade is durable and can handle everyday wear.
However, if you have treated Jade, the color may fade, the chemicals may absorb into your skin, and the stone may break easily.
Can I shower with my Jade jewelry?
Yes, showering with your Jade jewelry is okay. Water and soap do not harm natural Jade gemstones.
Can Jade be put in salt water?
Natural Jade is okay in salt water. Be a little more careful with treated Jade. Treated Jade is more brittle and may or may not like the salt in the water.
Does Jade break easily?
If you have treated Jade, the chemical structure of the stone breaks down its durability. It may break much easier than untreated Jade.
If you know you have genuine, untreated Jade, but it breaks unexpectedly, it is said that the stone is protecting you from unforeseen harm. In Asian cultures, you are to place your broken Jade in a red package and throw it out.
Find out what else your broken Jade could mean in crystal healing: Broken or Lost Crystal Meanings.
Does Jade glow in the dark?
Genuine Jade does not glow in the dark under UV lighting. However, bleach-treated Jade may glow.
Where should I put Jade in my home?
In the home, Jade can be kept in the bedroom or facing the front door. Place it in the bedroom if you are looking to work with your dreams or you are promoting a long-lasting relationship with your partner. Place it facing the front door if you want only positive energies to enter your space.
For Feng Shui energy, place Jade in the "Wealth and Prosperity" top right corner of your home. For more on placing crystals, visit How to Clear & Fill the Home with Crystals.
What is the history of Jade?
Here are some historical and fun facts about Jade stone:
In Ancient China, Jade was only worn by royalty. It was a symbol of wisdom and leadership.
Some people would consume Jade powder because they believed it would preserve their bodies after death.
The Maori people of New Zealand would exchange Jade pendants they made with each other because they believed their energy would infuse with the Jade when they created the pendant.
Wyoming was named the "Jade State" in the mid-1930s.
Jade was used to make weapons and tools because of its sharp edges and durability
Companies now sell Jade mattresses, pillows, and clothing to cool down the body temperature and improve health
Where is Jade found?
Jade is found around the world. However, the only commercially available Jadeite comes from Myanmar (Burma). Jadeite is also found in smaller sources in Russia, Japan, Guatemala, Mexico, Tibet, the USA, and Kazakhstan.
Nephrite Jade comes mostly from British Columbia, Canada. It is also found in China, New Zealand, USA, Brazil, Australia, Poland, and Switzerland.
What is Guatemala Jade?
Guatemala Jade is a Jadeite that comes in a variety of colors from green, white, yellow, to purple and is a 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness.
A rare variety of Guatemalan called Galactic Gold is black with flecks of metallic inclusions like Pyrite or Silver. The green and white variety is called Mayan Foliage.
Guatemala Jade was popular during the Mayan civilization. Its sources were lost for 500 years because Spanish conquistadores did not value Jade. The stone was rediscovered 50 years ago. It not as well known or widely available as Jade from other localities.
The Mayans held green Jade as the most precious, life-giving crystal. They carved burial masks, rings, ear flares, pendants, beads, and ceremonial objects from this stone. Guatemalan Jade comes in a variety of colors.
Is Jade only for Buddhists?
Jade is a gift from Mother Earth with special meaning for Buddhists but available for everyone. Because Jade has been revered in Asian cultures since ancient times, it has a strong link to the Buddhist religion.
The Buddha carved in Jade encompasses happiness, luck, and prosperity. This symbol can be embraced by people of all faiths.
What is the significance of a Jade bangle?
Jade bangles have been carved in China for thousands of years.
They are worn to bring peace and protection. These fashionable jewels can be worn every day in both a formal and casual setting.
Check out the video above to see how much work goes into making the perfect Jadeite bangle.
What wrist do you wear a Jade bracelet on?
You can wear your Jade bracelet on either wrist for fashion. You may find it more comfortable to wear on your non-dominant hand if you do a lot of manual work.
Some people choose to wear it on their left hand to be closer to their Heart chakra. Others prefer to stack them up on both arms and create a whole statement of prosperity.
To learn more about wearing crystal bracelets, visit the Ultimate Bracelet Guide.
Why is Jade so expensive?
Real Jade stones are expensive because they are durable, coveted, and hard to mine. They also need to compete with a sea of fake Jades in the market.
Real Jade can be handed down for many generations. It does not easily break. It is a good investment.
Is Jade worth more than gold?
Because Jade is so prized in China, and due to the newly rich population that emerged in China after 2000, Jade is even more valuable than gold now. Unlike gold which is uniform and can be melted into a desired shape, each piece of Jade is unique in its colors and inclusions and is very difficult to hand carve.
Jewelry pieces like bangles that are carved from one piece of Jade are very valuable compared to those that are put together with several pieces of Jade.
Did you know that Jade is more important in China than diamonds are in the USA?
What does a gift of Jade mean?
A gift of Jade means that the giftee is bestowing you with long-lasting friendship and good luck. Since ancient times, Jade has been gifted as a talisman for healthy relationships and prosperity. If you have been gifted a Jade gemstone, consider yourself blessed. Why not return the favor?
Ready to buy Jade?
Jade is a prosperous addition to your crystal healing collection. Shop the Jade Collection at Satin Crystals or buy your favorite pieces right here:
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How do you feel about Jade? Do you have a favorite type? Have you done any healing work with this stone? We'd love to hear your stories or answer any questions you may have. Contact us below and we'll get back to you.
Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.