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Chakra Colors United: A Celebration of Diversity

diverse group of satin crystals models We invite you to join us in the celebration of diversity. At Satin Crystals we appreciate and welcome people of all races and religions. It is the rich diversity of our global community that makes it ever so powerful.

A Call for Peace and Unity

The senseless murder of George Floyd has reignited the quest for equality. It has brought to surface the pains of injustice faced by the Black community and the layers of corruption deeply embedded in our system.

From the race-fueled phone call against Christian Cooper to the unjust deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmad Arbery, George Floyd- America and the world has been bombarded with visual evidence of racism. This system of oppression has existed for centuries, but with modern-day technology available to expose these crimes, they can no longer be ignored by society.

People of all colors must come together and work toward a common cause. We need positive-minded healers such as yourself to spread good vibrations throughout the planet.

Satin Crystals is committed to promoting peace and justice. This week, we donated hundreds of dollars worth of gemstones to a local Black business that has been encouraging peace despite being vandalized during the riots.

They are giving away free crystals to activists and keeping their doors open as an alternative to violence. We share in the common vision that love and healing can overcome hatred.

It is time that we come together and celebrate the colors of the world. Let's ignite our inner rainbow by cleansing our chakras from destruction and negativity. When we drown out dark thoughts, we move forward into the light.  

Chakra Colors United

The year 2020 has been so intense, you are experiencing stress like never before. Your sense of normalcy has been uprooted by the coronavirus and expounded by the news of discriminatory practices.

While it is our duty to be outraged, we must channel this rage into practical solutions. People are standing up, speaking up, taking political action, making personal reflections, and making difficult choices. This upheaval is necessary and overdue.

Still, these events and feelings take a deep toll on our inner emotions. They shake the core of our being. It is easy to become distraught.

To best serve humanity, we must also take care of ourselves.

Over the next three weeks, we will be providing you with in-depth knowledge about the Seven Chakras. Cleansing and activating your chakras will help you feel grounded and rejuvenated, ready to take on whatever lies ahead. You will learn the meanings of each of your chakras, as well as how to heal them:

  • 7th Crown Chakra
  • 6th Third Eye Chakra
  • 5th Throat Chakra
  • 4th Heart Chakra
  • 3rd Solar Plexus Chakra
  • 2nd Sacral Chakra
  • 1st Root Chakra

After this intensive chakra healing campaign, you'll be glowing with the colors of the rainbow and ready to spread your light. Stay tuned here on our blog or join the VIP list and you'll get all of the information in your inbox. 

Committing to Equality

Do you feel paralyzed within? Taking action can help free you of angst and anxiety. Peaceful activists are on the front lines of demanding justice. There are hundreds of ways to help the cause even if you cannot join the masses out there.

When Sheila saw a news feature about local black business owner QueenHippieGypsie who was promoting peace with crystals, she was inspired to take action. While other businesses had boarded up their windows, this little metaphysical shop remained open to pass out crystals and inspire activism rather than violence. They believe that the community needs to have a positive place to turn to during turbulent and troubling times. This is a message that we resonate with.

Satin Crystals has donated hundreds of crystals and gemstone jewels to be distributed to peaceful protestors in need of good vibrations.

To feel empowered, you can find our own way of contributing positively to society during this time of grief. This simultaneously uplifts humanity and your own spiritual satisfaction.

Here are some ideas of how to contribute to the cause:

Rainbow Pride

Chakra Colors United is a tribute to racial diversity, and also to sexual freedom. June 14th - 28th is a time for the Pride parades and festivals that celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. We believe in the freedom of choice to love, love, and love more.

The rainbow Pride flag is a beautiful medley of colors that align well with the colors of your chakras. When you wear your rainbow chakra jewelry, you outwardly show support and acceptance of people of all sexual orientations.

What's to Come

Don't miss out! Make sure you are on the Satin Crystals VIP List to enjoy all the upcoming features: 

  • In-depth healing tutorials for the Individual Chakras
  • Chakra Crystal Showcase
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Summer Solstice Crystals

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, comments, or stories to share, we welcome you to comment on the blog below. 

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Sheila Satin - June 9, 2020

You are too kind, Roxanne. We couldn’t do it without positive people like you. I’m glad you found us!

Sheila Satin

Roxanne - June 9, 2020

I absolutely love and admire you website!!!

I goggled “healing crystals” and discovered your website amongst others.
However, I liked the feel I felt from going thru your site and wanted to be a part of it by joining. It clearly shows that a lot of love, thought and detail went into making this website for the people who appreciate the gift of crystals and their healing powers.

Thank you for sharing your love with others!


Sheila Satin - June 9, 2020

Hi Geneva, thanks for the feedback! We are so happy to hear it and appreciate you spreading the positivity in dark times.

Sheila Satin

Geneva - June 9, 2020

Peaceful greetings Sheila!

Thank you SO MUCH!!! For the crystals and pendants. It arrived just on time. Yesterday we attended an healing event where we created the wellness space and led a meditation. At our table, we gave away your beautiful pieces and stones! Everyone was so grateful!!! The event was a healing circle intended for the black community but all ethnic backgrounds were welcome to be present and support. Sooooooo many people received your offerings with smiles and excitement. This fluorite wand is super magical!!!! Lilly is planning to keep it! You truly went above and beyond for us. Thank you! We are forever grateful for your support and love.

So much love and light to you dear!

Peace, love and light,

Geneva( @dancingmedicinew8man )

& QHG Team


Queen Hippie Gypsy

Follow us on IG @queenhippiegypsy

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