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12 Free Abundance Crystal Affirmations

jade slab and moneySeeking a life of abundance? Surround yourself with powerful Abundance Crystals and recite these positive affirmations to change poor thinking patterns into rich rewards.

Don't just dream about it, act the part! When you recite Abundance crystal affirmations, you summon the flow of prosperity to your world.

What is a key element for attracting abundance? Focus. Give attention to abundance. Do actions that call rather than repel money and wealth. 

Before you proceed, join the free Satin Crystals VIP. We deliver crystal healing news and positive affirmations conveniently to your email.

How to do Abundance Affirmations

To do these affirmations correctly, you want Abundance crystals. The following affirmations are specifically designed to sync with Abundance stones.

You can choose to hold a crystal in your hand, place stones around you, or wear gemstone jewelry. Need some? Find them in the Satin Crystals Abundance Collection.

Affirmations can be a fast, fun, and effective ritual. You may recite these  silently in your mind or you can create a calm space in your home and enter a deeper meditation before reciting the affirmations aloud. The options are endless.

You may choose to recite each mantra once or recite it several times. Do them all or pick a few that relate best. You are the master of your ritual.

Your 12 Abundance Stone Affirmations

Here are 12 mantras to recite while you wear and hold abundance jewelry and crystals:

  • I believe and receive

  • Abundance is my birthright

  • I know my worth and I am paid well

  • Giving to others makes my heart feel full

  • Abundance stones point the way to prosperity
  • By the law of karma, I get and I also give

  • Financial freedom is attainable because I am wise
  • I have a close-knit relationship with money, it's my best friend 
  • I trust in the Universe to provide for me as I walk the path of light
  • Money is a human creation; I am a human who creates a lot of it
  • I gladly trade my poverty mindset for a money mindset
  • When I have doubts about money, I turn to my Abundance crystal for confidence and trust

    Write Abundance Affirmations

    Do you want to customize your positive affirmations to focus on specific goals? Check out this simple guide on How to Properly Write Affirmations.

    Shop Abundance Crystals

    Shop Abundance jewelry and crystals right here on the blog. At Satin Crystals, we offer you the best because you deserve the best:

    Your Turn to Affirm

    Do you have any questions, stories, or comments about affirmations? We are happy to hear from you anytime, comment on the blog below.  

    Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

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