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12 Free Job Crystal Affirmations

couple wearing red jasper cufflinksRaise your hand if you want a better job, better position, or better pay. Job crystals and positive affirmations raise your vibrations so that you can manifest your dream career.

Does that sound like a daunting task? Look around, millions of people are working in the profession they love. They are passionate, satisfied, and full of purpose. You can feel this way too.

Reciting these 12 Job Crystal affirmations places you several steps ahead on your professional path. So let's get up and at it.

Before you proceed, join the free Satin Crystals VIP. We deliver crystal healing news and positive affirmations conveniently to your email.

How to do Job Affirmations

To do these affirmations effectively, you want Job Crystals. The following affirmations are custom-created to work with Job Stones. You can choose to hold a crystal in your hand, place stones around you, or wear gemstone jewelry. Need some Career Crystals? Find them in the Satin Crystals Job Collection.

Affirmations are a fast and fun ritual that yields big results. You may recite these  silently in your mind or you can create a calm space in your home and enter a deep meditation before reciting the affirmations aloud. Gather a group and do chants, if you wish. The options are endless.

You may choose to recite each mantra once or recite it several times. Do them all or pick a few that relate best. You are the master of your ritual.

Your 12 Job Stone Affirmations

Here are 12 mantras to recite while you wear and hold Job Crystals:

Before and during job hunts and interviews:

  • I get the job because I can get the job done! 

  • With my Job Crystals near, I manifest my dream career

  • My confidence, skills, and personality shine as bright as a gem

  • My career is part of my life mission and the Universe listens

During salary and raise negotiations:

  • I am worthy of a big income because my work is of great value
  • My Job Crystal gives me the confidence to ask for what I deserve

  • My super salary reflects my positive talents and work ethics
  • Raises and riches are a part of my wishes

For work satisfaction and promotions:

  • If I can dream it, I can do it! 
  • Even if I fumble or flop, I keep climbing to the top
  • I am a leader and a boss and I have the skills to back it up
  • Whenever I'm in doubt, I turn to my Job Crystal and go all out

    Write Work Affirmations

    Do you want to customize your positive affirmations to focus on specific professional goals? Check out this simple guide on How to Properly Write Affirmations.

    Shop Job Crystals

    Shop Job jewelry and crystals right here on the blog. At Satin Crystals, we offer you the best because you deserve the best:

    Your Turn to Affirm

    Do you have any questions, stories, or comments about affirmations? We are happy to hear from you anytime, comment on the blog below.  

    Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure

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