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Win 5,000 Crystal Points

3 female models holding out rose quartz crystalsReady to win?

We are giving away crystal points to all participants. Here is what you get:

  • 1 winner gets 5,000 crystal points ($50 value)
  • 2 runner-ups win 1,000 crystal points each ($10 value)
  • Everyone else gets 100 crystal points 

It is simple to join. No purchase necessary.

How To Win the 5,000 Crystal Points

1. Create an account on Satin Crystals 

2. Answer the Survey Questions below

3. Wait for the winners to be announced 

Simple Survey Questions

After you create a Satin Crystals account, answer the following five questions by commenting below this blog, OR email us your answers. 

  1. What are your three favorite crystals?

  2. How did you first hear about Satin Crystals?

  3. What jewelry do you shop for the most: Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, or Earrings?

  4. When you visit, do you usually search for products by typing what you want into the search box or by clicking the menu links?     

  5. What would you like to see more of at Satin Crystals?

*Double-check your email when submitting your answers. 

When do I know if I'm a winner?

Anyone who enters by Monday, August 3rd, 2020 at midnight Pacific Time will be put in the drawing.

Sheila Satin will do a live video drawing on Tuesday morning. Winners will be contacted via email and points will be deposited into your Satin Crystals account.

Make sure you join the free VIP club so you don't miss out on important promotions like this one! 

What if I already have an account?

Perfect, just answer the survey questions and we will enter you into the contest.

Can't wait?

You earn Crystal Points every time you make a purchase or submit a product review. You also get points for joining us on social media, youtube, submitting your birthday, and even just for creating an account! 

We have thousands of crystals waiting for your collection:

Previous article Self-Hypnosis Meditation with Pendulum


Edward O - April 15, 2022

My favorites are Citrine, Moldivite, Aventurine, Jade and Hematite

John V - March 26, 2021

Hi there, some of my favorites are amethyst, ametrine, rose quarts, blue opal I love opal crystal um tigers eyes and Tanzinite are some of my faves but my wife actually started this journey first she’s been a rock hound for some time now and I’ve always liked rocks and geological structures that nature has to put in front of us plus the area we live in is surrounded by granite and big domes it’s amazing!

Mericko - February 15, 2021

I’m very attached to tigers eye for some reason. I have bracelets with various crystals and I always seem to chose the one with tigers eye. My favorite one to wear has tigers eye, black tourmaline and gray moonstone.

Mericko - February 15, 2021

I’m very attached to tigers eye for some reason. I have bracelets with various crystals and I always seem to chose the one with tigers eye. My favorite one to wear has tigers eye, black tourmaline and gray moonstone.

Jerome - November 22, 2020

As a beginner in the world of crystals, my favorite crystal is citrine, which I keep in a prominent spot on my working desk. I personally find that citrine provides enlightenment, courage, beauty, optimism, and a sense of happiness. Thanks for letting me share my personal views.

Chintan - November 22, 2020

blue tiger eye bracelet

Lillian - August 5, 2020

1) Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Chrysocolla
2) Sheila the Great
3) Anything I feel, usually love tumbled polished stones or clusters. 4) Type in the search bar or menu by crystal characteristics
5) Not much as you already have a great selection and one-of-a-kind collection. I’ve always loved the bottle cap magnets. Spirit animals are pretty cool too.

Keep the videos coming and keep up the great work!

Sheila Satin - August 4, 2020

CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED but feel free to keep replying to the survey answers and we’ll deposit 100 points in your account for your effort.

Stay tuned for future giveaways on the VIP list:

Sheila & Lisa Satin

pamela - August 4, 2020

Good morning please find attached my answers to the giveaway questions 🦋

1) my three fav crystals are : selenite , Black tourmaline , Rose quartz

2) I heard about satin crystals through a google search

3) jewelry I ship for most is rings and necklaces

3) when visiting it honestly depends if I’m on the hunt for something in particular then I’ll search otherwise I love to just browse the site it’s got sooooo many amazing things I get lost on a fun journey Each time I visit

4) honestly I think you guys cover a lot. But I can never get enough astrology info and how to incorporate my crystals into it

Blessed be 🦋

Gemma - August 4, 2020

What are your three favorite crystals?
Aventurine emerald amythist
How did you first hear about Satin Crystals? Sheila is my buddy😎

What jewelry do you shop for the most: Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces, or Earrings? Earrings

When you visit, do you usually search for products by typing what you want into the search box or by clicking the menu links? Menu links

What would you like to see more of at Satin Crystals? Its pretty great already! I really your silver bracelets with one crystal… I have a green one that I love

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