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Tuning Forks & Crystals

sheila of satin crystals using an amazonite stone and tuning fork at her throat chakraWhat are the benefits of tuning forks?

Here are some of the benefits of adding tuning forks in your healing practice:

  • Activate vibrational and sound healing energy

  • Re-tune your body to a positive state

  • Massages your soul

  • Easy to use with crystals

  • Soothing frequencies 

Just like when you tune an instrument to match the perfect pitch, you can tune your inner vibrations to align with the harmonious melody of life.

tuning fork on an arfvedsonite sphereHow do you use tuning forks for healing?

Tuning forks come in different musical notes and frequencies. They also come with and without weights. The weights make the vibrations deeper and stronger. If you have a tuning fork with weights, they can be removed for a gentler vibration.

For general healing, you can use any tuning fork and any pitch.

If you want to hone in on more specific healing practices, you can match your goals to the corresponding frequencies. For example, each chakra rings with a different note. You could even use multiple tuning forks in your practice for different healing purposes.

Here are the steps to activating your tuning fork:

  1. Hold the tuning fork by the stem with a firm grip, not too loose and not too tight.

  2. Find a rubbery surface like a hockey puck or the bottom of your shoe. You can even use a soft but firm body part like the palm of your hands... just don't injure yourself!

  3. Strike the fork on your chosen surface.

The vibrations will last a while, depending on how hard you struck your tuning fork. Never touch the forks unless you want the vibration to stop. 

How do you use tuning forks with crystals?

Considering you are on a crystal healing website, you probably want to know how to use your tuning fork with natural stones. Click above to watch the How to Use Chakra Tuning Fork Vibrations video for a demonstration.

Tuning forks help vibrate the energy of the healing crystals directly into your body. Place the stones directly on the chakras or body parts where the healing is desired. Then, activate the tuning fork and place it directly on the stone to enhance its energy.

You can use a chakra set of crystals, stone slabs, or any combination of healing stones with tuning fork therapy. Not only will the vibration feel pleasant on the body, but your chakras will sing with joy. 

Tuning forks and crystal healings are best done by someone else. Just like self-massage, it is just not as satisfying to do it on yourself. You can do it yourself, but it's better if you can find someone to help you. That way you can relax to the max and let the vibrations take over. 

What happens to vibrations at the chakras?

Your seven major chakras have specific goals in your energy body. They receive and transmit energy in order for you to function in a balanced state. 

When vibrational energy travels to your chakra centers, they are transformed into positive frequencies. 

To find out if you have blockages and how to open your chakras, start at the Chakra Guide

tuning fork, chakra set, singing bowl with crystalsWhat are the three elements of tuning fork sound?

Sound has three elements that work together: pulse, form, and wave. Without all three elements, sound cannot travel. All three are present in tuning fork vibrations that can be carried into the body and directed to a particular point for healing.

Tuning forks are one way that sound can travel into the body to reach a certain location within.

Consider adding singing bowls to your vibrational healing work. 

Keep up the positive vibrations

Do you have experience with crystals and vibrational energy? We would love to hear your stories, questions, and comments below. 

Meanwhile, here are additional links to help you keep up the positive vibrations: 

Previous article Iolite Stone of Financial Freedom


Lisa Satin - January 30, 2024

Hello Tara,

We have not personally worked with the tuning fork set for tinnitus but I would be interested to find out if it helps to alleviate your symptoms.

I have tinnitus as well, and when it acts up, I turn on the white noise feature on my hearing aids. Distracting noises such as music or white noise work well and were recommended by the audiologist. Singing bowl sound therapy is another option you can look into, even listening to some concerts on Youtube.

If you have issues that are chronically bothering you, I recommend contacting an audiologist and they often do free initial consultations. Even if you don’t have any hearing problems, they can suggest methods and machines for relieving tinnitus.

Tara - January 30, 2024

Any thoughts on a healing energy approach to tinnitus using the tuning fork and stones?

Lisa Satin - October 28, 2022

Hello Sandy,

Thank you for writing to us, it’s so refreshing to learn that you are involved with sound vibrational healing. We at Satin Crystals always wear and use Obsidian in healing sessions to keep protected. You can find our Obsidian jewelry here:

Learn more about this top protection stone in the Obsidian article:

You might find yourself drawn to other powerful protection stones as well. You can find out the Top 15 Protection Stones in this popular page:

And finally, here is a link to all our Protection necklaces:

What other questions can I answer for you?

Sandy - October 28, 2022

Good morning
I am doing much more sound vibrational healings in my practice and my guides want me to wear some protective stones around my neck. What would you recommend.

Sheila Satin - August 1, 2020

Hello, this chakra tuning fork set is $85 and can be purchased through this link:

Let us know if you need assistance and we can help.

Sheila Satin

D - August 1, 2020

that i need it very much and please a s a p how much for it ?

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