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15 Free Jade Affirmations

hand holding jade amulet carvingTurn your misfortunes into fortune with Jade affirmations.

Lucky Jade has brought good omen to your ancestors in the past; now it's your turn. Recite Jade positive affirmations and activate the royal treatment that is your birthright.

These fun and easy Jade affirmations bring you luck in wealth, love, and life. Say no to strife by using Jade to create a Lucky New You.

You need real Jade crystals to do these affirmations.

In need? Check out the Jade gemstone and jewelry collection before you proceed.

Do Jade affirmations benefit you?

If one or more of these statements relate to you, then the answer is: Yes! You benefit from Jade affirmations:

  • I want to be lucky in life

  • I want more wealth

  • I wish to be lucky in love

  • I want to tap into Jade's abundance like my ancestors did

  • I like holistic rituals that are fast, easy, and fun

Your 15 Jade Affirmations

Here are 15 mantras to recite while you wear and hold Jade Gems and Jewelry. Chant them any time of the day or night, as often as you desire.

Jade for Good Luck

  • My Jade crystal captures good luck and delivers it into my aura

  • Some people have all the luck, and I am amongst those people

  • My ancestors used Jade for good luck. Now it's my turn.

  • With Jade, I transform into a Lucky New Me

  • My misfortunes turn to fortune thanks to my lucky Jade
  • I define my own luck

Jade for Lucky Love

  • Jade charms my Heart chakra and makes me lucky in love

  • I attract happy-go-lucky people to my realm

  • I'm so lucky to be surrounded by loved ones

  • I feel gratitude towards those who've loved me in the past, those who love me now, and those who will love me in the future

    Jade for Lucky Wealth

    • Jade is the Stone of Kings and I rank amongst the best of them

    • My Jade crystals draw wealth to me 
    • I come from a noble bloodline and I deserve great wealth

    • With Jade in my stash, I always have cash
    • I am as rich and royal as Imperial Jade 

      Customize your Jade Affirmations

      Do you want to personalize your positive affirmations to align with your specific goals? Check out this simple guide on How to Properly Write Affirmations.

      Your Turn to Affirm

      Do you have any questions, stories, or comments about affirmations? We are happy to hear from you anytime, comment on the blog below.  

      Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

      Previous article Self-Hypnosis Meditation with Pendulum


      Lisa Satin - January 13, 2022

      Hi Rhonda,

      Thank you for sharing your story. We are sending lots of good vibes your way for healing.

      As to medical advice and recommendations, we leave that to your doctor. We do not make any claims that crystals help with physical conditions because it is not scientifically proven.

      However, crystals can help you feel good and engage in holistic practices like meditation and affirmations. These practices can boost your mood and help you along your journey.

      Here are some popular stones that people have found helpful energetically. They can help people on the path toward holistic healing.

      Rose Quartz: Increases self-love and positive vibrations. Visit the collection:

      Obsidian: Breaks apart negative thoughts, energy, and patterns. Visit the collection:

      Amethyst: Helps keep you focused on the higher good and divine light. Visit the collection:

      Most importantly, we encourage you to tap into your own intuition and let it be your guide. Check out this article and video on how to choose the right crystal:

      Please let us know if you have any further questions!

      Best wishes,
      Lisa Satin

      Rhonda - January 13, 2022

      Hello, I am glad that I found your website. I am new to crystals. I have scleroderma and looking for a crystal that helps in healing from this skin disease. Thank you!

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