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Rose Quartz Guided Meditation

Love is in the air. It's also on your mind and in your heart. No matter where you turn, love is a driving force.

In this Rose Quartz guided meditation, you will attract and enhance the love in your life. Whether single or committed, Rose Quartz is the crystal that transforms your story into a fairytale.

Gather your lovely pink Rose Quartz now, and let the love flow free. Live with an open heart. Love with a full heart. Manifest your happiness with Rose Quartz, the love stone that tells a story.

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How do you prepare for the Rose Quartz meditation?

You want the right crystals, space, and mindset for your meditation session.

Find a calm place such as a zen garden, meditation room, or a quiet nook of your house. Cleanse the energy of your space with sage, incense, or candlelight before beginning the meditation.

For this meditation, you want as many Rose Quartz stones and jewelry as possible. Place several crystals around the space, have two to hold during the meditation, and wear your Rose Quartz jewelry to enhance your experience.

After you are all set up, prepare a glass of water and a set of Moqui Marbles, or your favorite grounding Earth stones. Keep them nearby so you can easily grab them right after the meditation. The Moqui Marbles and the water help you anchor back to reality after your etheric body has been floating through the spiritual realm.

rose quartz crystals, moqui stones, candle, sage, water on a table

Guided meditation script with Rose Quartz crystals 

You can access the Satin Crystals guided meditation video for free. Simply scroll up to the top of this page and push start.

If you prefer a transcript of this meditation, it can be ordered in a digital file. The Rose Quartz Meditation Script is available to those wanting to read it in a group setting and those who prefer to see written words.

Sample excerpts from the script

From the Introduction:

"You are here today because you are ready for an infusion of love in your life. You may be single, you may be committed, you may be somewhere in between. No matter what your status in love, your Heart chakra could use healing, and your love story could use a touch of romance."

From the Body: 

"As you revel in this pink Rose Quartz energy of unconditional love, imagine it breaking apart any obstacles, pains, traumas, hurt, and heartaches that were blocking your energetic Heart chakra channel. If you see flashes or visions of past experiences, let them leave without getting emotionally attached. Wish your pain farewell... it has made you a stronger and wiser person and now you are ready to move beyond it."

"You are now standing a short distance apart, facing each other. This person notices the irresistible Rose Quartz energy that's flowing through your Heart chakra. It pulls them like an energetic cord, closer and closer to you. You are magnetic. You are a love magnet. You are pure love manifested. Step by step, they walk closer and closer toward you."

What do I do Post-Meditation?

Immediately following the meditation, you may feel like you are in an altered state of mind. That's because your frequency has been enhanced to a higher level than normal. Allow yourself time to enjoy this natural high, and slowly reintegrate back to the physical world.

Hold onto your Moqui stones to completely realign back with reality, and drink the water that was placed nearby. 

When you are in a comfortable mental state, you can begin reflecting upon your experience. Share your thoughts, feelings, and visions with others in the meditation group.

If you practiced the meditation alone, you can journal your experiences or simply enjoy the sensations. Think about the messages and visions you experienced, and how they can help you in life.

If you liked participating in this crystal meditation, or if you have any stories to share or questions to ask, we would be thrilled to hear from you. Post them below or message us! 

female holding moqui marbles and glass of water

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Enhance your meditation with further healing ideas:

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

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Lisa Satin - March 9, 2021

Hi Pallavi,

A Rose Quartz ring can be worn any and every day!
The finger you choose depends on what energy you are trying to give or receive through the crystal.

Check out this guide on picking which finger to where your ring:

Let us know if you have any other questions.


Lisa Satin

Pallavi - March 9, 2021

Which finger do I wear rose quartz ring and on which hand hand and on which day .

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