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Libyan Desert Glass Meaning

four female models holding libyan desert glassAre you attracted to rare Libyan Desert Glass, a cosmic mineral that almost nobody knows exists? This Gold Tektite has several scientific and healing secrets that are ready to be revealed to the world.

Are you thinking about becoming an owner of this rare yellow gemstone? Have you gotten your hands on real Libyan Desert Glass? Want to know what it's all about and what to do with it?

Get ready! You are going to learn why Libyan Desert Glass has the power to energize you with its sun-kissed beauty, healing abilities, and mysterious extraterrestrial origin. From geological facts to magical healing properties, we will discuss everything you want to know about real Libyan Desert Glass.  

Join the Satin Crystals VIP and stay updated on Libyan Desert Glass and all of your favorite Tektite gemstones. 

Can you benefit from Libyan Desert Glass?

If you can answer yes to at least one of these statements, Libyan Desert Glass can enhance your life:

  • You are drawn to rare and exotic gemstones

  • You want to enjoy the sunny side of life

  • The color yellow makes you happy

  • Your Solar Plexus chakra needs balance

  • You are curious about the sun-star-sand trinity

  • You enjoy meditation, metaphysics, and manifestation

  • You want to blast away boredom and blues

  • You seek a gift like no other

Watch the Libyan Desert Glass Video

If you prefer vibrant voices and visuals, click on our Youtube video for an overview of Libyan Desert Glass.

While you are there, watch the entire A-Z Satin Crystals Meanings video series. We answer your questions on all of the most popular crystals. You can also post your questions and stories directly to the Youtube comments. 

What is Libyan Desert Glass?

Libyan Desert Glass is a natural yellow Tektite found in the Sahara Desert of North Africa. 

Libyan Desert Glass is a cloudy, burnt yellow to a bright lemon-yellow natural glass. It can be found in its rocky formation or tumbled smooth by the desert sandstorms. It has a frosty, glassy texture that can be tumbled, faceted or polished smooth into decorative pieces.

The raw pieces that are found on the desert surface are naturally polished by wind and sand. The ones found further underground show the natural pits and craters from its origin. 

female model holding two libyan desert glass tektites

What are the metaphysical properties of Libyan Desert Glass?

The main metaphysical properties of Libyan Desert Glass relate to its high vibrations that warm your soul and light up your life. Besides uncovering your healing light, here are other popular metaphysical properties of Libyan Desert Glass: 

  • It relaxes your emotions, giving you the best chance to let down your guard and show off your talents

  • Provides a better understanding of self, confidence, and acceptance of your body and soul

  • It will bring you a greater understanding of history, your ancestry, and your fellow beings around the galaxy

  • It is a manifestation stone, helping to strengthen your resolve and focus on precisely affirming your goals to the Universe

  • It provides you with the sun-star-sand trinity of elements

    sheila of satin crystal with libyan desert glass at her third eye

    How do you use Libyan Desert Glass?

    Here are a few ways to use Libyan Desert Glass in your healing practice: 

    • Hold one Libyan Desert Glass in each hand for astral travel meditations and channeling

    • Shine a light on your past: place Libyan Desert Glass at the Third Eye chakra during past life regressions

    • Place Libyan Desert Glass on display for an intriguing home or office showpiece

    • Place Libyan Desert Glass at the Health or Spirituality centers of your Feng Shui map 

    • Use Libyan Desert Glass during your manifestation rituals - hold it if you are mentally manifesting, place it on top of a manifestation journal, wear it to keep the affirmations fresh in mind throughout the day

    • Wear or place Libyan Desert Glass at your Solar Plexus chakra to work on emotional centering

    two pieces of libyan desert glass to show natural yellow shades vary

    How to determine real vs fake Libyan Desert Glass?

    Fake Libyan Desert Glass is becoming more common as the real Tektite increases in value and demand. Besides testing in a certified gemological laboratory or buying straight from a trusted source, here are some tips on how to tell if your Libyan Desert Glass is real and not a synthetic piece of yellow glass or plastic:

    1. Real Libyan Desert Glass is always yellow: There is a wide range of yellow hues associated with Libyan Desert Glass. It could be a very pale yellow or a dark yellow depending on if other minerals got trapped in your piece during formation. However, if you encounter Libyan Desert Glass in any other color, it is either a synthetic fake or a completely different material.

    2. Real Libyan Desert Glass has a matte look: Libyan Desert Glass has been tumbling around the desert sand for millions of years. It has a smooth, frosted matte luster rather than a machine-polished gloss. If your raw piece of Libyan Desert Glass is too shiny, that is a clue that it is a fake. 

    3. Real Libyan Desert Glass has monetary value: This isn't quite a visual inspection of the Libyan Desert Glass itself, but insight into the price tag you are looking at. Remember how difficult it is to source this Tektite? If the price is too good to be true, guess what?! It's not true Libyan Desert Glass. 

    4. Real Libyan Desert Glass has air bubbles: Like all glasses, air bubbles are trapped within Libyan Desert Glass. If you look under magnification, you should see air bubbles. This will not rule out the man-made glass, but may rule out plastics and other synthetics. 

    5. Real Libyan Desert Glass has worm-like inclusions: When seen under a strong microscope up to 10x magnification, you should see wavy inclusions. These are lechatelierite inclusions, which are the result of sand particles that melted during the stone's formation. But, unlike Quartz, which is a Silicon Dioxide forming slowly with high-temperature, lechatelierite forms by instantaneous events like meteorites and lightning strikes. 

    6. Real Libyan Desert Glass has a velvety feel: Although it is a hard Tektite, Libyan Desert Glass has a soft surface feel from being tumbled through the desert for so many years. It won't be slick and shiny like glass nor as rough and textured as Moldavite. 

    Does my Libyan Desert Glass come with a Certificate of Authenticity?

    You've seen it all over the internet- sellers promising you a Certificate of Authenticity (COAs) with your purchase. We hate to break it to you, but their COAs are worth nothing more than the cheap paper it was printed on.

    Look closely, it's just a piece of paper that they printed from their home office (often with spelling and grammar mistakes) that they created to make you feel better. COAs have nothing to do with the authenticity of the stone, it's a marketing gimmick.

    Here at Satin Crystals, we are straightforward. No, we don't give you a Certificate of Authenticity because it has no value.

    The only true way to know if a rock is a real tektite or meteorite is to have it tested in a reputable laboratory. 

    We guarantee you that 99.9% of the companies offering you a COA did not have the Libyan Desert Glass lab verified by a real scientist. That's why it's meaningless.

    two ladies holding up libyan desert glass pieces

    Lisa's personal Libyan Desert Glass experiences 

    I'm the meteorite lover of our company, so you can imagine how exciting it is for me to gaze upon each fresh new piece of Libyan Desert Glass that comes our way. Let me tell you, Libyan Desert Glass is rare so I have to hunt it out from very specific sources. However, it's worth it. "Why?", you ask. Let me tell you...

    There's no other stone that can bring the power of the sun, stars, and sand trinity to me all at once.

    I use Libyan Desert Glass sun energy when I feel down, and it brings me back up. When I gaze upon Libyan Glass, I feel my soul light up. The darkness fades away and light shines through, thanks to its sunny yellow disposition. The power of the sun reawakens my Solar Plexus chakra.

    I use Libyan Desert Glass star energy when I write my astrology reports or want to enhance my spiritual levels. It excited me to no end that Libyan Desert Glass is born of a cosmic meteorite impact. Once and only once in the timeline of the Universe was this mineraloid created. When I hold Libyan Desert Glass, I hold something really rare.

    I use Libyan Desert Glass sand energy when I want to feel connected and anchored back to earth after a hard or loopy day. Can you believe that small grains of sand from the great Sahara Desert are encapsulated in this incredible mineral? I love Great Sand Sea Glass because it is exotic and secretive.

    At the moment, I use Libyan Glass specimens most often in my work and healing. I am waiting for my necklace to arrive, and soon I will be wearing it too.

    sheila of satin crystals holding a yellow libyan desert glass tektite

    Sheila's personal Libyan Desert Glass experiences

    To me, Libyan Desert Glass is the light that glows at the center of my aura. Its sunny essence is like the golden energy that radiates from my core, the bright light of possibilities, and the innocence I brought with me to this life on Earth. Holding a raw piece of Libyan Desert Glass gives me power. I feel like my aura is glowing with the energy of past, present, and future. 

    Even when I don't use it actively for healing, I love to wear Libyan Desert Glass because it makes me smile. People always ask what I am wearing and are fascinated by the answer.

    I wear the Libyan Desert Glass cage necklace so that I can place manifestation notes in the pendant with the Tektite and remind myself of my goals. If you're a necklace person, this is an excellent way to manifest!

    How do you cleanse your Libyan Desert Glass?

    Physically, you can clean your Libyan Desert Glass underwater and air dry. Because it is a natural glass, it is okay to get wet.

    If it's just a little dust you want to remove, you could even wipe it with a cloth. If you are using anything harsher than simple running water, beware that you could scratch or break the Tektite. 

    Because it resulted from extraterrestrial origins, Libyan Desert Glass energizes well in starlight. It can be charged at night in the windowsill or the garden during the Full Moon. It is also connected with the deserts and the sun, which makes it ideal to be charged and activated in sand and sunshine. 

    To learn more about metaphysical crystal cleansing and charging, watch the video at Crystal Care

    hand holding raw libyan desert glass

    How was Libyan Desert Glass formed?

    Libyan Desert Glass formed around 27-29 million years ago. However, the origin of its formation remained a debate for centuries. Some researchers even believe that the natural glass may have traveled from outer space in a meteorite rather than forming here on earth. 

    The two most popular theories were: 

    1. Libyan Desert Glass formed during an airburst, which is when meteors burst through Earth's atmosphere and cause an energy explosion in the sky, melting and changing things on the surface below.

    2. Libyan Desert Glass formed when a Meteorite impacted the earth, melted and vaporized the landscape, and formed into a Tektite.

    In 2019, scientists determined that the second theory was correct. The reason the second theory was never confirmed was that the location of the Meteorite impact has never been found.

    However, scientists have found evidence of Reidite minerals within Libyan Desert Glass, a mineral that only forms from Meteorite impacts. And because the glass is almost pure silica, we know that it had to have formed with temperatures above 3000 degrees Fahrenheit (~1600℃), which is hotter than any earthly rock formation. 

    Here's how it happened:

    1. The meteorite hit the earth

    2. The earth around the impact vaporized from the heat

    3. The vapors condensed into molten liquid

    4. The molten liquid solidified into Libyan Desert Glass

    5. Libyan Desert Glass scattered over the Sahara Desert

    Whatever happened so many millions of years ago, the giant impact of the explosion created what we now know as Libyan Desert Glass.

    Where is Libyan Desert Glass found?

    Libyan Desert Glass is found in one of the most hard-to-reach areas of the world. It is only found in the Sahara desert in Libya and Egypt.

    Why is Libyan Desert Glass rare?

    Libyan Desert Glass is rare because it is hard to collect. It is difficult to source because of limited availability, strict government restrictions, and it is found only in a harsh, remote, underpopulated, barren desert area. Think scorching desert days and freezing desert nights!

    Furthermore, the Egyptian government has restricted travel and excavation to this Saharan area.  Because of its inaccessibility, the golden Tektite has been highly coveted since ancient times and the average price is expected to increase in the years to come.

    hand holding libyan desert glass showing natural pits and craters

    What are the mineraloid facts of Libyan Desert Glass?

    Libyan Desert Glass is known as a mineraloid rather than a mineral. Libyan Desert Glass formed so quickly in the air after the meteorite impact that it did not have time to organize itself into a mineral. A mineraloid is an inorganic solid that doesn't have a crystalline structure. Because it is not crystalline, Libyan Desert Glass never formed crystals. 

    Mohs Scale of Hardness: 6.5-7

    Surface Color: Yellow

    Streak Color (can vary from surface color, this is the color of the crystals’ powdered minerals): White

    Cleavage (where the crystal breaks off naturally to form a new face, parallel to its structure. This is a clean break and can cleave over and over again along the same face, retaining the crystals structure): None

    Fluorescence: None

    Fracture: Conchoidal (clam-like, the way glass breaks)

    Luster: Vitreous (glass-like) 

    Tenacity: Brittle (little resistance to breakage)

    Transparency: Transparent to Opaque

    Habit: Amorphous

    Specific Gravity: 2.2 - 2.65

    What is the classification of Libyan Desert Glass?

    Is Libyan Desert Glass a crystal? a stone? a gemstone? a meteorite? You will hear Libyan Desert Glass referred to as all of these terms, but scientifically it is classified as a Tektite. A Tektite is a glassy type of Impactite. When big meteorites strike the earth, the crash transforms the surface. The combination of the meteorite, earth minerals, heat, and pressure results in new metamorphic rocks.

    Although they generally contain mainly earth minerals, meteorite fragments are lodged in many pieces of Tektites.

    Learn more about Meteorite Classifications and Types.

    Libyan Desert Glass is a Tektite gemstone. It is not a meteorite but may have fragments of meteorite in its formation. Although Libyan Desert Glass is not technically a crystal, it is referred to as one in the metaphysical world of crystal healing. 

    What chakra is Libyan Desert Glass?

    Libyan Desert Glass is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra because of its yellow color. The Solar Plexus chakra vibrates with the color yellow and balances your emotional center. 

    To learn more about chakra balancing, visit the Chakra Guide.

    What is the difference beween Libyan Desert Glass and Sea Glass?

    Libyan Desert Glass and Sea Glass are very different. Libyan Desert Glass is a naturally occurring glass caused by a single meteoric event millions of years ago. It is only found in the Sahara Desert. It has inclusions unique to Tektite gemstones. 

    Sea Glass is a result of man-made glass that has been washed out into bodies of water, polished by lakes, oceans, and streams. Man Made Glass has only been around for around 5,000 years and is found all over the world. It will not sure inclusions unique to Tektite gemstones. 

    What are other names for Libyan Desert Glass?

    Libyan Desert Glass goes by the acronym LDG and is also known as the Great Sand Sea Glass, Libyan Desert Tektite, or Libyan Gold Tektite.

    It is commonly misspelled as Lybian Desert Glass. 

    hands holding libyan desert glass and moldavite raw stones
    Is Libyan Desert Glass the same as Moldavite?

    Because of its popularity, Moldavite is better known than Libyan Desert Glass. Some people have come to see Libyan Desert Glass as a Golden Moldavite. However, they are different gemstones.

    Libyan Desert Glass is a yellow Tektite that is found in Libya and Egypt. Its creation is attributed to a different meteor impact event around 14 million years before Moldavite was formed. Moldavite comes only from the Czech Republic in Europe.

    Libyan Desert Glass has a similar glassy texture and clarity as Moldavite but in a yellow color instead of green. Because they are found in the desert, small pieces of sand are common inclusions of this mineral and give it the nickname The Great Sand Sea Glass. Libyan Desert Glass is also not as rough and harshly textured as Moldavite in its raw state. 

    Libyan Desert Glass is also unique from any other Tektite in the world because it consists of 98% silica, whereas Moldavite has around 77% silica. 

    Find out more in Libyan glass is the Yellow Tektite Sister of Moldavite

    What does Libyan Desert Glass mean in divination?

    Drawing Libyan Desert Glass in a gemstone divination session means: There is emotional darkness you need to overcome.

    Use your Libyan Desert Glass to face your obstacles with a positive, can-do attitude. Let the golden Tektite build your confidence and give you the strength to move forward without emotional baggage.

    What stones pair well with Libyan Desert Glass?

    If you are looking for a spiritual heightening, Libyan Desert Glass paired with Moldavite. These two high-vibing Tektite sisters can have you zooming to space in no time. Like a balancing act, Moldavite activates the upper chakras while Libyan Desert Glass works on your lower chakras. 

    If the spiritual energies of these two Tektites together are too much for you, use a grounding stone like Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, or Moqui Marbles with your Libyan Desert Glass. 

    If you want to balance your space odysseys with other meteorite-related stones, chooseMeteorites like Muonionalusta, Campo del Cielo, Canyon Diablo, or Black Tektite with your Libyan Desert Glass. 

    Can you wear Libyan Desert Glass every day?

    Libyan Desert Glass can be worn every day. It is harder than other Tektites because of its silica content, but still must be worn with care because it is a natural glass.

    Libyan Desert Glass is a gem-grade Tektite and makes a beautiful focal piece in jewelry. Wear it as a necklace, earrings, or ring, and watch your mood soar to the cosmos. 

    female models holding yellow libyan desert glass in display cases

    Libyan Desert Glass history

    Although Libyan Desert Glass was scientifically recorded and discovered in 1932 by P. Clayton's desert survey expedition, it has been known to ancient civilizations for thousands of years. 

    Libyan Desert Glass is a natural glass-like Obsidian that was used for tools, weapons, decoration, and jewelry for many years. 

    The most notable Libyan Desert Glass jewelry piece in history was found in King Tut's breastplate in which a scarab beetle was carved from the yellow Tektite.

    Where is the best place to buy real Libyan Desert Glass?

    So you'd love to be an owner of exclusive, limited Libyan Desert Glass, but you have no plans to visit the Sahara Desert in Africa this year? Thankfully, Libyan Desert Glass is available through select reputable sellers and meteorite aficionados.

    Unfortunately, Libyan Desert Glass can also be replicated in Chinese factories and supplied around the world to unsuspecting buyers. Replicas can be made from ordinary yellow glass and even plastic. Yellow beads and bracelets made of synthetic material or even cheaper stones are often passed off as "natural Libyan Desert Glass" to make a fast buck. Buyers may be lured in by the cheap prices, unaware that they are getting duped.

    Because we only love the real stuff, Satin Crystals sells authentic Libyan Desert Glass. It is hard to get, so we don't have many. We keep an attractive collection of specimens and some elite jewelry pieces for sale in the shop. 

    If you want 100% peace of mind and 100% authenticity, visit the Satin Crystals Libyan Desert Glass Collection or pick your pieces right here:

    Your Libyan Desert Glass Journeys

    Continue on your Libyan Desert Glass journeys with the following guides:

    Libyan Desert Glass Reference Guides

    Libyan Desert Glass Shopping Guides

    Grow with Satin Crystals

    jamie of satin crystals holding libyan desert glass in frame
    Contact Satin Crystals

    Have you had experience with Libyan Desert Glass? What do you use your Libyan Desert Glass for? What are your opinions about Libyan Desert Glass and its powers? 

    We'd love to hear your stories about these galactic yellow gems. Feel free to write to us below and we will get back to you. 

    Disclaimer: The metaphysical Libyan Desert Glass information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.