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12 Free Garnet Affirmations

hand holding up garnet sphere, green garnet raw, wearing grossular garnet bracelets

Are you ready for the luxe life?

These Garnet positive affirmations are geared to attracting vibrant health and luxurious wealth. Why live a life of lack when you can get all glitzed up with Garnet?

Are you in need of Garnet gemstones? Check out our gorgeous selection before engaging in your affirmations:

Do Garnet affirmations benefit you?

If one or more of these statements relate to you, then the answer is: Yes! You benefit from Garnet affirmations:

  • I want total holistic health

  • I want to indulge in this world's wealth

  • I wish to reawaken my zest and passion

  • I want a better lifestyle

  • I like holistic rituals that are fast, easy, and fun

Your 12 Garnet Affirmations

Here are 12 mantras to recite while you wear and hold Garnet Gems and Jewelry. Chant them any time of the day or night, as often as you desire.

Garnet for Total Health

  • When I'm physically active, my body feels alive and my mental health thrives

  • I cherish my body, mind, and spirit

  • Garnet is the Stone of Total Health that cheers me along on my fitness journey

  • I make wise choices that benefit me in the long run

  • I do crystal healing because I care about my whole soul
  • When I hold my Garnet gems, my energy levels rocket from my feet to my head

Garnet for Luxurious Wealth

  • I was put on earth to indulge in the senses and live a life of glamourous luxury

  • Garnet reminds me to be giving towards myself and others

  • I choose the glitz and glam lifestyle with Garnet

  • When I wine and dine, I feel oh-so-fine

  • I release myself from a state of lack and permit myself to enjoy a state of luxe
  • I wrap myself in luxurious Garnet gemstones because I deserve it

      Customize your Garnet Affirmations

      Do you want to personalize your positive affirmations to align with your specific goals? Check out this simple guide on How to Properly Write Affirmations.

      Your Turn to Affirm

      Do you have any questions, stories, or comments about affirmations? We are happy to hear from you anytime, comment on the blog below.  

      Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

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