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2025 Full Moon, New Moon & Lunar Crystals

rainbow moonstone sphere with a new moon cutoutIn a turbulent world, you can rely on one thing: the big beautiful moon. It feels serene gazing upon the moon. You are lavished with special healing powers. The mystical moon has been revered since the beginning of time.

In this comprehensive article, you discover the spiritual and scientific meanings of each moon. Find out what crystals to use and which rituals to do. Learn the exact dates for all Full Moons, New Moons, and Eclipses of 2025. That includes Super Moons and a rare Blue Moon! 

Get Moon crystals today so you have them handy for intense lunar healing.

What does the moon do for you? Each lunar phase benefits you differently.

The Full Moon is a time to release old habits.

The New Moon is meant to manifest something new.

The Lunar Eclipse is an opportunity for major life change.

Use Moonstone and Moon Crystals to perform radiant healing rituals. Charge your gemstones and jewelry under the moonlight for good fortune.

Sign up for the Satin Crystals VIP club to keep updated on your monthly moons and horoscope report. It's free and easy to enroll.

What is a Full Moon?

A Full Moon is a phase when the moon looks like a round glowing circle from our perspective on Earth. As the earth travels between the sun and the moon, the light side of the moon faces us. This happens once a month, or 29.53 days to be precise.

What is the spiritual meaning of a Full Moon?

The spiritual meaning of the Full Moon is about keeping your energy in motion. The Full Moon empowers your soul to make a positive change. The Full Moon spotlights negative energy and unresolved issues that have been lurking in your life. You can see more clearly which people, events, or energies no longer benefit you. Then, you can decide to let them go.

During the Full Moon, you must release unwanted elements. Since the Full Moon event happens every month (sometimes twice a month), you can continuously cleanse and release. Leave behind the past and start fresh. Stop getting stuck in the same old pattern.

What is a Blue Moon?

You may have heard the expression "Once in a Blue Moon." It is used to describe something that happens only once in a long while. That's because a Blue Moon is uncommon, happening one time every 2.7 years or so.

A Blue Moon occurs when a single month has two Full Moons. The second Full Moon is called the Blue Moon. The next Blue Moon will happen on May 31, 2026. This is a special day when you should be charging your crystals in the window. 

What are the Full Moon dates for 2025?

For the year 2025, the Full Moons happen on: 

  • Wolf Moon: January 13, 2025

  • Snow Moon: February 12, 2025

  • Worm Moon: March 13, 2025 (Total Lunar Eclipse)

  • Pink Moon: April 12, 2025

  • Flower Moon: May 212, 2025

  • Strawberry Moon: June 11, 2025

  • Buck Moon: July 10, 2025

  • Sturgeon Moon: August 9, 2025

  • Corn Moon: September 7, 2025

  • Hunter's Moon: October 6, 2025

  • Beaver Moon: November 5, 2025 (Supermoon)

  • Cold Moon: December 5, 2025 (Supermoon)

How does a Full Moon affect me?

Since the Full Moon is a time of letting go, some people may feel relieved, happy, and free. Others may feel jittery, scared, or at a loss. Your feelings can change with each cycle, depending on what is happening in your life and what exactly you are releasing.

Letting go of old patterns or destructive people may involve soul-searching discomfort. However, it opens the gateway to bigger and better things.

Wondering what kind of big new changes await you? Join the Satin Crystals VIP Club to get your monthly Full Moon forecast by email, completely free.

What is a Lunar Eclipse?

A Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth travels between the moon and the sun. The shadow of the earth makes the moon hard to see.

When part of the moon is blocked, it's called a penumbral Lunar Eclipse. This happens 2 to 5 times a year.

When the entire moon is blocked, it's a Total Eclipse. This is rare, happening once every 2 and a half years. A Total Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is even more rare, occurring 1 to 9 times every 100 years.

What is the spiritual meaning of a Lunar Eclipse?

The Lunar Eclipse over the Full Moon enhances the energy of new beginnings. In a Lunar Eclipse, you release bigger and more significant things than you would during a typical Full Moon.

Some abrupt changes may include a loss or gain of a job, a family member, or a large sum of money. It might be a change in your relationship status, new information about your health, a spiritual transformation, etc. 

During the Lunar Eclipse, a major transformation is upon you.

What are the Lunar Eclipse dates for 2025?

The Lunar Eclipses of 2025 happen on the following Full Moon:  

  • Worm Moon: March 13, 2025 (Total Lunar Eclipse)

Will I see the Lunar Eclipse?

Whether or not you see the Lunar Eclipse depends on what type of eclipse is happening and where you are located. See the interactive map to find out if you can observe the Lunar Eclipse from your location.

Even if you can't see it from your place, you will feel it. The energy spreads equally across the earth. It's an opportune time to charge your crystals and do crystal healing.

What is a New Moon?

A New Moon is when we see the dark side of the moon from Earth. The moon looks like a black outline in the sky. It happens every 29.53 days and is considered the start of the moon phase. The Full Moon follows the New Moon 14.765 days later.

What is the spiritual meaning of a New Moon?

The New Moon is the opposite of a Full Moon. The New Moon looks almost invisible to you.

Whereas in the Full Moon you release unwanted energy, in the New Moon you build something fresh and new. What have you been meaning to manifest? What have you been dreaming of these days?

The New Moon is an opportunity to make your thoughts a reality. It's an excellent time to use your Moonstones and practice life-enhancing Moonstone Affirmations.


What are the New Moon dates for 2025?

For the year 2025, the New Moons happen on: 

  • January 29, 2025

  • February 27, 2025

  • March 29, 2025 (Partial Solar Eclipse)

  • April 27, 2025

  • May 26, 2025

  • June 25, 2025

  • July 24, 2025

  • August 22, 2025

  • September 21, 2025 (Partial Solar Eclipse)

  • October 21, 2025

  • November 19, 2025

  • December 19, 2025

How does the New Moon affect me?

The New Moon brings something new. What's coming to you this month? If you need to open a fresh chapter in life, make use of New Beginnings Crystals.

Wondering what kind of big new changes await you? Join the Satin Crystals VIP to get your Free Horoscope Report every month by email. 

What is a Solar Eclipses?

The Solar Eclipse is a phenomenon with different spiritual meanings than the lunar phases. Learn more about the 2025 Solar Eclipse and Sun Crystals.

The 2025 Solar Eclipses happen on the following New Moons: 

  • March 29, 2025: Partial Solar Eclipse

  • September 21, 2025: Partial Solar Eclipse


    Why is Moonstone important for Full Moon, New Moon, and Lunar Eclipse Healing?

    Moonstone crystals fully align with the energy of the moon. Whereas many stones are charged by sunlight, Moonstones get their power from the moonlight. This gem is feminine, intuitive, psychic, calm, and healing.

    Transitions are hard. If you don't put the right effort and intention toward the transition, changes could be disastrous. Moonstone is a stone of New Beginnings. When you use this crystal of transformation, you align yourself with success.

    Moonstone makes change easier and keeps you on the right track to a positive outcome. Learn about Moonstone benefits and metaphysical healing properties.

    Where can I buy Moonstone spheres?

    Have you been missing out on all the benefits of Moonstone? Don't get left in the moon dust.

    At Satin Crystals, we have a variety of shining Moonstones spheres that are ready to be yours. They are round and perfect, resembling the moon in shape and energy.

    Check out our entire collection of Moonstone and Moon Orbs, or click on one of these Moonstone and Moon crystal balls:

    1. Rainbow Moonstone Crystal Ball for the Full Moon

    2. Black Moonstone Crystal ball for the New Moon

    3. Peach Moonstone Crystal Ball for every moon

    What are the best Moonstone bracelets?

    Over the years, Satin Crystals fans have deemed Moonstone bracelets as the best for harnessing lunar energy. Our Moonstone bracelets are handmade by Sheila and Ann in the jewelry studio. We infuse them with positive vibes.

    You can find your perfect Moonstone bracelets at Satin Crystals.  Here are three Moonstone bracelets that correspond with different moons:

    1. Rainbow Moonstone Bracelet for the Full Moon

    2. Black Moonstone Bracelet for the New Moon

    3. Moonstone Medley Bracelet for every moon

    How do I charge Moonstone in the Full Moon, New Moon, and Lunar Eclipse?

    Before you charge your stones, you want to clean them of previously infused energy. Engage your gems and jewelry in Crystal Care before attempting to use them.

    On the morning of the Full Moon, New Moon, or Lunar Eclipse, place your stones on the windowsill or garden. Leave them overnight so they can be supercharged with the superpowers of the moon. To manifest the best results, place them on Moon Goddess Selene's Selenite charging plates.

    Once they have been charged, you can program your crystals with the intentions you desire. 


    What do different Moonstone shapes mean?

    Moonstone crystals come in different forms. Each Moonstone shape has a unique meaning. You can learn how to use the shapes of Moonstone for new beginnings.

    When you want a Moonstone crystal that resembles the Full Moon, get a Moonstone sphere. Discover the reasons why Moonstone balls are best, according to healers and light workers.

    When you want to fuel new beginnings, pick a Moonstone egg. Eggs are the symbol of fresh starts. Learn how to use crystal healing eggs to maximize your energetic gains.


    What are Moon Crystals?

    Moonstone is a well-known gem that holds the power of Goddess Luna. Did you know that there are two other major Moon Crystals? Don't miss out on their beneficial vibes!

    The three moon crystals are Moonstone, Selenite, and Labradorite.

    peach moonstone sphere
    Moonstone for All Moons: This is the most powerful moon crystal that you should have during every lunar event. Moonstone comes in white for Full Moons, black for New Moons, and various other colors for all moons.


    white selenite sphere

    Selenite for Full Moons: Did you know that Selenite is named after the Moon Goddess Selene? It is a glowing white etheric crystal that permeates with the energy of moonbeams. Selenite is the ultimate choice for your Full Moon rituals and seances. 

    labradorite sphere
    Labradorite for New Moons: When the New Moon is a ball of darkness, Labradorite awakens. This mysterious silver stone with rainbow flash is the ultimate choice for your New Moon mantras and magic rituals. 

      What is moon jewelry?

      When you wear moon jewelry, you are forever blessed by the magical light of Moon Goddesses Luna and Selene.

      Satin Crystals' handmade moon jewelry is designed to maximize your vibrational benefits. These pieces are made specifically for your moon-related practices.

      When it's time to celebrate the Full Moons, New Moons, Super Moons, and Lunar Eclipses, don't show up empty-handed. Moon jewelry is ideal for all lunar events. 

      Visit the Moon Jewelry Showcase to find your perfect piece. Some of the best lunar designs are featured here: 


      Can I charge other stones in the Full Moon, New Moon, and Lunar Eclipse?

      Most crystals like Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Tourmaline are charged by sunlight. The sun infuses them with life force and active energy. To charge them under the sun, you can place them on the windowsill during the day. 

      However, you might decide to charge them under moonlight once in a while. Moonlight fills your crystals with soothing energy and psychic intention. If you want a crystal to help you with psychic development, intuitive abilities, and Third Eye chakra healing work, the moon is known to enhance these powers.

      7 Crystal Rituals for the Moon

      Here are 7 Rituals you can do on the Full Moon, New Moon, or any night of the year.

      Ritual Idea #1: Cleanse, Charge, and Program Crystals under the Moon

      Cleanse your stones using one of the various recommended crystal cleansing methods. After they are cleansed, charge them under the moon. Do this with your spheres, shapes, and jewelry. During the Full Moon, program them with an intention associated with releasing old habits/energy. During the New Moon, program them with an intention associated with a new beginning. The stones become supercharged. They help you on your mission throughout the lunar month. 

      Ritual Idea #2: Crystal Healing Mandalas under the Moon

      Instead of just charging your crystals under the moonlight, why not arrange them in a beautiful mandala formation? Create works of art with the stones, and then carefully lay them under the moonlight for charging. If possible, put your mandala in the garden overnight to absorb the healing light.

      Ritual Idea #3: Crystal Layouts under the Moon

      Why not recharge your entire body instead of just your crystals in the moonlight? Lie down in a comfortable place during the Full Moon or New Moon, preferably near a window or even outside. Place your Moon Crystals on top of your body along the chakras. Alternatively, place them near your body so they don't fall off if you doze off! Not only are your stones getting supercharged but so are you.

      Ritual Idea #4: Dance Under the Moon in a Crystal Grid 

      Form a giant grid around your space, indoors or outdoors. This grid includes a medley of Moon Crystals in the shape of a circle, square, rectangle, or even a triangle. As the moon rises, dance within the grid of crystals. You are sure to feel supercharged! Have extra time? Meditate in your grid, do yoga in your grid, read in your grid... anything that benefits your soul is right for you to do in your grid.

      Ritual Idea #5: Crystal Ball Gazing under the Moon

      Did you know that the moon is revered for its psychic powers? It's no surprise that healers, gypsies, witches, and all who are drawn to metaphysics do practices under the lunar moon. Grab hold of your Moonstone, Selenite, or Labradorite ball and do crystal ball gazing. You will receive a rush of visions and messages, even more than on an ordinary day. 

      Ritual Idea #6: Wear your Moon Jewelry 

      This is an easy and simple, yet powerful ritual. Make sure you have your moon jewelry on during the Full Moon or New Moon. The jewelry will automatically be charged by the moon. Now you have portable pieces to wear all day, any day.  

      Ritual Idea #7: Create a Moon Elixir 

      Why not create a moon elixir that you can use all month long? Moonstone or Labradorite can be used for your elixir potions and drinks, but Selenite cannot because of its fragility. Create a jug of crystal water or crystal oils so you have the moon's energy all jarred up for your convenience and benefit.

      There are lots and lots of activities you can do with Moon Crystals. Check out our Peace not Panic series and the 25 "Stuck Indoor" ritual and craft ideas. Now that you're allowed outside again, do them in the garden if you desire!

      Are Moon Crystals a good gift?

      Moon crystals are one of the most popular gifting stones. Everyone adores the beauty of the moon. They fall in love with Moon crystals too. 

      Here are magical Moon Crystal gifts that will surprise your loved ones: 

      Your Lunar Connection

      Contact Satin Crystals

      Do you regularly charge your crystals in the moonlight? Do you have stories from past lunar experiences? We are happy to answer any questions or hear your comments. Reach out in the contact box below with any questions.

      Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.