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Top 3 Crystals for Holiday Stress Relief

choosing crystals for holiday stressWhat stresses you out about the holidays? Be prepared! Check out the top 3 holiday stress-relief crystals right away. 

Between family obligations, preparing feasts, and praying that the gifts arrive on time, it's no surprise that holiday stress can get the best of you.

Thanksgiving is around the corner, with Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year close behind. Perhaps you celebrate some of these, perhaps none. Regardless, you feel the energy of the season swirling all around.

Take a deep breath. Crystals help you flourish through the holiday bustle. Positive energy gemstones replace your inner Grinch with outer goodness. But first, join the Satin Crystals VIP club to receive exciting holistic email updates and deals.

black tourmaline crystal for holiday stress relief

#1 Black Tourmaline for Positive Protection

"Will the turkey be too dry? Will the cats destroy the Christmas tree? Will the gifts I ordered get stolen off my porch again?"

If you want a stone that puts your fears and worries at ease, Black Tourmaline is the crystal for you. Black Tourmaline provides you with a feeling of security. It helps you calm down and reminds you that everything is okay.

Panic strikes when you least expect it and when you are the busiest. Black Tourmaline helps you focus on your important goals rather than worrying about invisible obstacles. It assists you in managing your stress and your schedule. It replaces those dark thoughts with a confident, can-do attitude.

Keep focused on your end goal and remember to enjoy the bustle of the holidays because it will be over in the blink of an eye.  

Check out these 5 protective Black Tourmaline gemstones and jewels that safeguard you against holiday stress:



blue lace agate  crystal for holiday stress relief

#2 Blue Lace Agate for Calm

Peaceful Blue Lace Agate stones calm the rhythm of your heart. Blue Lace Agate provides you with a soothing vibration that has you gliding through the holidays.

This calming stone helps you wind down. Seasonal meal preparations, gift exchanges, and work parties no longer feel like chores. They become opportunities to connect with those that you care about.

Wear Blue Lace Agate jewelry when you feel overwhelmed. The more pieces the merrier. Wear them in the home if you live with others or you are hosting a gathering. Blue Lace Agate assures holiday harmony.

Blue Lace Agate provides instant relief to frantic souls. The icy blue gem inspires a winter wonderland feeling. Accentuate your cool holiday style with Blue Lace Agate gems and jewelry.

See these 5 Blue Lace Agate crystals that keep you calm, cool, and collected:


lepidolite crystal for holiday stress relief

#3 Lepidolite for Stress Relief

Sparkling purple Lepidolite is the king of stress-relieving crystals. Lepidolite crystals counteract your overactive mind and let you concentrate on the things that you enjoy about the holidays.

If you don't like going into crowded malls, shop leisurely online. If you don't feel like cooking a feast, order in. If you don't want to visit family on the opposite coast, gather with local friends. Instead of being locked into obligations, make choices that suit your happiness.

Place pretty purple Lepidolite stones in full view: on your wrist as a bracelet or a polished piece at your computer, for example. Put layout crystals directly on your forehead. Then take a minute to lie down, breathe, and relax.

Your to-do list may have you sweating bullets, but don't have to do everything. There's always next year!

Here are 5 twinkling treasures that will soothe your stressed soul: 


How to use crystals for stress relief

Once you have gathered your holiday crystals, you will be ready to use them. First, you should energetically cleanse, charge and program your healing crystal according to your intention. Program the crystal for your holiday relaxation goals.

Here are some crystal stress-relieving techniques:

1. Irritating Family Members: If you feel triggered this holiday season due to a rude comment from a family member, hold your favorite stress-relief crystal close and absorb its tension-defusing energies. Rub smooth stones like you would a fidget spinner and alleviate your anxiety. Wearing jewelry throughout the season is a good way to ensure you have calming crystals everywhere you go.

2. Overwhelming Holiday Stress: If you're feeling overwhelmed by obligations, remove yourself from destructive or stressful situations. Get out into the fresh air and gaze into your crystal. Your gemstone reminds you that it is okay to step away and rest.

3. Gift-shopping Frenzy: Do you enjoy gift planning and shopping, or does it stress you out? Instead of over-analyzing, do a short meditation holding your holiday crystal. Let it guide you and let the ideas flow rather than forcing it. Just the act of gifting will be appreciated, so let the generosity flow. You may even end up gifting gemstones from Satin Crystals to your clan! You can have healing stones and jewelry packed and delivered straight to their door.

The holidays are a time of celebration. Make it your goal to enjoy the festivities. If you are at peace, others will follow your lead.

gifting crystal for holiday stress relief

The Art of Gift Giving

These healing crystals turn your frown upside down. If you know others who suffer from holiday stress, bless them with the gift of Black Tourmaline, Blue Lace Agate, and Lepidolite.

When you give crystals, you share positive energy and natural beauty.

Here are a few more Satin Crystals holiday favorites:




Additional Crystal Resources 

Want even more ideas? Make sure to Join the Satin Crystals VIP list and get crystal healing ideas straight to your inbox. Meanwhile, here are additional guides to follow: 

Contact Satin Crystals

Have any questions about crystals? Feel free to contact us by commenting below and Sheila, Ann, or Lisa Satin will get back to you.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for entertainment only. 

Previous article Self-Hypnosis Meditation with Pendulum


Lisa Satin - December 16, 2024

Hello, Maria! Thank you for inquiring about our Black Tourmaline bracelets.

We offer a 10% discount off your first order when you enroll in our free Satin Crystals VIP Club:

It is important to get the right sizes. Here is a guide with a video on how you can find your perfect bracelet size:

You can buy it for yourself too.

Please feel free to write to us again if you need any more help with your order.

Maria - December 16, 2024

Do you give discount on the black tourmaline bracelets ? I plan to buy 8 pcs .for my children & their spouses and for me.Is it okay to buy for me or it has to be given to me as a gift? Do you have a size guide? Thank you.

Sheila Satin - November 24, 2023

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for sharing your story with us. We are sorry for your losses. It sounds like you have been having a tough time but are heading on the right path.

One of the top stones we recommend for helping one through grief is Jet. Here is a link to the collection and an article about its healing properties:

You may also find comfort in Rose Quartz and Chrysocolla, which mend and heal the broken heart. Here are some links to the collections and also the articles about stone meanings:

We wish you well on your journey toward happiness and we are here to assist you.

Sarah - November 24, 2023

Hi Sheila, thanks for the welcome video. I’m obviously new to your company. And I’m just getting into the crystals. What I’m looking for is something that might help me thru a dark time I’m trying to deal with. I lost my mom who was also my best friend a year and a half ago. I then lost my brother one year and 22 days later, both of whom I talked with every day. I’m starting to have better days now but I feel like I’m just wearing a mask. My mom and I always said we’d try to get in touch with each other. Is there a crystal that could help me with my grief and loss of connection. Sorry being so long winded. I know you’re not a counselor! But I don’t believe in them!

Lisa Satin - November 25, 2021

Hi Vanessa,

Thanks for writing.

All those stones attached have great energy!

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, weight management, and creating better habits, our top recommendations are Apatite and Howlite.

Apatite is the great manifestation stone you have been looking for. It spins the law of attraction in your favor so you can finally get ahead. Why watch others pass you by when there is enough abundance for you too? People have used Apatite as a crystal that coaches them to health, fitness, weight loss, and body happiness. Lay Apatite over the Third Eye, Throat, and Heart chakras to learn its secrets. Learn more:

Howlite is your life coach, always wanting to see you in your best shape. It is the best crystal to have when you are ready to shake off bad habits and start new, healthy life choices. Howlite is the pick for those overcoming addictions, overeating, and even mentally destructive thoughts. Feel the joy and security in knowing Howlite is always on your side while you take steps forward, and even when you slip a step back. This is a stone used to unblock the Crown Chakra and connect you with your right path in this lifetime. Howlite mitigates anger with its soothing energies. Learn more about Howlite, the Enforcer of Success. Learn more:

The other stones mentioned in that photo are Amethyst, Sodalite, Carnelian, Sunstone, and Iolite. When used specifically for the weight loss I would do it as such:

Carnelian and Sunstone: Hold/use them when you need MOTIVATION and energy to physically get going.

Sodalite, Iolite, and Amethyst: Hold/use them when you are doing meditations, relaxations, and need to focus on your goal mentally.

Best of luck on this journey and we’re here to answer any more questions you may have,

Lisa Satin

Vanessa R - November 25, 2021

I have a request .. I’m wanting to purchase stones to lose weight.
I googled these stones.. I would like to purchase from you.
Would you recommend these attached ?
Or do you have another option?

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