Let's learn about Rhodochrosite stone meanings, from its geological facts to its crystal healing properties. This rare pink gemstone is a valuable addition to your collection.
When you find yourself surrounded by a ring of Rhodochrosite crystals, you fall in love. The deep pink colors draw you into beauty, magic, and the unknown.
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What is Rhodochrosite?
Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate crystal most popularly known for its beautiful pink and white bands. While it comes in other shades, the deep pink and red colors of Rhodochrosite are most coveted.
It gets its name from the ancient Greek words rhodon meaning rose and kroma meaning color.
What are the benefits of Rhodochrosite?
You may benefit from Rhodochrosite crystals if you can relate to any of the following:
You are seeking your soulmates
You want to strengthen your Heart chakra
You wish to channel your energy into your passions
You are ready for emotional healing
You wish to practice forgiveness
You need self-confidence
Find your perfect pieces in the Satin Crystals Rhodochrosite Collection.
What is the spiritual meaning of Rhodochrosite?
Spiritually, Rhodochrosite is best known as a stone of love. Rhodochrosite opens your heart to all possibilities and allows your mind to believe in the promise of fantasy.
Rhodochrosite is a crystal used to increase self-worth; it helps you to commit to yourself and live life according to your beliefs.
Rhodochrosite attracts soul mates of all types (not just lovers). Some may come into your life to teach you certain lessons you find unpleasant to learn.
- Rhodochrosite has the energy of passion and is excellent for musicians looking for inspiration.
How do you use Rhodochrosite in healing?
Place Rhodochrosite on the Heart chakra to uplift emotions and engulf fears.
Carry Rhodochrosite tumbled stones to alleviate fears and paranoia (especially during a hypnotherapy session in which you are working on such afflictions).
Wear or place Rhodochrosite over the Sacral chakra for emotional stability.
Hold Rhodochrosite spheres during your love meditations.
Gift Rhodochrosite hearts to those with who you want to strengthen your bonds.
Rub Rhodochrosite polished stones when you are feeling self-doubt.
Wear Rhodochrosite jewelry to attract positive, loving people into your life.
If you use your hand a lot for typing, crafting, or texting, wear Rhodochrosite bracelets and rings to be reminded of your love goals constantly.
Mix Rhodochrosite with Malachite to strengthen your Heart chakra with the help of two powerful love stones.
- Wear Rhodochrosite earrings to balance your yin and yang energies.
How do you care for your Rhodochrosite?
Rhodochrosite is a softer stone on the Mohs Scale of Hardness and should not be regularly cleansed with water. While a brief dip under running water should not harm the stone, do not place it in a prolonged water bath.
When in doubt, use a soft cloth or soft brush depending on your piece. Either way, make sure your stone is completely dry before storage.
Store Rhodochrosite away from items harder than a 3.5 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness to avoid scratches.
Avoid harsh chemicals and ultrasonic cleaners so you don't break your stone.
If you want more tips on how to cleanse, charge, and program your stones metaphysically, check out the Crystal Care page.
Can Rhodochrosite go in the sun?
Rhodochrosite should not be left in direct sunlight for long. It will eventually fade and lose its color.
If you wish to energetically charge it in sunlight, leave it on the windowsill or in a shady spot.
Does Rhodochrosite scratch easily?
Yes, Rhodochrosite scratches easily as it is considered one of the softer stones on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. It is only a 3.5-4 out of 10 where 10 is the hardness stone.
Sheila's personal experience with Rhodochrosite
Rhodochrosite has always been my go-to "love stone" and has brought me many soul mates in life. We are not talking just love soul-mates, but we are referring to anyone who comes into your life to teach you lessons. Sometimes it's sad when these people move out of my life, but focusing on the big picture, Rhodochrosite allows me to appreciate what they added to it and how I have advanced because of it.
Since I am a jewelry person, I like to wear Rhodochrosite necklaces and program them to attract a constant flow of new friendships. Some of the friends Rhodochrosite has brought have been shallow acquaintances and others have been deep connections, some have flitted through briefly and others will remain until the end.
Either way, I am in love with this bold pink stone that has kissed me with the ability to open my heart and embrace the souls who want to walk together on this life's path, no matter how brief or how long.
Lisa's personal experience with Rhodochrosite
I adore the darker pink tone of Rhodochrosite. It draws me in, much like Rhodochrosite draws interesting people into my life. My favorites are polished spheres and round beaded bracelets. However, I can clearly remember a raw piece of Rhodochrosite I picked up for Satin Crystals years ago that looked very much like a juicy slice of bacon.
Although I cherish my alone time, I have always loved interacting with others. Whether it's time to hit the town with friends or spend a quality day with the family, wearing Rhodochrosite jewelry helps me connect well with my spiritual clan. I feel like it vibes with me well because Rhodochrosite has a swift and powerful energy, which is in contrast with Rose Quartz's gentle and nurturing vibe. When Valentine's Day comes around, I deck myself in my favorite love stone, Rhodochrosite!
What are the mineral facts of Rhodochrosite?
Take a look at Rhodochrosite's scientific facts and educate yourself on the mineral's physical form.
Chemical Formula: MnCO3
Mohs Scale of Hardness: 3.5-4
Surface Color: Pink, Red, Yellowish-Gray, Brown, White, Gray
Streak Color (can vary from surface color, this is the color of the crystals’ powdered minerals): White
Group: Silicates (Calcite Group)
Cleavage (where the crystal breaks off naturally to form a new face, parallel to its structure. This is a clean break and can cleave over and over again along the same face, retaining the crystal structure): None
Fracture: Uneven, Conchoidal (clam-like, the way glass breaks)
Luster: Vitreous (glass-like) to Greasy
Tenacity: Very Brittle (little resistance to breakage)
Transparency: Transparent (light goes through without obstacles) to Translucent (allows light through the crystal but not fully transparent)
Crystal System: Trigonal (prism with 6 sides and 6 edges meeting at a sharp point).
Crystal Habit: Crystals or Massive (lump)
Specific Gravity: 3.7
Refractive Index: 1.59-1.81
Tenacity: Brittle
Radioactivity: Not radioactive

Where is Rhodochrosite found?
Besides Argentina and the USA, Rhodochrosite is also found in Romania, Germany (where it is known as “Raspberry Spar”), South Africa, Mexico, Japan, and Russia.
How is Rhodochrosite formed?
Rhodochrosite is found in hydrothermal veins associated with copper, lead, and silver. Hydrothermal veins are created when hot water evaporates and leaves behind minerals and crystals.
At the Capillitas Mine in northeastern Argentina, a few million years ago, hydrothermal fluids deposited lead and zinc sulfides in the area, along with manganese carbonate. As water seeped through the deposits, it dissolved the accompanying carbonates. The resulting mineralized water eventually emerged into underlying caves. As each drop fell from the cave ceiling, it left behind a tiny deposit of Rhodochrosite.
Another small quantity of Rhodochrosite landed on the cave floor below. Over time, these deposits accumulated to form stalactites and stalagmites, sometimes fusing to form columns. These columns are often sliced for jewelry and display stones and come in the banded, pink, and white variety of Rhodochrosite that some say looks like bacon!
Why is Rhodochrosite the Colorado state mineral?
Rhodochrosite is Colorado's state mineral because of its red color and connection with the area. It became the state mineral in 2002 after high school students suggested it to the state representative, considering that Colorado had no state mineral until then.
Is Sweet Home Mine still open?
The Sweet Home Mine in Colorado operated as a silver mine from 1870 to the 1960s, and the Rhodochrosite deposits were seen as junk compared to the silver at the time. The mine was later reopened to serve the Rhodochrosite community with its distinctive red crystals that formed as a result of hydrothermal slow cooling.
Gradual cooling facilitates the removal of impurities in the crystal and promotes the growth of larger crystals. Lighter hues of Rhodochrosite, known as the 'impure' variety, result from the substitution of manganese with calcium, magnesium, or zinc.
The Sweet Home Mine was reopened in 2016 and officially closed in 2024, making the specimens from the mine more valuable in its rarity.
What is the Denver Wall of Rhodochrosite?
The Denver Wall of Rhodochrosite is a large display of Rhodochrosite crystals in the Denver Museum of Natural History. The crystals are mostly from the Sweet Home Mine in Colorado. Over 3000 of the pinkish-red stones are embedded in a Quartz matrix for an impressive display.
The most famous Rhodochrosite crystal is called the Alma King and is the size of a football. It can be found in the permanent collection at the Denver Museum.
What are Rhodochrosite's important uses?
Rhodochrosite is a source of manganese for the steel industry. Stainless steel utensils and tools trace their origin to Rhodochrosite. Manganese steel oxidizes slower than iron-based alloys making a valuable ore.
Manganese is also used in fertilizers and ceramics.
How can you tell if Rhodochrosite is real or fake?
The best way to know if your Rhodochrosite is real or fake is to buy from a reputable seller who knows what they are selling you.
Learn more in Fake vs Real Rhodochrosite (coming soon).
What is the difference between Rhodochrosite and Rhodonite?
Rhodochrosite and Rhodonite are often confused because of their pink color and similar names. They are completely different stones.
Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate while Rhodonite is a manganese silicate.
Rhodochrosite is a 3.5-4 on the Mohs Scale of hardness while Rhodonite is a 6, making it a much harder stone that easily scratches Rhodochrosite.
Rhodochrosite can show black patterns, but they are usually dark gray compared to Rhodonite's black patterns.
Rhodochrosite is usually a lighter or brighter tone of pink than Rhodonite.
Rhodochrosite will react with hydrochloric acid because it is a carbonate whereas Rhodonite will not. This is a destructive test.
Rhodochrosite is never chatoyant while Rhodonite may be.
When Rhodochrosite oxidizes, it turns a darker pink whereas Rhodonite turns more black.
- Rhodochrosite should be more expensive than Rhodonite.
Some pieces may not conform to the usual look of either stone, in which case you will need to look further into scientific differences like their refractive index, crystal structure, and density.
Pepto Bismol, Bubble Gum Pink, or Peruvian Rhodonite refers to a light pink Rhodonite from Peru which shows white bands like Rhodochrosite. This is the Rhodonite that is most confused with Rhodochrosite.
Learn more about Rhodonite Crystal Meaning.
What is the difference between Rhodochrosite and Pink Tourmaline?
When dealing with translucent Rhodochrosite, it may be hard to tell apart from Pink Tourmaline.
Pink Tourmaline is a harder stone than Rhodochrosite at a 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness. Pink Tourmaline is more uniform in color while Rhodochrosite can vary with inclusions.
Learn more in Tourmaline Meaning.
Is Rhodochrosite a Calcite?
Rhodochrosite is part of the Calcite family in that it is a carbonate mineral, but it is not a Calcite crystal. Rhodochrosite has manganese in its composition whereas Calcite has calcium.
Learn more about Calcite Crystal Meaning.
Is Rhodochrosite the same as Rose Quartz?
Rhodochrosite and Rose Quartz are different minerals. They can both be pink in tone, but Rhodochrosite is a darker and brighter pink. Rose Quartz is usually a pale translucent pink with no banding and patterns like Rhodochrosite. It is also a much harder stone at 7 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness than Rhodochrosite's 3.5-4.
Read more about Rose Quartz Meaning.
Is Rhodochrosite a stalactite?
While Rhodochrosite is not a stalactite, it can form in stalactite shapes in caves where the water drips through manganese-rich rocks. The water keeps dripping, crystallizing, and growing to form stalactites.
When cut into mineral specimens, these stalactite shapes show circular layers and make fascinating showpieces.
What is the nickname for Rhodochrosite?
A nickname for Rhodochrosite is Inca Rose. When the Incas of Argentina discovered this crystal, they attributed it to the blood of their fallen rulers transformed into stone roses. Read more in RocknGem.
In 2002, Inca Rose became Argentina's national stone.
Other nicknames for Rhodochrosite are Raspberry Spar and Manganese Spar.
What mineral looks like bacon?
You guessed it! Rhodochrosite looks like bacon when it forms in pink and white bands. The pink resembles the meaty flesh and the white resembles the fat.
Whereas you may find strips of pork a tasty physical treat, Rhodochrosite is a fulfilling metaphysical treat for your soul.
Where should you put Rhodochrosite?
You should put Rhodochrosite in the Marriage & Relationships area of your space. This is the top right corner according to the Feng Shui map.
You can also place it anywhere where you want love to flow. For a balanced relationship, keep identical Rhodochrosite crystals on each side of the bedroom.
For more on placing crystals, visit How to Clear & Fill the Home with Crystals.
Can Rhodochrosite be worn every day?
Rhodochrosite jewelry can be worn every day as long as you handle it with care. It is not a particularly tough stone, so take care if you are constantly hitting a surface like a bracelet on a computer desk. If your Rhodochrosite is in a pendant or earring form, you have less to fear!
Be aware that all natural gemstone beads will wear down over time with daily wear. The polish may also wear off with water, weathering, sweat, and environmental conditions.
Learn more about How to care for your Crystal Jewelry.
Should you wear a Rhodochrosite bracelet on your left or right hand?
At Satin Crystals, we believe that as long as the crystal is in your aura, it will be providing you with positive benefits. That being said, some people like to wear jewelry according to their dominant vs non-dominant hands.
Read more about the different energies this provides in the Ultimate Bracelet Guide.
Is Rhodochrosite safe to wear?
Rhodochrosite is safe to wear. It is not a toxic stone. However, you must handle your jewelry with care because it is one of the softer stones in your collection.
What does broken Rhodochrosite mean?
If you want to know the metaphysical meaning of broken stones, visit Broken Crystal Meanings.
What does Rhodochrosite mean in divination?
Drawing Rhodochrosite in a gemstone divination session means:
It is time to focus on love connections.
Use Rhodochrosite crystals to meditate, manifest, and focus on the things you love in life. By maintaining your connection to your true passions, you will attract others who are vibrating on the same level as you are.
Magical Incantation of Rhodochrosite
This is a message from Rhodochrosite stone from Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski's book "Crystal Therapy":
“The human experience is a blessed one, sometimes exhilarating and sometimes challenging. It's laden with karmic relationships, individual and societal expectations, and complex emotions; yet there's also great love, joy, and passion surrounding you. As you begin to find the quiet center within yourself, I come forward and activate your heart chakra, connecting your lower and upper energy centers. With concentration and intent, I facilitate change by establishing a bond of love that engulfs your being and relieves fear. I remind you to approach life in accordance with your beliefs, and that committing to yourself means acting with integrity in all areas of your life."
What chakra is Rhodochrosite associated with?
Rhodochrosite is associated with the Heart chakra, bridging the energies between your upper and lower chakras.
The Heart chakra vibrates with pink and green stones, so pairing your Rhodochrosite with green crystals like Malachite will help fully balance your love energy.
To learn more about crystals and your chakras, visit the Chakra Guide.
What is Rhodochrosite associated with metaphysically?
Rhodochrosite is associated with numerology, astrological connections, and earth elements:
Rhodochrosite is mainly associated with the Water Element but can also be linked with the Fire Element.
Rhodochrosite vibrates with the Zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio.
Rhodochrosite is great for those born in October and November.
Rhodochrosite is astrologically linked to the planet Venus.
Rhodochrosite vibrates with the Heart chakra.
Rhodochrosite vibrates with the number 4.
Rhodochrosite is connected with archangels Jeremiel, Metatron, and Michael.
What are the side effects of Rhodochrosite?
Like Malachite, Rhodochrosite can have side effects for empaths who work with its energies. Rhodochrosite has a strong energy that can overwhelm mellow, yin-energy healers.
If you feel uncomfortable, remove Rhodochrosite immediately and replace it with a gentler stone. Balance it with softer Heart chakra stones like Rose Quartz or Aventurine.
Does Rhodochrosite bring love?
Rhodochrosite has been used as a love stone for many centuries. That being said, it's up to the healer to program the stone and work at manifesting love into their life.
Like all crystals, Rhodochrosite is a tool to help healers attract their goals. It is a physical totem to focus on metaphysical desires.
Why is Rhodochrosite so expensive?
Well, expensive is a relative term, but in general, we would say that Rhodochrosite is an intermediate stone in terms of cost.
Seldom over one centimeter, the gem-quality Rhodochrosite crystals have a diminutive size, resulting in scarce facet-quality stones of a deep crimson hue. The translucent crystals that can be faceted are in high demand, and so are mineral specimens that often sell for higher than the faceted stones.
Because high-quality Rhodochrosite is a relatively rare stone, it is more expensive than your other semi-precious gems like Quartz and Rhodonite. However, compared to precious stones like Rubies and Emeralds, Rhodochrosite may be considered quite cheap for its beauty!
Where do I shop for Rhodochrosite stones?
Rhodochrosite is a much sought-after crystal for jewelry because of its appealing colors. It is exquisitely carved into different figurines, polished into alluring collector's minerals, and shaped into healing pieces like eggs, balls, and hearts.
As for jewelry, the better the color the more expensive the strand of Rhodochrosite beads.
Make sure you are buying your Rhodochrosite from a reputable source like Satin Crystals. Shop the Rhodochrosite Collection on the site or here on the blog:
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Have any questions about Rhodochrosite stones? Have any stories to share about this gemstone? Feel free to contact us by filling out the form below and Sheila or Lisa Satin will get back to you.
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