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Is it safe to allow others to touch your healing crystals? Here we discuss and pros and cons of sharing crystals with other people.
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One school of thought in crystal healing is to keep your crystals only in your orbit. You don't want them tainted with other people's energies. If the person touching your crystals is full of negativity and low energy, this may affect you adversely.
This is especially important for empaths, or those who are sensitive to energies, and healers who are doing constant energy work. Regardless of who is touching these tools of the trade, if you are an empath or active healer, you want to make sure your mind is free of doubts and suspicion when using your stones.
Always ask before touching crystals that belong to others. Until then, you don't know what side of the debate they stand on!
At Satin Crystals we believe that crystals have positive healing qualities that are beneficial to all. The other school of thought is that the healing properties of the crystals will help realign the energies of anyone touching them.
And who is to say that another person touching your crystals is not enhancing their qualities? If the person you are sharing crystals with is full of healing light, shouldn't you combine forces? This question also has a dual answer. For example, if the person who is touching your crystals is a positive person but is vibrating at a higher state than you are, their energies could overwhelm you, give you a headache, or disorient you.
A story I like to relay is when I gave my friend my Rainbow Obsidian necklace because she really loved it. A week later she returned it to me saying she was getting dizzy spells. She had not cleansed it before wearing it and my energies were overwhelming her.
Remember, crystal energy is not all about the physical. Crystal energy is vibrating in your aura and space, so regardless of others physically touching your stone, their energies are constantly mingling with yours just by being nearby.
If you want to consciously share crystals with others, try a group meditation. Relax into the same wavelength and let the good energy flow!
If you are not into sharing crystals, if you see that someone is vibrating with one in your collection, gift it to them. But, remind them to cleanse it before use!
You can also give others a matching crystal to yours so that you can vibrate together but apart.
Just like yourself, your crystals need cleansing from the energies of the day. After a day full of activity, you may feel worn down, dirty, and comatose. After a full day of healing, your crystals may be depleted and ready for a recharge.
Here are instructions on How to Cleanse Crystals.
In the end, it all depends on the individual and how you feel interacting with the person who is trying to touch your crystals. If unsure, make sure to cleanse, charge, and reprogram your crystals after they have been handled by someone else. If you thrive in the other person's energies, experiment and see how it feels to have them handling your crystals. If it is overwhelming, you know what you have to do!
What side of the crystal touching debate do you stand on? Do you protect or share your healing stones with others? We'd love to hear your thoughts!
Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only.
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