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Free shipping for US orders $55+
Free shipping for US orders $55+

FLASH SALE! Abundance Necklace Set

citrine and green aventurine necklacesAbundance Neckaces - Free with Order!

Plus, USA Shipping is free!

This flash-sale is offered to Satin Crystals VIP club members only. It's free to join, so there are no risks; only benefits! 

Check your emails for the special discount code on March 8, 2023. 

Your manifestation powers are working. 

We want to give you these new Citrine & Aventurine money necklaces! 

How to redeem:

1. Add the Money Necklace Set to your cart*

2. Add an additional $100+ worth of crystals or jewelry to your cart

3. Check out with code from your email

Missed the Necklace Sale?

Don't worry, we have plenty of special deals, insider information, and pre-launches throughout the year. Join us as a Satin Crystals VIP club members and you won't be left out, floating alone in the black abyss. 

Previous article Iolite Jewelry Showcase for Money Visions


Lisa Satin - August 7, 2023

Thanks for writing to us, Wilma!

You are right, just like almost all industries these days, prices are on the rise for crystals and gemstones too. They are sourced globally. In many countries, inflation is much higher than in the US right now.

That being said, you can always take advantage of our special VIP deals and flash sales that we promote through our emails. And the 10% off your first order code as well.
Join here:

Check out our 50% off Zodiac sale that rotates every 30 days:

And our $30 and under collection:

Here is another article that you may find helpful:

I hope you will secure the crystals and jewelry you desire through Satin Crystals.

Wilma R. - August 7, 2023

Hello to whom it may concern I love crystals and jewelry crystals my concern is it’s so expensive. For a person like myself and other people how can we get crystals. I’ve ordered from other crystal companies and there prices is going up. It’s just crazy out here. I would love to order from Satin Crystals. Thank you for listening.

Lisa Satin - February 4, 2021

Hi Brianna!

Thanks for your reply. It looks like the necklace was delivered yesterday. Have you received it? We would love to hear your feedback :)

Have a great day and let us know if you have any questions or crystal stories to share.


Lisa Satin

Brianna M - February 4, 2021

Hi! I hope all is well with you and your family. It is so nice to hear thaf you, your sister, and mom all work together to provide people with hesling crystals and jewlery. I am so excited to receive my necklace and wear it!!!! Have a great day!

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