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Your Top 7 Crystals for Pregnancy

female holding a white moonstone eggThe pregnancy journey is an exhilarating time for moms and dads-to-be. Along with the excitement of meeting your future child comes the less desirable feelings of worry, fear, and physical discomfort.

Transform your fertility, pregnancy, and birthing experiences from paralyzing to positive with the help of supportive family, friends, and crystals.

Some women have an easy time conceiving, carrying, or delivering. Others feel like life has unfairly targeted them with overwhelming hurdles.

No matter what your unique experience, some crystals can make you feel a little, or a whole lot, better! Who doesn't need that extra push of encouragement during one of life's greatest rollercoasters?

Lisa's Crystal Pregnancy Video

Watch the video for my crystal uses during my pregnancy journey. Read more about the crystal experiences that helped me during this life-changing time in How to Use Crystal Eggs

Top 7 Crystals for Pregnancy and Fertility

Remember to attend all your medical appointments and follow the advice of your doctor throughout your journey. Use these 7 crystals as a complementary, holistic approach to improve your mood, energy, and the vibe of your home.

Find out which gemstones work best during pregnancy. Add these colorful treasures to your nest, even before the little bundle of joy is ready to hatch. 

Not pregnant? Perhaps you know someone who is trying, or who is pregnant. Brighten up their maternal journey with these healing crystals that make delightful and surprisingly thoughtful gifts.

1. Moonstone for Fertility and Yin Energy

Moonstone is one of the very best crystals to have when you are ready to conceive and when you are pregnant. Moonstone is fueled by the energy of the Moon, which is all about female cycles and yin power. Moonstone stabilizes your monthly cycle to the lunar patterns while keeping your mood calm and collected as you embark on conception. 

Pregnant women experience an overload of hormones and sensations. The calming energy of Moonstone helps you remain centered and balanced through the challenging times. It allows you to focus on the positive aspects of pregnancy- the miracle of life. Moonstone celebrates womanhood and life.

When and How to Use Moonstone:

  • Fertility and Conception: Place a Moonstone egg on your nightstand. Charge it in moonlight during each New and Full Moon until you're pregnant. Wear Moonstone jewelry every day.
  • Stabilizing Emotions during Conception and Pregnancy: Place Moonstone on your Solar Plexus chakra and wear Moonstone jewelry every day. 

2. Unakite for a Healthy Pregnancy

Unakite is known as the "Stone of Pregnancy" and is a top recommended gemstone for pregnant women. Its springtime tones of salmon pink and green invoke the powers of youth, vitality, and love. It also opens up your Heart chakra to embrace the new love that is on the way.

Unakite encourages you to remain healthy during the pregnancy. It is your cheerleader along this often rough journey. Stay motivated to make it to those doctor appointments, eat well, and self-care both physically and emotionally with the help of Unakite crystals.

When and How to Use Unakite:

  • Physical and Emotional Self-Care during Pregnancy: Place Unakite stones at the Heart chakra and wear Unakite jewelry throughout your pregnancy.

3. Carnelian for Sexual Success

Carnelian is bursting with sexual power. This is an excellent stone for men and women who are in the process of conceiving. Carnelian charges your libido. After all, the more you do it the more likely you are to strike success! Keep your Sacral chakra flowing and open with the fertility energy of Carnelian.

Once you have conceived, Carnelian can still be used on the second chakra to keep this vital area healthy and strong. As a protector stone, it will help guard you against bad thoughts and emotions that may arise during pregnancy.

When and How to Use Carnelian:

  • Fertility and Conception: Place a Carnelian egg (female energy) and Carnelian Wand (male energy) on your nightstand until you're pregnant.
  • Emotional Protection during Pregnancy: Wear Carnelian jewelry when feeling vulnerable.
  • Healthy Sacral Chakra during Pregnancy: Place Carnelian stones and jewelry directly on the Sacral chakra while laying down. Keep some stones in your pockets throughout the day.

4. Rose Quartz for Family Bonding

When you're pregnant, there is a shift in the family balance. Pregnant women become more vulnerable and dependent upon others; things you could do before now require the help of others. This shift of identity can be hard on everyone involved, including existing kids in the family. Rose Quartz helps the love stay strong and the bonds close through the big change.

Rose Quartz can also be used for bonding with the unborn child. Use Rose Quartz to strengthen the connection you have with your baby-to-be so that they feel your love even before meeting you in person.

When and How to Use Rose Quartz:

  • Navigating Family Dynamics during Pregnancy: Place a Rose Quartz crystal ball or wand in a common area of the home.
  • Embracing your New Identity during Pregnancy: Wear Rose Quartz jewelry.
  • Bonding with unborn Child while Pregnant: Place Rose Quartz stones and jewelry directly on your heart and the heart of your unborn child (your belly!) while lying down. Non-pregnant partners can also hold or wear Rose Quartz while talking or singing to the unborn child.

5. Lapis for Opening your Parental Intuition

Once that child is born, your whole life will change! Along with the logistical aspects of managing a new family member, running to doctor's appointments, and trying to navigate the sleepless nights, your intuitive abilities become amplified.

Get a head start on honing your intuition by working with Lapis crystals while pregnant. Moms and dads can use Lapis to open up the Third Eye chakra. You can never predict what will happen when your child is born, but you can strengthen your instincts and intuition beforehand so that you are ready to move and act each time life throws you a curveball.

When and How to Use Lapis:

  • Sharpening Parental Intuition during Pregnancy: Place Lapis stones on your Third Eye chakra while doing layouts and wear Lapis jewelry.

6. Bloodstone for Strength

Pregnancy takes a big toll on your physical body, as does birthing. If you're lucky, you're dealing with minor inconveniences like stretch marks and bloating. For others, there are constant doctor's visits for gestational diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia, clotting, and the list goes on. Bloodstone helps you stay physically and emotionally strong during these trying times.

Whether you just need a quick energy pick-me-up or you feel as though the world is crumbling, Bloodstone can be your savior stone. Keep it with you throughout the journey.

When and How to Use Bloodstone:

  • Physical Strength during Pregnancy: Place Bloodstone crystals directly on the areas of your body that are ailing or in discomfort.
  • Emotional Strength during Pregnancy: Wear Bloodstone jewelry to feel strong and courageous. Carry small pieces in your purse and pockets when going to appointments. Place stones on the Heart chakra while lying down.

7. Apatite for Healthy Eating and Exercise

As a pregnant woman, suddenly your favorite foods become the most repulsive. Or you cannot get enough of that peanut butter ice cream you never cared for. With hormones out of whack, your eating patterns skew too.

Apatite encourages you to stay the track and eat healthily. You might not be eating the same foods as before, but you can still find a good balance. It also motivates you to exercise, even when you don't feel like it. Apatite knows that good eating and healthy habits can save you from unnecessary ailments down the line. 

When and How to Use Apatite:

  • Healthy Eating and Exercising during Pregnancy: Place an Apatite stone in the kitchen or directly in the fridge. Wear Apatite jewelry daily to keep motivated.

Your Crystal Journeys

How do you use crystals during your pregnancy journey? How does it make you feel? Comment on the blog below. 

Meanwhile, here are additional resources for your gemstone knowledge: 

Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

Previous article Self-Hypnosis Meditation with Pendulum


Lisa Satin - September 9, 2021

Hi Kristen,

Thanks for writing.

The first thing to do with your crystal is to clean, charge, and program it:
Infuse it with your intention of conceiving.

Then, read this article on How to Use Crystal Eggs:

I hope that helps, and we wish you luck on the journey!


Lisa Satin

Kristen - September 9, 2021

i have my beautiful fertility egg next to my bed! What do i do with it? We are trying to concieve

Sheila Satin - April 29, 2021

Hi Breana, I am not sure what egg you have in the Selenite family, but as long as you program it for your intentions, it should help your mind focus on your goals:

You can read about my sister Lisa’s experience with crystal eggs and fertility in this article:

Let me know if you have any other questions or need any new crystals.

Breana C - April 29, 2021

I bought an egg, for help with fertility, which was cut in half to make it easier to place on the stomach she stated it was not Selenite, but it was from the Selenite family, does this sound like one that would help or should it be made from something different? Thank you

Sheila Satin - April 26, 2021

Hi Reshma, That’s great that you want to learn about crystal healing. You can start at the homepage and go to the menu bar. You will see a section called MEANINGS and a lot of information there with articles and videos. If you have some specific questions please let us know!

Reshma - April 26, 2021


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