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Does repairing my crystal affect the energy?

Nail Polish on Crystals I Satin Crystals Healing Blog

Oh no! Do you any crystals that are crumbling, breaking, or peeling? This is natural and there's nothing to fear.

Repairing your crystals with glue, nail polish, or putty can keep the piece intact. But, does this affect its healing energies? Let's discuss. 

Does glue affect crystals?

The answer differs depending on what stone you're working with. Glue does not affect the crystal's energies. If you are working with polished and carved stones, you must realize that they have already been manipulated from their raw state. For example, a crystal skull carving has already been chiseled and polished several rounds.  A little extra glue is not going to hurt it.

However, if you are working specifically with the energy of raw, unaltered stones like clusters, you will not want to add glue to the chipped areas. In this case, you may just want to keep working with the remaining crystal as-is.

What kind of glue should I use on crystals?

If you want to maintain aesthetics in repairing your crystals, you will want to use a strong clear glue. You can use a 2-part epoxy or  super glue and make sure to clamp it together tightly for the recommended amount of time. Depending on the weight of the stone, clear glues do not always work on natural crystals. They may hold for a short time before the weight wins.  

After years of working with heavy stones, I have come to rely on Sugru. This is more like a clay glue. It is very strong after it dries. I now use this on all of our crystals that are bonded to cufflink, ring, and earring metals. The downside is that you may see Sugru when you don't want to see it. 

What can I spray or paint on stones to stop them from crumbling?

Besides using glue, a simple yet effective method of preserving many crystals is to coat them with a few layers of clear nail polish.

Be gentle when applying the coatings and allow each coating to dry completely before adding another layer.

What should I do with my broken crystals?

Not in the mood to repair your broken crystals? Enjoy them as they are and discover more ideas on how to use them in their new formation in Broken or Lost Crystal Meanings

How should I care for my crystals?

Natural crystals are fragile and subject to fractures on impact so it is best to handle them with care. Some crystals are harder than others and are better suited for handling in healing. Others may be better admired behind clear glass or a plastic case.

For energetic cleansing, charging, and programming of your crystals, visit Crystal Care.  

Still have questions?

We are happy to answer them. Comment below. 

We also invite you to join the Satin Crystals VIP club and stay updated on all the latest answers from the metaphysical world. 

Disclaimer: The metaphysical information provided is for entertainment only. See full disclosure.

Previous article Iolite Stone of Financial Freedom


Sheila Satin - September 26, 2023

Hi Gina, it is hard to get heavy and large stones to stay together. As mentioned in the article, I use Sugru for these purposes, but you will be able to see it. You could try 2 part epoxy or a clear heavy duty glue and try to file or polish the surface to look more natural. If the break is in the Black Tourmaline part, black Sugru would probably look more discreet.

Sheila Satin

Gina - September 26, 2023

Hi I have a large heavy polished Black Rhutile Quartz Pendant that has a large crack .. Before it decides to seperate and fall off is there a way to fix it so that it holds and looks natural and not patched ?

Lisa Satin - March 2, 2023

Thanks for your inquiry, Dalma. We have no experience with using gel nail polish over crystals. You could experiment at your own risk. Perhaps try it on a stone or crystal that is of less value to you and see how it goes first!

Dalma N. - March 2, 2023

Hi! I need help. I’m just wondering if its safe to coat my malachite and bumbleebee jasper beads with nail polish? Like the gel polish top coat that needs to get cured in UV light. Thank you

Lisa Satin - January 4, 2023

Thanks for writing to us about your concern, David.

Here at Satin Crystals, we believe you can wear any stone you want. They only give positive energy.

If you are having negative experiences with your stone, it’s time to Clean, Charge, and Program them. In fact, you should do this any time you get a new stone, before using it. Here is how:

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

David S. - January 4, 2023

I just bought a Shiva linga jasper egg necklace just because I thought it was beautiful. I got home and read about it and its said you should never ever wear this sacred stone on your body. What do you think?

Sheila Satin - December 18, 2022

Hi Kat, yes, you can use clear nail polish on Moonstone crystals.

kat - December 18, 2022

can i put clear nail polish on moonstone

Sheila Satin - October 12, 2022

Hi Erin, yes, you can use clear nail polish for your crumbling Kyanite. It will not affect the energy unless you are specifically looking to work with the raw material.

Erin - October 12, 2022

Can I use clear nail polish to cover black kyanite to prevent the small shards from chipping off. And would this interfere with its properties. Thank you so much.

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